Attack and Lucky Shot

After coming back to trenches I have spend time getting used to my trophy rifle.

"System, rifle info" - I muttered.

* Combat Rifle 7.7×56mmR. Bolt-action rifle with internal magazine. Feed by 5-round stripper clip. Reliable rifle with good precision. Much better than piece of shit you had before.

Haha, I cannot agree more with you system. After that unwieldy and slow oar mistakenly called a rifle this one feels much better. It is lighter and smoother as well as now I can make 5 shots before reload. The only drawback is lack of bullets, I cannot feed standard 7,92x57mm ammo. Well I mean I can give it a go and then end up with damaged or broken rifle and questions about my IQ level. Luckily I got enough bullets to last at least one battle, then I have to either start looting or comeback to that single shot crap.

However I didn't have much time to enjoy my new toy since enemy artillery barrage started. I run like Forest trying to find good shelter in trenches and finally got into nice dug out. Barrage lasted only for 20 minutes and then I hear sound of a whistle coming from enemy positions.

I stood up and readied my rifle as well as checking stripper clips in my pouches. Before I forget I need to ask system to do some adjustments.

" System can you make notification similar to games when I kill or wound enemy target. But without it blocking half of my vision."

" As you wish host. Adjustments have been made."

Well now I am ready. It's time to kill some republicans and islanders.

I saw enemies approaching and aimed at one of the officers trying to blend behind the soldiers. Good try but instead of handgun he should use a rifle.

So I just hold my breath and aimed at him.

When I felt ready I pulled a trigger and small death left my rifle. Enemy officer stumbled and fall down.

"Enemy Lieutenant Killed"

Gotcha. Now next one. I saw someone trying to rally soldiers and decided him as next target right after the death of officer. I have aimed at him and made a shot.

" Enemy Sergeant Killed"

I have made three more shots and then I had to reload. While I was doing that our machine gun finally started shooting and was able to disperse enemy wave. Just the moment I planned to relax I saw M&M ordering to prepare for counter-attack.

I am definitely gonna shoot that asshole right in the ass. I made it in time when our soldiers started to climb over the trenches via ladders and started to run towards enemy positions. I was in second line and made it half through the No-man's land when Republican machine gunners started spraying bullets at as. First wave got cut down like grass under lawn mover and only few made it on time to fall down.

I started aiming but I couldn't see machine gunners clearly so I just give a lucky shot try. My bullet hit machine gun but not any of its crew. I need to get a scope ASAP! With it I could take them all out even from my trenches.

Hmm, seems my shot was really lucky since after few sprays machine gun went silent. This motivated us and we stormed into enemy trenches.

I shoved enemy soldier with my rifle and then shot him at point-blank distance. I pulled my rifle to my back and got my M1911 out as well as small shovel.

My next target was a soldier republican soldier trying to suffocate my comrade in arms so I shoot him right in the neck. He fall down on his lucky prey covering it in blood. I wanted to help poor lad to get up but another republican appeared from a side and tried to attack me with bayonet. I barely evaded it but stumbled on dead body and started falling down. Luckily I didn't drop M1911 and was able to shoot few times rapidly approaching republican.

Two bullets missed but last one hit him right in a stomach and he fall down holding his belly. I quickly got up and wanted to reload when another enemy soldier dashed at me and wanted to strangle me using his rifle. I again had to shoot at point-blank distance getting him right in the chest.

I tried to catch my breath after such sudden attack but then I saw another ally being overcome and aimed at his opponent. However I was too late and right the moment I pulled a trigger republican shoved his knife few times and killed poor guy. I had to make few shots until I finally managed to take down republican. I have thought that we finally cleared the trench when couple of enemies approached me. I was able to shoot one of them when I run out of bullets. I holstered M1911 and prepared for melee with my shovel.

I started running towards him and it was few meters between him and me when he made a shot from his rife. Bullet hit right into the handle of shovel breaking it. I got surprised at such misfortune then I just launched what was left of handle at him. I missed and then he tried to throw his rifle at me. Both of us missed and out of anger I have thrown my helmet at him, enemy in retaliation have done the same. Next second we started dirty brawl.

Exchange of kicks and punches started. Nobody was getting upper hand in the end we tried to strangle each other. Bastard was way stronger and I started loosing if it continues like this I am gonna get killed. I started searching with my hands for anything that can help me. I got something long into my hand and used it as a baton hitting republican right in a head.

I was hitting him non-stop for few moments until I finally got back into senses. I looked at what I used a weapon and it turned out to be a grenade with long handle. I was shocked since I realised how close to death was I, damn thing could explode while I was turning enemy head into bloody mess.

I rested on one of the walls of trench trying to recover as much energy as possible. Right this moment I started seeing small notification tabs at the bottom of my HUD. I just opened and they were almost the same.

" Enemy soldier killed."

"Enemy soldier killed"

And so on. In total I killed at least 4 enemy soldiers. Not bad for one melee.

However I couldn't rest any longer. Damn M&M started ordering retreat and he run amongst the first ones the rest of us behind.

What a coward. Last on attack and first on retreat. However I couldn't miss such opportunity. I quickly looked around searching for any witnesses. Luckily during a fight I got myself into a sideways so I just got into right position and prepared my rifle. I tried to calm down and even my breathing. Finally I was able to overcome adrenaline rush effects and make a good shot.

I aimed at M&M running like a pig towards dumpster. I wanted to kill him but that was too good for such crap of a man so I aimed a bit lower. Yeah, right near the chocolate eye. I hold my breath and made a shot.

I saw how he fall down touching his ass but seems it was not enough to completely immobilize him so he kept running covering his bloodied ass.

I started giggling while joining the rest of men retreating to our trenches. Luckily we got covered by our artillery and that delayed enemy reinforcements giving us enough time to retreat. I was even able to loot some enemy bodies for ammo and other valuable stuff such as tin food and sweets. My biggest luck was a good C-96 looking pistol I got from the officer I killed before. He also had nice cigarette case filled to the brim. I wanted to take small amulet he was wearing on his neck but decided to leave it to him after I saw a small photo in it with lady's image on it.

I was amongst the last ones to make it back to trenches since I was not the only busy marauding....I meant performing trophy management. But upon my arrival I saw amazing show. M&M was screaming like a pig while giggling and barely holding laughter medics tried to bondage his ass. After finishing tending his wound and carrying him away on stretchers.

Right the moment M&M left trenches far enough everyone started laughing like crazy. I know its quite hilarious to see shithead getting shot in the ass but I felt it was a bit too much. I have seen guys with bullet and shrapnel wounds on but cheeks before and even then nobody laughed as much.

I came forward to laughing medic and offered him cigarette as well as asking what happened.

"M&M got shot in the ass and this was already funny. But bullet not only pierced his butt cheek it ended up stuck right in his chocolate eye. So from a side it looked like weird plug shoved up his ass."

Hearing that I started laughing like crazy as well. Seems my luck is not that bad. This was one of the bright moments of that day. Even officers found it hard to maintain their composure while informing troops about wound of M&M. After that event M&M got another nickname way funnier than his previous one - Captain Poopholder. Some new comers wondered why and thought it was mainly due to idea that he was probably such discipline and drilling worshipper that he has stick up his arse. But reality was much simpler and funnier.

It took few days before we finally got rotated with other regiment and finally can have a good rest away from trenches. For me it was good opportunity to get some necessary things and practice my rifle skills. But first I need to pay a visit to Robert.