'Talking to their werecat'
~Mind-link ~
Lilith's P.O.V.
Waking up I let out a groan as I bury my face into my pillow. Though my face doesn't stay there long when a mouthwatering smell sneaks its way into my room. It makes my stomach growl and giving me the motivation, I need to get out of bed. Slipping on my slippers I quickly make my bed before heading to the kitchen. Where I find Kate making my favorite peanut butter chip banana pancakes. "Alright what did you do?"
Flipping a pancake Kate looks at me in shock. "What I can't just do something nice for my best friend and roommate by making pancakes."
"No cause normally you make them when you are trying to soften me up for something."
Knowing that she is caught she lets out a huff crossing her arms as sarcasm leaks into her words. "I hope you know you wound me deeply with your words."
"Don't worry it is deeply noted, so what are you trying to butter me up for?"
Turning off the stove off she puts our breakfast on plates. Placing mine in front of me I am greeted by the smell of the pancakes. Along with crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, peanut butter toast, strawberries, as well as a cup of coffee just the way I like it. Glancing the small feast in front of me I look up at her as my stomach growls loudly demanding loudly. I pick up my fork and look at her with a raised eyebrow. "Well?"
Sitting down she caves and spills. "I made it because you are going shopping with me today. I know you hate shopping, so consider this your bribe."
Grinning I take a bite into the warm pancakes. "Hm, I have considered your bribe and have decided to accept your offering."
We both snicker at our antics as we dig into our breakfast. Kate having luckily made extra as I ended up getting a second plate as despite my size, I eat like I have a black hole for a stomach. When we do both finally eat our fill, we both head to our rooms to go get ready for the day. Grabbing a pair of dark jeans and a dark green t-shirt I quickly throw them on. Once dressed I brush out the mess that is my hair putting it up in a high ponytail. While I debate whether or not to do my make up today. In the end I decide to put on some light make up. Putting on some mascara and eyeliner I pair it with some natural toned make up. As I didn't feel like trying to stand out or do anything crazy today. After finishing up the finally touches I slip on a pair of heeled boots as I didn't want to look too weird by trying on dresses in convers.
Grabbing my wallet and phone I leave my room and wait for Kate in the living room. As she takes a little longer than I do to get ready. Sitting on the sofa I scroll through my apps till I find dragon city. Even though it is an old game I enjoy it very much as I got into it when I was fourteen. Once I got away from Dante and I got a phone I got back into the game. It having become sort of a stress reliever of sorts for me. Collecting food from my farms I feed my new dragons leveling them up. Which is when Kate finally walking into the living room ready to go. "Ready?"
Exiting my game, I glance over at her as I get up and put my phone away. "As ready as I'll ever be."
Kate chuckles and grabs her keys as we head to the door. Once she unlocks the car door I hop in as she turns on the engine. While I put on my seatbelt Katie flips through the radio channels till, she finds one that she likes. Turning the volume up a bit she throws on her shades and buckles up before driving off. Looking out the window I watch the buildings flash by as we listen to classic rock music.
When we finally get to the mall, we are lucky enough to find a parking spot close to the entrance. Getting out once we park Kate loops her arm with mine as we head inside. Heading straight to the first dress store we start our search in finding me a dress for the signing ceremony that is today. Looking through the many racks filled to the brim with dresses we are unable to find anything.
After a couple more stores that end in failure, we decide to take a break and head to the food court. While Kate goes to get something from Panda Express, I head to Auntie Anne's. Getting myself a large lemonade along with some pretzel bites and a pretzel dog I find us a table to sit at. While I wait for Kate to join me at the table, I start to snack on my pretzel bites. When she finally joins me with her kung pao chicken in hand. As we eat, we talk about the shops that we have been too. "I don't know if we are going to be able to find a dress in time. I mean we have been to what four stores already."
"Five shops actually and don't lose hope we aren't done yet we have one more store left."
I look at her with a raised eyebrow before popping a pretzel bite into my mouth. "I stand by my case then."
Huffing at me Kate points her chopsticks at me. "You know you are far too pessimistic. We will find you a dress to wear if it's the last thing I do."
Chuckling at her I hold up my hand in surrender. "Alright then we better finish up our food then."
Nodding in agreement we both quickly finish up our lunch before heading to the last dress shop. Looking around the shop it quickly starts to look like we aren't going to find a dress here. That is until Kate who had wandered off calls out to me to join her. "Lil, I think I found your dress."
I head over to her finding her grinning as she holds a dress poorly hidden behind her back. As I can see flashes of dark green fabric sway out from behind her. "Alright let me see it then."
Giggling excitedly, she shows me the dress it being a dark forest green. It being covered in a thin layer of black tool covering it. "What do you think?"
"I don't know..."
"Oh, come on green is, so your color at least try it on for me please."
Rolling my eyes, I groan in surrender as I hold out my hand for her to give me the dress. "Alright alright give me the dress."
Perking up excitedly Kate happily hands me the dress as we then head to the changing room. Going into one of the many empty changing rooms I lock the door behind me. Throwing off my clothes and my shoes I put the dress on zipping it up as much as I can without help. The dress stopping just below my knees. It not being too tight as the skirt of the dress is very flowy not making me feel, so constricted. Unlocking the door, I step out, so that I can show Kate. "I need help zipping it all the way, but what do you think?"
"I love it here turn around, so that I can zip it up fully."
Turning around, so that my back is facing Kate letting her zip it up and secure the clasp for me. "Thank you."
"Of course, now go look at yourself in the mirror."
Chuckling I walk over to the mirror I can't help but smile when I look at myself in the mirror. "Hold up I got to fix one thing."
I glance at Kate who is now standing by my side a bit confused by what she means. Reaching up she carefully removes the hair tie from my hair causing my wavy red locks to come spilling down. Fixing my hair, a bit she smiles as she nods seeming satisfied with her work she steps out of the way of the mirror. "There we go. I feel like it is missing something though. Maybe a necklace or something."
Looking in the mirror my hand goes to my bare neck. "I think I have a necklace perfect for it."
"Oh, so that means that you are going to get it then?"
"Yeah, this is, so my dress after all."
Chuckling I take my hair tie back from her and put if back up into a ponytail. Since the mirror is right here as there wasn't one in the dressing room for some reason. Once I have my hair up properly, I head back to the changing room to put my clothes back on. Shutting the door behind me I lock it and quickly change into my regular clothes. Hanging up the dress properly on hanger I make sure to zip up the dress before coming out. Taking it to the register I am about to pay when Kate taps her card against the card reader before I can. "Kate!"
Kate only grins at me sweetly as she grabs the bag and hands it to me. "Don't give me that look Lil it's not like I can't afford it. Just consider it my treat for coming with me to the treaty signing ceremony."
Taking the bag from her hand I grumble slightly as I am still apprehensive about people buying thing for me. Now that I have a dress Kate and I head back to the car. Heading straight home to relax for a bit before we have to get ready for the ceremony.