Rewards and Rifles

Waking up in hospital was not the thing I really expected. I mean after such heavy bombardment I was sure that I can say GG and WP and prepare to visit reincarnation department. But instead of that I woke up in hospital on very nice and warm bed.

" System" - I said wanting to check my health status.

Health - Below Average ( concussion, torn right hand muscles....)

Despite of long list it seemed to be not too bad. I had concussion, some muscle and bone damage left to heal as major regeneration focus was on getting all my internal organs back in shape. According to system I will be back in action fast. Luckily no shell shock or something else, brain and psychological traumas cannot be easily healed via regeneration.

I would call that place a paradise after weeks in trenches but smell of medicines were ruining atmosphere. Luckily my regeneration allowed me to recover faster. So I could leave hospital in few days shocking doctors and nurses. Yeah, I better run before some crazy or mad scientist turns up here and start performing experiments on me.

I just got all the necessary papers saying that I am in good condition and ready for duty. However before I was able to get out hospital I was told to wait for some visitors eager to see me. My paranoia started screaming saying that I better keep my ass tight and run since I have no idea who it can be. But it was too late since I saw two cars parking near the entrance and unknown officers getting out of it. One of them went towards me.

"Are you Akela Luna, private?"

"Yes, sir. I am." - I better play dumb but not too much otherwise I may end up in some shithole.

"Wrong. You have been promoted straight to sergeant. Now you Sgt. Akela Luna. Congratulations."

"Thank you, sir. But why now? And sergeant instead of corporal?" - I wondered.

"Let us take a sit somewhere less noisy and crowded, while my companions will sort out their problems."

"So it is only you after me?"

"Yes. They are here to hunt for good soldiers that are finishing their recovery while I am here to pass you notification of your promotion and offer you something interesting. But let's continue our chat in more private place." - unknown officer said and started walking towards nearest bench at the hospital park.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Major Lance von Walde. I am serving in weapons and munitions department of M.O.D. and I have been recently notified about your exemplary performance as sniper. So I want to not only congratulate you with promotion but also pass your Iron Heart, 2nd class." - he passed me small wooden box with small medal with heart encircled with swords pointing outwards shaped on it.

"Thank you for it." - I grabbed it and hid in one of my pockets. - "But I still doubt that you got so far here only to congratulate me with promotion and medal."

" You are correct. I am also supervising project aimed at developing the sniper rifle. Now I want to talk with real expert and not those imbeciles that call themselves snipers." - he replied with smirk when he mentioned wannabe snipers.

" Well as someone that can be considered expert let me help you. Ask you questions" - I replied lighting a cigarette.

" First of all, why did you use trophy rifle? Is it because of quality, precision or calibre?" - he prepared pen and small notebook.

Hearing his first questions I started laughing.

" What is it Sergeant?" - he asked looking surprised at my reaction.

" You see, it was not because of reasons you mentioned. I used trophy rifle because I was initially provided with shit one shot bolt-action rifle and quartermasters declined my request for better rifle. So I ended up using trophy rifle since my own M.O.D couldn't provide me with modern rifle. As you can see I had almost zero options and I used what I got. " - I started him whole story behind getting my first sniper rifle and very shortly mentioned that I was lucky to find scope in town and bought it using all my money. I told him fairy tale instead of mentioning Robert and black market of frontlines.

" That is quite shocking piece of information. I have expected something else and not that." - Major von Walde replied looking impressed on how I managed to gain fame using ordinary rifle.

" We wanted to retrieve your rifle and analyse in hopes in finding useful hints and ideas. But it was destroyed and we hoped that you might help us but after listening to your story I doubt that there is anything we can do" - he finished speaking while I was getting depressed.

I lost my trusty rifle, I got used to it. Moreover now I need to find replacement. Luckily I was able to hide my ghillie suit in inventory so at least it is with me.

" Major von Walde. Can you help me out getting a new rifle since my previous one was lost as well as good X8 scope." - I asked him hoping to sort out my weapon problem.

" I guess I can help you but at the moment we have only prototypes nothing serious."

" Still its better than nothing. In case can you just pick the rifle with best results from the ones tested at factory. So I can use both prototype and more reliable work-horse rifle."

" That I can do for you. But you are expected to provide full report about performance of our prototype. We need that information to make real sniper rifle and not just standard rifle with scope."

" Deal. Also what is a name of your prototype ?"

" We named rifle H.A.W.K. in honour of it creators. Hughes, Arslan, Walde and Kurz. And now you must be aware that I am one of its creators." - he bowed parodying theatre actors.

" You have chosen right name for rifle. Now let me help you turn it into real predator." - I smiled at him.