Welcome to dirt and blood

I have felt dreaming. I have seen how green fields get covered in red by blossoming flower. But next second land that was blooming with life turned into scorched earth covered in endless trench lines.

I was floating above the battlefield when I got felt forcefully pulled from sky towards one of the trenches. I saw young man laying unconscious, his helmet had a small crack right in the middle made by a small piece of metal shell. There was blood leaking from his head and his breathing was getting irregular. It felt like he was dying and just next moment he stopped breathing I was launched at him.

" Ah crap what the hell is going? This is the shittiest and weirdest dream I have seen in a while" - I started muttering feeling groggy. But next second when I started looking at my hands I realised that those hands and even my body is not mine. First of all it felt fresher and younger as I am back when I was a teen. Secondly, I had my favourite middle finger back! I lost it during one hilarious but a dangerous moment and missed it every time I wanted to express my utter disagreement to someone.

I wanted to continue checking my "new" body but I got yelled by unknown man in uniform.

" Stand up Akela and get back in fight you useless shit. And stop pretending you are wounded. If I wont see you up and firing I will shove up my drilling stick up your arse to make..."

I don't know what he wanted to say next as we heard someone yelling about incoming enemy attack. My body almost automatically got into firing position. In my hands was old bolt-action rifle you see in movies about wars of the past. I started aiming towards incoming enemy soldiers. I will analyse my situation later I need to survive this attack in a first place.

The moment I saw enemy soldier running towards me and prepared to fire strange crosshair appeared. It followed my rifle aim so I just considered it be similar to those gamer interfaces used in shooter games.

While I was dealing with HUD enemy got closer and I had to fire without much aiming hoping only for luck and crosshair. Bullet hit the enemy and fallen down in just 50 meters away from my position. I quickly reloaded a rifle shoving in a new bullet as my rifle turned out to be single shot rifle. Damn, that's annoying but its still better than those old rifles where you had to load bullet and gunpowder separately.

After few seconds I was ready and started aiming at next enemy and pulled a trigger taking him down. I was able to repeat such action few times until enemies finally reached trenches and bloody melee started.

I have barely evaded enemy bayonet attack and fall on my back. Luckily rifle was still in my hands ready to fire so I just shot at enemy killing him on instant as I got myself a headshot. I wanted to reload rifle but out of nowhere another enemy soldier appeared near me trying to hit me using small hatchet. Having nothing else to do I blocked using my rifle and enemy cut it half. I have started panicking but then I saw shovel next to me and used it as weapon hitting enemy. Strength of attack was so big that shovel got stuck into his body. I wanted to get my life shaving shovel back but right that moment I heard strange sound and next moment artillery bombardment started. Last thing I remember before losing consciousness is strange writing appeared before my eyes stating - COMBAT SYSTEM ACTIVATED.

"Hah now I remember. Welcome to dirt and blood" - I muttered before succumbing to darkness.

Now I remember how I end up in that situation.


It was another boring day, I was playing another round in online game shooting, killing and sometimes humiliating enemies in revenge for killing me. Live, die and repeat.

Just the moment I planned to kill some campers using my newly unlocked kukri electricity went off. I got very angry as I lost my chance to punish those bastards that ruined my score that I hit my keyboard. After venting my anger and frustration I took my cigarettes and went outside to check circuit box to find out what was the cause of abrupt power cut.

Getting outside of my house and having a look I realised that I am not the only one who has problems with electricity. Whole block was covered in darkness and people blaming energy supplier for shit-level service and poor maintenance works.

Realising that this will last for quite a while I decided to visit nearest 24/7 corner shop. Ten minutes walk and I am there choosing which coffee can to buy. Should I get smooth caramel latte and enjoy mild energy boost or should I go for espresso and overly energize at possible cost of early heart attack?

Alright I will go for sweet caramel latte and cherry flavoured cigarettes. In case I can always can come back and get espresso or even energy drink for boost.

I lighted a cigarette and started walking back home sipping coffee when I saw rapidly accelerating truck driving right towards me. It was too close for to dodge and the moment I realised that I was only able to mutter one word.

" Motherfuc...." and bright light was last thing I saw.

"..ker" - I opened my eyes and have found out myself standing in building resembling bureaucratic office from 60s and 70s. People were running around with papers and yelling each other while making phone calls.

Damn, this is one strange hallucination of afterlife I have here. I have expected something more like traditional with gates to heaven and Saint Peter judging me while reading my bio.

" You there stop blocking the way and come here" - man dressed like typical white collar and facial looks of stock broker after cocaine shot yelled at.

" Another soul waiting to be processed here send him to customer service department ASAP" - he ordered one of his colleagues. I was quickly guided to the office which said " Afterlife customer service office N****************" on it.

Inside of it was sitting man whose outlook reminded me of those stereotypes about programmers and system administrators. Big glasses check. Moustache check. 80s hairstyle check. Ashtray full of cigarette ends. Check.

" Apologies for delay. We have a bit of catastrophe and crunch session here. If you wait for a little bit I will sort out your life" - said man chugging coffee from 1 litre mug and typing something on old computer.

" Hah I guess in my situation I have all the time of the world. Don't you mind at least to explain what happened to cause such commotion?"

He looked at me for few seconds before uttering one word - STRIKE

" What do you mean strike? Did some unknown evil being attacked you or something?"

After hearing my words he started laughing and told me that they have to deal with strike of their soul transportation specialists - Truck-kuns.

" Those bastards want more holidays and pay rise. Since they failed negotiating with HQ they went on strike. But instead of just making a rally they decided to overflow us with workload and started playing bowling by striking a lot of souls before their due dates. Now all offices have to deal with constantly rising flow of souls."

Hahaha, I have to say those guys have found one hell of a way to get their demands but couldn't they pick someone else.

So I had to sit down and weight until poor lad finally will be able to help me. After about 10 minutes he finally got my profile info and started analysing it.

" I have to say that you didn't commit too many bad things and have reasonably good score although it still too low for heaven and reincarnation. However due to the fact that you have died too early and due to malpractice of our truck-kun I can provide you option with reincarnation and certain bonus as compensation."

I wanted to ask to bring me back to my world but then I realised that there I will continue with my boring and ordinary life. Why not use this opportunity and try to make something bigger out of my life instead of grey boredom of yuppie life.

"If you have read my profile you must remember that I played certain games set in WWI times. Is it possible to reincarnate in similar world. Also can I have a system similar to HUD and etc used in that game?"

He started typing something on his computer and checking something in big book next to him. Finally after few minutes he finished.

" Yeah we can organise that for you. Also as bonus we will provide COMBAT oriented system with AI. As providing only features you mentioned will take much longer than just providing you mass-produced system with military focus."

" However are you sure you want to go to world with such situation? Wars and long-lasting conflicts" - he asked with questioning grimace.

" But also times of great achievements and changes. Filled with moments that shaped the future for next few centuries to come" - I replied remembering how colossal were the changes to the world and society during those times.

" Can we also skip part of me being a baby and all of that, I doubt that I will enjoy being unable to take care of myself for few years." - I wondered.

" Let me check" said he and started working on computer again.

" Our prognostic service identified one body that suits your requirements. Just 18 years old and without any disabilities also he is already involved in conflict so you can start your path of combat almost immediately"

" That's great. Can I go right now?"

" Yeah yeah. Thank you for cooperation and again I apologise for inconveniences caused by our staff"

" Nevermind. Actually I must say thank you for that truck-kun for such great opportunity he give me."

" Hmmm I will pass your words to him. Now its time to go" with a click of a mouse he send me off.

* End of Flashback*

I woke up still laying down in stinky and dirty trench covered in blood and mud. Despite that I was smiling.

" Well hello o brave new world. Show what you got ! HAHHAHA! - I shouted out and laughed.