"you know I feel pity for him." David told Théoden who sat beside him on the couch.

"You can't use gun for a while now." He continued.

"Unlike you I'm not a serial killer, I'll switch my weapon to a knife."

"Hmm " he smiled. serial killer Movie played on the projector as they made them selves comfortable in the couch. Théoden's head resting on David's shoulder.

"You miss your mother, don't you?" David asked facing him.

He lifted his shoulder to show confusion but the truth was he did. With every kill he did he felt pity for the victim but that's how it works he thought.

He grabbed the phone from his side to check the time.


Just when the movie was about to end the door burst open. In rushed Noah breathing almost fine not looking feared of getting cought.

"Ah, here's my niece." David looked excited.

"Hi bro." David is almost the age of Noah just a year older. He stood up to give him the hug.

"Though you made me go to the jail but I got my revenge before ahead so it's even." He told Théoden.

As he patted his back.

"Aren't police after you?" David asked.

"Nah, and if they are they won't expect me to hide in my own house but if they make a visit here I'll be good." he told him as he sat on the couch for a single person.

Estella had to visit her brother so she drove to her home in like the previous time she preferred her car. He didn't have to stay cause he had to attend an important meeting and had to fly to Florida.

After they had the final rehearsal before the event she got her self in the bed under her soft sheets.

Not knowing what to watch on the phone she drifted to sleep.

Dara had gone to attend birthday party of her youngest step brother she invited Estella to join her but she politely let down her offer saying she was tired and had a big day tomorrow.

"I'll be off." Dara blew a kiss at her before she left for her house.

"Bye, stay safe."

Estella was asleep as she dreamed of her mother.

"Mom, why isn't dad here yet." Four years small Estella asked her mother.

"He'll be here in five." She replied as her voice trembled. tears forming in her eyes. Knowing he won't ever return.

"You should get to sleep he'll be in your room to give you a good night kiss."

"But mom, I want to hug him and give him a kiss too." She spoke innocently not knowing he is being buried six feet under the ground.

"Mom, why are you crying." She asked worried look on her face.

"It's nothing darling, I love you."

"So don't cry." Baby Estella wiped her mother's tear with her small hands.

"Mom you are lying, he's dead." Estella screamed still a sleep.

"Mom I have to meet my dad." She shouted again In her sweat beaded her face.

There was a click at the door and it pushed open. He walked in and kneeled down his knees pushed against the marble floor .

He put his hand on her forehead

"it's okay." he comforted her with a sweet voice. "I'm here." He patted her she begun to get normal.

After she was good he lifted the sheet up to her shoulders placed a kiss on her head and left the room.

In the morning all students were getting ready for the show and celebration.

"Have you seen a roller." Dara shouted trying to hold back her hairs. "what are you doing my snow White ?hurry up." Dara spoke as she fixed her robe.

"Yes." Her voice was soft.


She layed on her glass coffin as the dwarfs grieved upon her death. Tense felling spread over the audience. The prince arrived leaned in closer to kiss the maiden.

She slowly opened her eyes to see Théoden inches away from her. Her heart beating faster than ever ,she was feeling what she never felt. butterflies flying in her stomach. As her lips parted to form a slight smile.

"How could I lose …" Théoden was cut of by the crowds cheer. Her eyes held a questionable look but he smiled at her and helped her get up from the coffin and bow to the audience.