Preparation for hunt

" Robert please tell me you got it" - I yelled at Robert busy cooking something nice out of that crap that we got provided by M.O.D. It takes a lot of skill and effort to turn barely chewable dried meat and old potatoes into something nice or at least edible.

" Hey Akela. I heard you had some funny moment with one of your officers." - he said waving to me come closer.

" Aye, one of our officers got tired of shitting himself after each attack so he decided to shove bullet into his backdoor as a plug"

" Hah, quite radical way to solve a problem of inner cowardice." - he replied chuckling.

" Anyways back to business I got what you wanted. It was quite expensive one though I hope you have something valuable." - he said taking out small wooden box from under the counter.

" Well, I have nice handgun used by Republican Officer." - I started taking out local version of C-96.

" If it is one of those crappy revolvers they make...." - but before he finished his sentence I got C-96 out and presented to him.

" Hmm that one nice handgun you got yourself. Let me have a look." - he picked up a handgun and started checking it.

" You lucky bastard you got yourself here one of the first batch. They are quite rare and of high quality." - he said pointing at serial number on a handgun.

" What do you mean? Will it cover the costs?" - I asked.

" First batches were of much higher quality and very limited in supply. They become a THING amongst officers and aristocracy. Later on manufacturer was forced to make cheaper and more affordable version which resulted in poorer quality. So you can understand how valuable this one. It will cover at least 70% of the price." - he told me while I was trying to hold my jaw.

I knew that scopes are quite expensive one and expected to pay for it a lot but just one handgun covering more than half of its price was quite shocking.

" Deal!" - I shouted scaring away some crows sitting on nearest tree.

"Shoo Shoo not so loud. I can hear you. But still you have to give me more to get your scope"- Robert laughed.

I started unpacking my rucksack and putting things on table. Tins, meat and even my precious tobacco. However it was not enough. I could even sell my M1911 but only an idiot will sell such useful tool in melee.

" Sorry Akela. But that's still not enough. You need more stuff to offer."

I sighed and started packing things back.

" Damn I should have looted more instead of shooting him in the ass" - I mumbled but seems it was loud enough as Robert overheard me.

" Wait so it was you and not enemy who got Captain Poopholder his new nickname?" - he asked with a big smile.

I just sighed at them cursing my tongue for that.

" Yeah, that degenerate made me go through some very nasty things so I decided to give him a payback."

" Oh boy hahahaha. You made my day and my life will become easier thanks to you." - he laughed out loud.

" What do you mean Robert?" - I wondered suprised by that reaction.

" That greedy cunt always forced us to provide him with the best food and alcohol without paying enough for it. He threatened to make my life horrible every time I requested a payment unless I provide a discount of 50%. Now since he is gone I don't have to face big losses every time that pig orders expensive champagne and cigars." - he uncovered unpleasant truth about M&M/Captain Poopholder.

" For such good thing I will exchange handgun with scope and provide you with cigarettes." - Robert passed me box with scope and started taking out few cartons of good cigarettes.

" Wow. Thanks Robert." - I replied taking cigarettes and scope.

" Haha. It's alright lad. Now go or you will miss your transport." - he replied.

I just waved goodbye to him and started running since missing transport means that I have to either get stuck here or walk on my own.

Luckily people were still loading into trucks so I made it just in time. I hopped into one of the last ones and fall asleep since trip will take a while. I was so deep asleep that even bumpy road was not a problem.

Next few days I have spent resting and sleeping. You can't imagine how good it is to sleep on actual bed not on dug out in trenches. It was warm and dry, I don't have to keep an eye on rats or bugs. Paradise.

One day after ending morning routine I decided to have short trip to nearest city. Getting permission was easy so now I am wandering around the city. I visited few shops and bought warm clothes as well as some minor things such as needles and threads. When I was planning to leave city and come back I saw a big fishing net inside of fishing and hunting equipment shop. Yep, this will be perfect base for my ghillie suit.

I have bought it as well as some burlap and cloth at the nearest tailor shop. In the end I had to run back and use all my remaining money to buy ammo for my rifle since army doesn't provide me with them.

All my free time before return to trenches I spend either making ghillie suit or practicing with my rifle. It took me a lot of time but in the end I had prepared two suits. One adapted for use in trenches and one for use in free hunt. It even attracted attention of soldiers and officers but most of them considered it dumb idea and waste of time. Well, we will see who is right and who is wrong.

Practicing with rifle was quite limited due to ammo and lack of time. But at least I was able to learn basics of shooting via scope during that time. Only further practice can help me to improve it.

Moreover my sniper practice got the attention of our new officer - Lieutenant Nicholas Murphy. He is our replacement for M&M/Captain Poopholder. He was quite impressed with my skills as now I was above average. Well, just above the average as my skill reached 30/100. Hopefully now I can improve faster.

Back to Lt. Murphy. We had a chat about using snipers in trenches and how they can help during assault and defence. He liked some of my ideas except hunting for officers but acknowledged that snipers can of great use. So I got his permissions to fight as a sniper. Although to be honest I will be more like marksman rather than actual sniper. However I was happy with this, now am fully prepared for coming hunt. I just need to get to trenches.