A few days later, Philip got a call from one of the men working for his father, whose name was Ryan.

"Yes, I have a final compilation of the result you might need...your father was in contact with a man called Greg might need to see the result yourself."

"Okay. I will be there." Philip said and hung up immediately. He sighed and looked at his watch, it was thirty minutes to midnight.

As Philip drove to meet the man, he got a call from Olivia.


"Philip, I think you might know this person."


"I visited Martins and he told me that someone named Grand Foxx approached him and offered a deal."

Philip's hands tensed on the wheel and his heart beat faster with anger.

"You know him?"

"What else did he say about Grand?"

"He only said that Grand offered him a deal to cause you to harm in exchange for the money to cure his father's sickness. It's like Grand betrayed him after he was arrested...I plan to find him and disguise myself."