Enya opened the door and saw Philip standing in front of her. For some reason, she doubted the thought that Philip came to visit her but when he asked for permission to come in, she was surprised but allowed him in.

"Looks like you are free." He said with a smile.

"You hardly ever visit me, what changed?" She asked.

"I want to talk."

Enya looked at him and sighed. "Alright then, I will be back, I need to finish up in the kitchen...and change."

Philip nodded and she left for the kitchen while he sat down on the sofa. He looked around the sitting room. He had actually missed her during his stay in Canada. For whatever reason, she was always in his mind no matter how much he tried to forget her.

Enya came out and sat down on another sofa in front of him. "What exactly do you want?" She wasn't smiling.

"You were right. I am...not being so friendly by keeping my problems to myself. I'm sorry..."

"So what would you like to tell me?"