Value of things

Kitchen seemed to be deserted but just the moment signal for lunch was given it got flooded with people. Everyone was eager to get their food fast while it still warm. I used to do the same but this time I decided to stay behind and have a small chat with one of the kitchen soldiers about trading some things.

After a while it got much calmer and I decided it was good time for a chat.

" Hey. Jeremy told me that you guys know a way around getting things that are in rare supply and high demand."

" Yeah, you could say so. If you want to talk about it come with me. I am Robert by the way." - he introduced himself.

" Good. I am Akella." - I introduced myself and we shook hands.

" Ah night raider. You are quite a popular one now here. Just follow me." - he waved to me.

We went behind the kitchen and got ourselves inside a small labyring made out of boxes with food and other supplies.

" So what do you have?" - asked Robert sitting down on one of the boxes.

" I want to find out the price list of things first" - I said sitting on box opposite to him.

" It's pretty simple, food rations have quite a low price so for instance a tin with meat from daily ration will get you a small bag of tobacco. While chocolates and sweets can get you more since they are rare. Also we can exchange trophies and other stuff although price is not always adequate as it depends on demand and trophy." - he started explaining hidden economics of trecnhes

Seems I don't have much stuff to trade with except trophy tins and grenades.

" Ok have a look what I got mercifully provided by enemy M.O.D and their soldiers."- I started getting out tins and when I got two large tins Robert leaped towards them surprising me.

" What do you want for them?"- he shook one of the tins in front of my face.

" Are they in such high demand?" - I asked.

" This is condensed milk and cocoa powder. You got some nice jackpot here. You can't even imagine how badly soldiers want something sweet after eating crappy tins and rations." - told Robert while checking tins for leakage or damage.

" Alright. First I want to get some nice cigarettes or tobacco. Second I want good dried meat. Finally rum or other good alcohol." - I started listing my demands with hope for the best.

" You got some good appetite lad. I can give good cherry flavoured tobacco. But I can't give you both meat and alcohol. Only one of them. You want too much for what you got here." - replied Robert shaking his head.

" Alright just give tobacco and meat. I can always pay a visit to enemy trenches for alcohol." - I replied agreeing for price.

" Hahahah. You are one daredevil I see. As a bonus I will provide you will paper and filters for rolling cigs." - Robert laughed and started preparing my order.

After exchange I continued asking Robert about things valued in trenches by veterans.

" Well, first of all its everything that can help to keep healthy and comfortable. Warm clothes, sewing kits, medicines and so on. Secondly, everything that can help to survive in combat, such as revolvers and handguns. You can even trade grenades but I would advise to share them with others since they are quite useful in combat and hoarding and trading them while there is a lack of them can be considered as very let's call it uncooperative behaviour." - Robert ignited a cigarette and continued uncovering what is demand and supply situation.

" There were such precedents in the past?" - I wondered.

" Aye. One lad sold trophy grenades for alcohol and during next attack his platoon had almost zero grenades which resulted in bloodbath in trenches. After that he got killed during next combat and shot was made from behind but nobody cared about that since they got rid of a rat." - clarified Robert twitching his cheek.

" Thanks. I will keep grenades and share them with others before next assault." - I replied checking grenades in my rucksack.

" Good lad. Now let's go since our exchange is over." - Robert started walking towards the exit.

" Haha I wish that even after the war it was like this." - I smiled remembering something funny about my previous world.

" What do you mean?" - Robert asked puzzled

" There are no taxes imposed on our transaction"

" Hahahaa. You are right. Let me write down this phrase."

" Robert. I have completely forgotten. But can you get me some specific items or weapons."

" It depends. I can get you a pistol or revolver but machine gun is out of option."

" Well, can you find me a score similar to ones used by snipers."

" That's quite expensive one. You know that it will cost you a lot."

" Just give it a shot and let's see how it goes. You can always sell it to someone else."

" You got some brains there. Alright I will try to find you one, but I wonder do you even know how to use it or is it just to show off." - he asked when we got out of labyrinth.

" Nope. Neither, but I plan to learn fast. The further the distance I can reach the enemy higher will be my chances to survive this great meat grinder." - I replied.

" Yeah, here you either learn things or die. It was good meeting you Akella. I hope to see you again."

" Me too Robert, me too" - I waved to Robert and started marching towards my dug-hole in trenches.