A Wish: Eon

In the lay of time I birthed, before light and darkness came to be I was there. Before I created the stars, the sky you so love was barren. The worlds you have imagined created by my thoughts— everything that has given you power and dreams is of my conception. Yet this is how it ends. As you wish, your story will carry on. Giant with a heart.

There he sat. On the edge of the mountain covered in a cloak. His eyes absorbed the sights he could never grow tired of. The clouds above, the seas sparking below that held no object in the distance and the rings of the world. Dancing around the planet in a slow rhythm as the moons watched from the heavens. Gazing into it all. Making a wish on a new day. In those moments he felt-

"I feel different," Eon murmured with a shudder of confidence and excitement.

"The rings and sea look brighter, the waves are louder I can almost feel their lightning." He turned his head with a wondrous smile to the woman behind him.

"Something is different Mya! I feel it!" His feet tapped the ground like a rabbit in winter.

"Feel whatever you want down at the campfire Eon. It's time for breakfast." Mya demanded with a sincere smile, as she cupped his face and planted a loving kiss on his forehead.

"Happy birthday Eon." Her words only ever felt like warm honey to him.

Eon rose to swing his cloak into his offhand. His shoulders stood broader than the previous day. He stretched back his arms and yawned the light now covering his dark skin. Loud enough to be heard from the peak of the mountain. Beaming at Mya he wrapped her into his arms lifting her with ease.

"Thank you very much, my dear Mya." She rolled her eyes at him and returned a soft smile as the embrace came to an end.

Eon reaching to his back gripped his now X-shaped three-part staff. Replacing its position with Mya. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs across his stomach. He planted one end of his staff lifting himself and Mya, alternating between ends like a mountain goat's legs. Traveling their way down the rocky mountain Eon sighed.

"I just hope Amun is okay."

Mya looked at him quizzically though he could not see her eyes.

"Who?" she questioned.

Eon had told his village for years about the friend he met some years back. A small boy, not much younger than him in tattered clothing. He spoke no words but carried a warm smile and a small totem. They had only known each other for mere days. Though in those short days Eon had felt he never met someone so genuine. Recounting the day they split with a grimace he slowly gained back his smile.

"A friend, we promised to meet again someday." Eon said with renewed hope.

"That's good sweetie." Mya said softly as she felt his cheek.

"That day may come sooner than you think." Mya's face wore a saddened expression, nearly dropping a tear into Eon's hair.

The trek coming to its end, Mya dismounted from Eon's back and the village came into view. A small village that resided on black sand. Its huts made of woven leaf roofs and stone walls.

A giant ditch lay in the middle. Filled with white-hot charcoal and burning wood surrounded by piled stones. Eon looked to the coast of the island, happy to see an older burly man with long dreadlocks to his hips. He held twined rope made of leaves tied around the end of a small log as he lassoed it to the sea. Allowing the log to catch a few sparks of lightning above the surface of the water before yanking it back to shore.

"Dante!" Eon shouted in excitement as he waved. Dante had taught Eon everything he knew about crafting.

The sparked log landed in the flaming pit and Dante raised his head, "Eon! I hear it's your birthday! It's good to see you haven't broken your passion project yet!" He exclaimed with a boisterous laugh.

Rushing to his mentor Eon left Mya to tend to her duties. She exchanged a knowing look with Dante, his face carried a silent message of understanding.

Before Eon took notice of the exchange Dante's smile reappeared. As they approached each other their arms reached out. Each gripped the other's forearm as they pulled in for a strong hug and pats on the back.

After releasing each other Dante's posture began to fold with a chuckle, "Damn young man, since when were you so strong? Might throw out this old mans back if you aren't careful."

Dante patted Eon's shoulder and smirked at him.

"I'm just kidding, I'm not that old yet. Really though Eon, happy birthday. I think you'll love the gift I have for you." Dante's words filled Eon with anticipation. He believed there was nothing those hands could not make.

Eon chuckled at the gesture and tapped Dante's shoulder in return. Making their way towards the fire pit Eon waved at the younger villagers playing on the beach.

A young teenage boy with soot dotted across his face approached the two and asked, "Eon what are you getting for your birthday?"

"No clue Polka, where's your mom though? I want to ask her something." Eon asked his young friend.

The boy smiled at his nickname. He never grew tired of the childish side of Eon, and Eon never failed to entertain Polka. They gave each other unadulterated company and acceptance.

"She's bringing in her haul of firewood for tomorrow. She should be at our hut by now. You looking for some training? I've been getting better, I'm even stronger since last month!" Polka rambled on excitedly.

Eon rubbed Polka's short-haired head entertained by his ecstatic nature.

"Nah no fights today, I just wanted to ask her why your head is so damn big." Eon laughed until Dante hit his shoulder.

"Mya taught you how to talk better than that. If he picks up on your speech there is no saving you from Reyna."

A shiver traveled Eon's spine as he stared at his hands mapped by scars.

"I still remember her, extensive training for my fists against Mount Zeha." His teeth clattered.

Though Reyna was unforgiving and rough, she cared for Eon. Anytime he was injured she tended to his wounds. Whether said wounds originated from her training or Eon cut his hands experimenting with stones he had found.

"I will never approve of how willing she is to break your body, but her determination is something to be admired." Dante would constantly remind Eon to not falter due to pain. Even in the hands of a behemoth.

'Power to the soul', Eon thought warmly of this phrase. It had been the motto taught to him by his caretakers.

As the trio made their way to the fire pit Eon took notice of the mountain of a woman carrying whole logs to her hut. He approached quietly behind her attempting a surprise hello.

"If you try to scare me Eon, I will toss these logs at you and chase you up and down this island until your feet bleed." Reyna calmly and coldly exerted before stopping.

Pivoting off her back foot as if the logs were sticks to her she faced Eon with a smirk. "So, if you're ready to run for your life on your birthday. I suggest you try it."

Eon chuckled in defeat as he stood down. Walking to her he hugged her waist while she held his abdomen. She gave a strong hug lifting him off his feet, causing Eon to let out a sharp gasp.

"Reyna- my lungs…" He exhaled.

Reyna bellowed a laugh that shook the ground as she released him.

"If a soft hug is enough to take you out I've failed as a teacher. Or you have weak lungs." She placed her free hand on her hip and smirked, "Me being a fantastic teacher, I'll choose to believe the latter."

A monster of a woman she was.

Eon took the moment of freedom to express his concerns.

"Reyna, what's going on with Mya and Dante? Something feels off about them today." Eon questioned. A feeling of uncertainty sunk in after Reyna's response.

"The weather is… very intense today. The sun is as hot as it's ever been and the waves are roaring with lightning past the coast. Even old Mount Zeha is stirring." Her expression saddened as she went on.

"Maybe us adults are just uneasy at the fact that we're getting old. You're a man today Eon. You'll be taking on the world soon. I think it's normal for us to feel this way." Eon took notice of a tear streaming slowly down the face of his friend and mentor.

Taking his hand he cleaned the tear away as she looked at him.

"I'll be taking it on with all of you. Remember the ship we built? Dante was bugging me yesterday to help him name it." The two chuckled as she wiped his hand away from her face.

Reyna returned to her solemn tone, "We will always be here for you Eon, but we won't be around forever."

"Then we'll have to make the most of what we've got." Eon was uneasy at her sentiment but kept a smile for her regardless.

'Something isn't right', He thought.

His internal debate was cut short with a smack to the shoulder.

"Get to breakfast I'll be there in five. Don't let Dante forget your present is from both of us okay? The big bastard will get too wrapped up in his making it that he'll forget who gave him the idea." Reyna's eyes could not hide her emotions.

Eon let off a half-hearted smile. He had been able to tell when the people of his village were feeling a hidden emotion before, but the sense he was getting today felt, real. A cold and wet feeling was coming intensely from the air surrounding Reyna.

'Does she feel guilty?' Eon thought.

"Before I go I wanted to talk to you about something." Eon steadied his breath to not worry her with his concern.

Eon's hands rose as he looked at his palms. "My body feels weird today. I feel lighter but stronger, I think. My senses are going crazy too. The air around me just feels weird. It's overstimulating ."

Reyna responded, "I'll give you a check-up after breakfast if you want, but you look healthier than ever in my eyes."

Eon smiled and nodded in confirmation then began walking away. The sinking feeling did not leave him. All of the air was a cold drudge.

Finally arriving at the flaming pit in the village center Eon took a seat. The younger and older villagers gathered as they sat and smiled at Eon all wishing him a happy birthday. Small trinkets from the adults and stones from the children. All things he had received before but he smiled regardless.

Mya stood across from him handing out filled bowls of fish vegetable soup, coconut water, and milk to drink. As she made her way towards Eon she paused, keeping his bowl.

"Say it in Drakken." She said sternly.

He did.

She smiled, "Now in Lanvian."

Again he asked for his meal in the suggested tongue. This was a studious game they played, a language per ingredient.

"Good job, I'll take it easy on you today." She handed Eon his bowl taking a seat next to him.

The village cheered and sang over breakfast celebrating Eon.

The earlier chill had yet to leave him. Throughout the entire meal an aura of guilt emitted from all the villagers. Even the children.

As the meal concluded Reyna stood, "I hear you're worried about me." Reyna's face wore a mask. A loving smile.

'Guilt.' Eon thought.

"Reyna, you feel guilty about something. All of you do even the children. What are you not telling me?" Eon interrogated holding her hand.

There had never been a secret between the two, at least none he could remember. After all, she was a mother to him. Though every parent has their secrets and reasons.

She squeezed his hand and radiated a different aura than before. It was no longer completely cold and groggy. Now there was a hot and abrasive addition to the air around her.

Her face grew an expression he had never seen before.

'Rage? What could make her so mad?'

Eon caught a whisper leaving her mouth, "I wish we could last, damn her."

"What are you talking about Mya? What are you all keeping from me and who are you talking about?" Eon stood in confusion and worry.

"Every time I would bring up Amun, you all acted like you had no idea who I was talking about. Now you bring up some person and everyone feels guilty about something. Is this about my dad?" He looked into her eyes.

'Please, I need an answer.' He thought to himself.

"Not a person." Reyna's words were quick and cold. "That thing is not a person." Eon had only grown more confused.

How could he not? Mya was very vague.

Her hands were trembling and suddenly the mountain behind them had begun to rumble violently. The seas shook the skies with their roars and electrical storms. The clouds dissipated and were replaced with bursting fields of flame.

The villagers' eyes darted towards Mya as they rose in panic. Feet scampered the sand. Mount Zeha, the mountain that had cast an eternal shadow on their little island suddenly began to erupt. The ground below began to split and waves crashed violently into the coast.

Eon's senses went awry— his lungs burnt as they panicked, his eyes could not stay trained, his heart was like drums. The aura in the air was heavy and electric. It felt like a thousand mountains imbued with lightning stood on his shoulders. Everything was blaring.


'I'm going to die.'

In the split moment where everything had gone wrong as he stood frozen, Mya's voice reached him.
