I am going

'Talking to their werecat'

~Mind-link ~

Ryder's P.O.V.

Liam and Izzy both stare out me wide eyed making me realize that I shouted out loud. Though it seemed in my shock I had also jumped to my feet causing me to spill my fries all over the floor. Cursing at myself I quickly start to clean up the mess. 'What the hell do you mean mate?!'

'It means exactly what I said obviously. That the scent belongs to our mate.'

'That's impossible everyone knows that black lions are born without a mate due to the curse the Sun Goddess places on Erebus.'

'Well clearly it's possible because I know what I'm smelling, and I know what it is telling me.'

'And you are just now realizing this!'

'Well, it was hard to smell because someone let our nose get broken.'

'Are you seriously blaming that on me?'

'Well, if you had dodged when I told you it wouldn't have happened.'

I grumble at him as I continue to clean up the mess I made. "Um... Ryder did you say mate?"

I lift my head to look at Izzy and my brother as I sigh heavily. "Yes, I did."

"But I thought black lions were all born without a mate."

Putting the last of my spilt fries back into their container I set them of the coffee table next to my drink. "That's what I told Eclipse, but he is standing by what he said."

Running my hand through my hair I lean my head back as I let out a groan. As I am really starting to crave a cigarette due to the frustration and anxiety that this is already causing me. "Well do you remember where you caught his or her scent?"

"Yes, I do, and my mate is a she. I caught her scent was when I was waiting in the hallway while Izzy was getting moved to online classes."

"The halls where basically empty you didn't see her."

"No, I had just started to follow the scent when you came out."

"Oh, that explains why you looked kind of out of it when I came out."

"Yeah of course I didn't know why I was drawn to the scent at the time. Though now that I think about it."

I pause as I remember how I felt oddly drawn to the red headed woman who had been walking down the hall. Liam seems to recognize the look on my face. "You have something come on spill it out."

"It's probably nothing, but there was this woman that had caught my attention. I can't explain why though it is odd."

"That's probably because it was her. I mean that's sounds like when I meet Izzy for the first time. I just felt this pull to her and I couldn't explain it at first either till I realized she was my mate."

Izzy giggles as she smiles as she leans over and kisses him making him smile as well. While I playfully roll my eyes at their interaction. "Alright then Izzy do you know how many prides go to that college?"

"Hm I think not including our pride there are five other prides that go to the college."

"Okay then I know it's probably a long shot, but do you happen to know how many of them have a natural red head in their pride?"

At this Izzy actually perks up at this when I ask. "Actually, I do. Natural red heads are not as rare as you, but rare enough there are only three. One being the Sun heart pride, the Asra pride, and the Phoenix pride."

"Wait isn't the Phoenix pride the one who I am going to sign a treaty with tomorrow."

"Yes, it is, but you won't be signing the treaty now."

I can feel them both stare at me in shock as I take a long drink of my soda. Feeling their eyes still on me I glance up at I continue to slurp down some more of my soda. Pulling the straw out of my mouth I put my cup back down. "What?"

"Why won't I be signing the treaty anymore. I always sign the treaties in your place."

"Yes, that is true, but it won't be necessary this time."

"Hold up Ryder are you trying to say that you are actually going to go to the treaty signing with the Phoenix pride? But you never go to treaty signings."

"Yes, but we also never believed that I would have a mate either. I am not going to miss my chance to find her again. If she is in the Phoenix pride, then I want to at least be able to actually meet her at least once."

Liam nods understandingly as a large smile spreads across Izzy's face. As she starts to giggle excitedly like a child. I look at her with a raised eyebrow at her reaction. "What?"

"Oh, nothing I am just excited to meet my new sister-in-law."

I chuckle slightly as I roll my eyes. "That is if she accepts me as her mate. I am a black lion after all she could end up rejecting me just for that."

Liam grumbles at this when he hears me say this. While Izzy frowns at me and ends up throwing a chicken nugget at me. Which I catch with my mouth with ease as I eat it. "Stop with that negativity. Any girl would be lucky to have you as their mate. So don't put yourself down like that okay."

Knowing better then to argue with Izzy I just nod. "Okay okay you are right."

Grinning she nods as she smiles proudly. "I know I am."

Liam laughs as he watches us interact. Picking up one of my ruined fries I throw it at him. "What are you laughing at?"

"Ew, gross floor fry."

Grabbing it he tosses it onto the coffee table as if it carries some kind of disease. "Any way I was laughing at you."

"And why is that?"

"Because if you are going it means you are going to have to put a suit on."

At the mention of this I can't help but grumble as I hated formal wear. While Izzy on the other hand lights up as she quickly abandons her food. "Oh, you are right. Come on let's go."

Getting up she walks over to me while I look at her confused. "Um... Where are we going?"

"To your closet of course. Where else would we be going?"

"Okay why are we going to my closet then?"

"To pick out what you are going to wear obviously."

She sighs when she sees the confused look on not only my face, but Liam's as well. "I swear I don't know how you two managed before me. Now come on we have to find something that will work for you."

Knowing I won't be able to get out of it I get up as does Liam we all head to my room. "Why are you come with us?"

"I want to see if she can actually find something you will look good in. I mean she has her work cut out for her."

I give him a playful whack on the back of his head. "Oh, please you are one to talk."

"Alright boys you are both pretty, so knock it off."

We chuckle as Izzy opens my closet and vanishes inside. After a couple minutes she finally reemerges from my closet with several options. "Alright go change and I want to see each on."

"Alright then mom."

As I pick up the outfits, she grins letting out a small giggle. Heading into the bathroom I change into the first suit. Coming out in a dark blue suit with a tie I let Izzy take a look. Though I am not out for even two second till she shakes her head in disapproval. Going back into the bathroom I change into a light gray suit this time. But just like the first one it is quickly turned down as well. After getting three other suits are rejected, I come out in the last one it being an all-black suit. Coming out Izzy doesn't immediately reject this one like she has the last five. "Well, is this one good?"

"Hm almost."

Walking over to me she undoes my tie before removing it from my neck. Once I am free of it, she undoes the first button of my shirt. "There much better now. It suits you a lot better like this."

I give her a thankful smile as she knows how I feel about having things wrapped around my neck. "Hm seems my beautiful mate can work miracles."

I roll my eyes and laugh when Izzy throws my tie at his face. "I mean she is your mate, so she has to be a miracle worker."

Liam grins at this till he realize what I meant by that. "Hey!"