
After I was finally awake and started to move soldiers with red cross on helmets appeared near me. They performed basic check and started tending my wounds inside one of the bunkers. Except some scratches and minor headache I was in perfect shape. Even that wound on my head that killed previous owner of this body turned into irritating scratch.

I have been told to take a rest and not touch bandaged wounds since I may get dirt in it. Great joke lads, in trenches you will get dirty anyway the only difference is how fast. I took this time to get myself used with system since first user experience was quite short and limited.

" System" - I muttered trying to be silent as possible as if someone will hear me talking to myself may start thinking that I am psycho and sent me to place with soft walls and muscular nurses and I doubt that it will be one of those where adult movies made.

" Host I am your COMBAT system. Initialisation process was completed only few minutes ago and now I can help you" - said manly robot voice.

" For making it easier for you I have been adapting features and outline used in games from your previous world."

" Ok. That's good. Now show me my status"

*STATUS* info tab appeared right in front of my eyes.

Name - Akela Luna.

Level - 0 ( 100%)

Health - Good ( minor wounds)


Strength - Weak

Agility - Weak

Endurance - Weak

Perception - Weak

Intellect - Weak


Pistols and Revolver - 10/100

Rifles - 13/100

Machine Guns - 1/100

Grenades - 10/100

Hand to Hand combat - 10/100

First Aid - 5/100

Explosive - 5/100


- None -

Well to sum it up I am useless and weak cannon fodder. I am standard edition noob. Shit, couldn't they at least send me to someone not so weak and fragile?

" System I see level is at 100% so I can get level up? "

" Yes, you have succeeded in defeating enemies and experience gained was considered enough. Do you want to level up?"

" Yeah how it looks like?"

" 1 Perk Selection and 1 Gacha try"

" Haha not too bad but that Gacha thing makes me uncomfortable. I hope they are not as evil as in my previous world. Anyway lets go, we don't have much time left here.

" Perk Selection initiated. Please choose wisely"

Ok, lets have a look what we got here.

- Steady hands - eases aiming process

- Fast fingers - faster reloading

- Strong grip - decreases chance of losing weapon during melee

- Good throw - allows to throw grenades with better aim

- Nerves of steel - decreases chance of panic and overall negative psychological impact.

Hmm there are some nice and useless perks. But I already know which one to pick.

" I pick Nerves of steel" - I replied to system. Yeah, no matter how good is your aim or fast you reload, when you panic and scared so badly that you shit yourself it doesn't matter.

" Acknowledged. Now please use your one try at Gacha "- replied system.

Alright. But I noted for myself that in future I need to find some lucky charm for lucky draws.

Small box appeared in front of me which I opened and inside of it I have found a pair of woollen socks.

" Are you fucking kidding me?" - how out of all things I ended up with this thing. How the hell I am expected to fight enemies with it? Don't wash it for few weeks until it turns into biological weapon or wet them and use as humiliation tool on POWs?

After few minutes I calmed down and just shoved socks inside my rucksack. Maybe I can trade them for something more useful.

" Right. System I need info about skills and stats. How can I improve them?" - I asked system.

" Host there mainly two ways, practice and defeating enemies. Practice is safer but slower option while fighting enemies riskier but more rewarding. However there is also chance to get particular rewards from Gacha that can boost your stats and skills."

"Hmm alright. I have expected something like this. Do I get access to inventory or something like this?"

" Yes, at the moment you have minor inventory space for 20 items. There is compression option for certain items such as bullets, 100 bullets take up 1 space in inventory."

" Good, do I also get regeneartion bonus?"

" Yes, you have minor regeneration bonus which speeds up your healing and recovery. It can be further improved in future by using right perks or Gacha items."

" Amazing."

" However this regeneration bonus works only outside of combat. Also regeneration of lost body parts takes longer."

" Shit, but still better than nothing, do I also get map and positioning info like GPS?"

" At the moment only as far as your eyesight host. Similar to regeneration it can be improved using perks and Gacha items"

" Huh, probably I just want too much, in the end I am still a noob. Alright lets call it a day. I need a rest" - I told system whilst trying to get comfy in folding bed.

" As you wish host" - replied system closing all information tabs and windows.

Let's hope that next day will be brighter and better.