Making and Testing

I have went with Major von Walde to nearest factory that makes rifles for army. After spending few hours looking at firing results I have got myself a rifle with the best results.

I had a quick glance at it via system.

* Rifle M1895 7.92x 57mm.Bolt-action rifle with internal magazine. Feed by 5-round stripper clip. Similar to Combat Rifle 7.7×56mmR. in every parameter except being slightly more reliable. Service Rifle of Jager Kingdom. This particular rifle has slightly better accuracy than other rifles according to factory. But still it is work-horse rifle rather than actual sniper rifle.

Wow. This time system provided me much more information than last time.

"System what is the reason for such difference in information. Last time it was much more limited." - I asked a system.

" Host, this is due to your increasing skill with Rifles. Now you can see much more information. After you reach 50/100 skill level you will see more information."

" What is my rifle skill now?"

" You just reached 48/100. Find more challenging targets or increase number of enemies killed/wounded."

" Thanks. Dismiss"

That's some good news I got here. I am close to reaching new heights. But damn it took me so long in comparison to my progress in the beginning. Anyways let's first have a look at H.A.W.K. rifle.

We went to small workshop near a factory where von Walde and his gang were busy creating a rifle. I have been introduced and then without wasting much time I started observing prototype. Rifle looked similar to M1895 except feeling slimmer and lighter and give off aura of predator.

* H.A.W.K. prototype 17. 7.92x 57mm.Bolt-action rifle with internal magazine. Good aim and lightweight, however poor reliability and sensitive to dirt. Requires a lot of work but has good potential.

Well system thanks for info, I only wish you could tell me how to get rid of drawbacks. Now I really want to have that Tinkerer perk. Anyway let's go and test it.

At firing range I decided to start off with 300 meters and increase distance step by step. However first shot showed one big drawback of lightweight. It was too light and recoil was too strong making it difficult to keep rifle on target although I still got bullseye but damn rifle felt not like a hawk but rather angry donkey. Another problem was bolt handle, for sniper rifle it is better to make it turned down instead of keeping it straight. I also wondered why on earth they wanted rifle to be able fire rifle grenades and use bayonet.

Few days passed after which they provided me new prototype with all modifications I requested. Rifle got a bit heavier but still kicked like a donkey so I told them to add a bit more weight or play with balance. Also I told them to make few copies of prototypes to test them for durability and highlight the problematic areas.

Finally they made a good prototype, well at least they thought so before I asked them to come with me to trenches made per my request by local garrison soldiers. There I dropped, kicked and covered rifle in dirt and mud. This was durability and reliability test which rifle failed to pass since it started jamming almost immediately.

von Walde and gang started telling me that such test is not necessary. But I told them that there are mainly two effective ways to deal with sniper, it is another sniper or mortar and artillery barrage. Also snipers have to operate in different areas which can be mountains or forests so rifle must have good reliability level otherwise it will not work at all or show poor results.

It took them a week to make adjustments but it turned out to decrease the aim. Crap, so at the moment there are two options, either improve reliability at cost of aim and vice versa. In the end we decided to keep good aim at the moment while they will start working on new H.A.W.K. prototype and I go and perform field testing.

So now I am sitting in a train wagon with two rifle cases going back to frontline. It's time to start new hunting season.