Théoden sat in his room as he held his mother's diary and a letter she left for him that he never opened.

"I guess it's time mom." He opens the envelope he had been keeping for years.

Dear Théoden,

I know I won't be here when you get this letter. And I'm so sorry my son that I couldn't keep you safe. I see you have grown to be young and handsome. I wish your dad could see you and be proud of you. I told Noah to take good care of you and I hope he is.

You weren't even in the world yet when your father died. He didn't even know that I was expecting a baby.

I wanted a beautiful life with my small family but that's when things are getting wrong your father left without notice and soon I'll be with him in heaven. My only mistake was to marry a normal human being. I belonged to the family of the murder. yet I had a heart of a hare that I never killed someone.

I know you won't be like me. when you grow up you'll seek revenge for your parents.

After your father died a family of his visited me. I became scared with every second I spent on the world. I sent Noah to a boarding school so he could get far away from the danger as for you, you were too small to be sent away maybe you'll regret my decision of keeping you by my side cause I have a feeling that ill die in your arms.

Son don't cry you're strong, I'm also not crying.

(Her tears smudged the words.)

You know you both were born without marriage and we were gonna get married but your father left just a week ago. And I know who killed him. Your grandfather was furious with me for falling in love with a human.

Ahh, what I'm talking to you?

I love you my little Théoden.

Your dear mom.

Tear's blurred his eyes.

"I'm not crying mom it's just water in my eyes." He blinked back his tears.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Yes." And in walked Noah Gray.

"Bro." He sat beside him as he took the letter from his hand.

"I have one too." He told him." you miss mom, don't you?" A smirk appeared on his face filled with pain and sadness.

"Yes." Noah pulled him in a side hug.

"I just came here to tell you to stay away from David."


"You'll know when the time comes."

"But I want to know right now." He shouted.

"Little brother, it better not to know things before ahead." Saying this he left the room.

Noah sat in his study as he wrote a letter to his mom.

Dear mom,

You're little Théoden is very aggressive. I told him to stay away from uncle David but he inquires an explanation to my statement.

He is too young to know the truth.

To be honest you don't know how much pain it gives me when I hold myself back from killing the person who snatched my mom away from me.

I know I don't have the blood like you and my little brother but I still belong to the family of the murder. What happened to dad wasn't your fault but you didn't deserve a painful death.

I'll give him a death that will be enlisted in the most painful deaths in history.

My anger boils in every vain of my body when I see him smile. He does not deserve to be happy.

Your both sons miss you a lot. (smiles) you know Théoden was crying today cause he feels very alone. Maybe you'd be here to hug us and tell every this is gonna be fine.

I regret that I wasn't there the person who shoots you. If I were there I would probably come in between and get that bullet in my chest instead of you. So today They won't be feeling deserted.

You know I shot him in the shoulder. I am guilty that I hurt him just for a mere girl.

Mom what will happen if one day ill be gone too, who will take care of our baby Theoden.