Level ups and report

"Congratulations Host. You have achieved level 5. Also you have unlocked "Night Raider I" achievement. Do you want to level up now?"

" Not yet. First let me check my stats and skills progress."

Next second screen with my info showed up.

Name - Akela Luna.

Level - 5 ( 10%)

Health - Good ( minor wounds and tiredness)


Strength - Weak

Agility - Weak

Endurance - Weak

Perception - Weak

Intellect - Weak


Pistols and Revolver - 10/100

Rifles - 24/100

Machine Guns - 1/100

Grenades - 10/100

Hand to Hand combat - 15/100

First Aid - 5/100

Explosive - 18/100


- Nerves of steel -

Hmm I have made some good progress but need to clarify few things first with system.

" System isn't my skill progress too rapid or something. Not that I am not happy with it but feels a bit weird and fishy" - chuckled I at the end.

" Host, you have showed good performance and used your skills efficiently so such progress is not a surprising one. However you must understand that further progress will be much slower as reaching a top will require much more."

" Ah yeah, there is always a catch."

"You can say so. Reaching 25/100 is reasonably easy while reaching 50/100 will require at minimum double the effort while reaching 75/100 will require even more. Also simply grinding will not give good progress. By having truly challenging situations will allow you progress further."

" And I just planned to relax my ass and just start giving headshots after reaching level 100. Anyway it still good. I can already feel the difference in handling my rifle. So lets go for perks and Gacha try."

" Host you have accumulated multiple level ups. Do you want to use one by one or combine in hope for better outcome?"

" FIDO, let's combine and hope for the best"

" Accepted"

Next second I see a perk selection window pop up.

- Spartan - decreases food and water supply requirements.

- Tinkerer( minor) - allows minor upgrade, modification and tuning of weapons

- Hoarder (minor) - allows to increase size of bullet stacks in inventory (200 in stack instead of 100)

- Fast Learner (minor) - allows to learn new skills and improve existing faster a bit faster than usual.

- Silent steps ( minor) - decreases noise level while moving.

Too bad. There are some nice perks and I want to have them all. Silent step is very useful one especially at night raids. Tinkerer can allow to modify rifles to suit me better and become more handy. Hoarder is nice too, there is always not enough bullets and too many targets to shoot at. However my gamer experience tells me to go for Fast Learner. It is shame that bonus is minor one but still better than nothing. And Spartan is just useless, if it was post-apocalyptic world then yeah it will be quite useful but not here.

" System I go for Fast Learner."

"Acknowledged. Are you ready for you Gacha try?"

"Is it like I get better chance for better loot or that no matter what I get it gets X4 factor?

"First option host. However if you want we can go for multiplication factor."

" Nah, lets go for better chances. Knowing my current luck I will end up with 4 pair of socks or pack of condoms."

" Gacha initiated"

Similar to previous time small box appeared in front of me. I have crossed my fingers and opened it. Inside of it was a small handgun similar to M1911 with bullets. Just by looking at it I could feel the sheer power of .45 calibre.

" Great! That's what I need especially in trenches. Rifle is too unwieldy to fight with in here." - I started observing M1911 checking for any damage or problems. But it turned out to be straight out a factory without any possible second-hand issues.

" Thanks system. Now let's call it a day. I need to rest and prepare for report tomorrow."

" Acknowledged. Have a good rest host and good night"

" Haha. That was really good night" said I slowly falling asleep.

Next morning after completing hygienic procedures I turned up at officer's bunker and started providing report.

Except that instead of briefly telling about what happened yesterday it turned up to be game of good cop and bad cop. I have been interrogated and had to prove that I am not a coward that wanted to surrender and all that crap. Officer with moustache and monocle tried his best but a lot of people saw how I run towards them after explosion at enemy positions wielding enemy trophy rifle. That was enough to prove my innocence in the end he just had to let me go after I have checked and signed papers with details of my interrogation.

After leaving bunker I was finally able to breath freely. I wanted to smoke but couldn't find my cigs. So I went to the nearest soldier and asked for cigs and matches.

" Hah, seems you had your first experience with M&M."

" M&M?"

" Captain Brossard, but we call him M&M for his moustache and monocle. Another peace time officer that turned out to be useless and ended up here instead of HQ."

" Yeah. Wrong person at wrong place"

" Couldn't say it better. My name is Jeremy. And you must be that lucky one to survive probing attack?"

" Aye. I am Akela Luna. Non-voluntary volunteer."

" You will get used to it. Such officer either learn the truth of trenches or end up dead. So just relax, bend over and try to enjoy it" - said he loughing and I joined him laughing and releasing all the tensions after report-interrogation session."

" Akela, in case you have free time, pay a visit to kitchen soldiers. This is our unofficial exchange place. You might find something useful there"

" Why the hell I get to know about it only now?"

" Maybe because you spend too much time polishing your rifle eh? "

" Hurrgh, no comments. Thanks anyway for telling me that. I will go and check it out. Also do they have nice tobacco there. I am dead tired of smoking that crappy cigarettes that taste like dried cow shit they provide with our ration."

" Oh those fellas can get everything. Once they have even got champagne and caviar"

"Wow" - that was all I could say.

Seems even trenches you can have some kind of luxury life. So I went towards kitchen. Maybe I can get something useful there.