Bird of prey

I arrived back to my battalion and after quick report to Lt. Murphy I went for a hunt. Seems after my *departure* republicans got brave or finally found their balls since I counted at least 4 or 5 sentries peaking out of trenches.

All right lads, it is time to teach you a lesson.

Aim at one moustached officer, right at his neck. Hold breath and gently pull a trigger.

Then I see fountain of blood coming out his neck and enemy officer falls down covering everything in his blood.

" Enemy officer killed"

Good, I smiled and reloaded a rifle. Time for next one, this time it will be that MG gunner shooting at our trenches. Damn MG shield didn't allow me to see him clearly but after he started reloading I was able to see his neck for short moment and made a shot. Another blood fountain and another dead enemy.

" Enemy soldier killed"

That day I killed at least 5 to 7 republicans and got my rifle skill to 49/100 and my level bar up to 89 percent. That was a good day for hunting.

During next few days I killed 3 more officers and now enemies remembered the lessons I taught them before and started hiding instead of acting like scarecrows. My life in trenches become a boring routine.

But one day I got a news that there is a enemy sniper from Emerald Island Kingdom. Heh, seems my fame got so big that attracts more and more people. Good, more practice targets for me. Hunting for ordinary infantry got boring and I need a challenge.

" Hey Robert who is this time? Who wants express ticket to Hades and afterlife?" - I visited Robert since his connections allow him to know a lot of things even from opposite side.

" Ah nothing serious some noble young shitling from Emerald Island. Things that republicans are just dumb and blind snipers with hands growing from their asses and he wants to show what real snipers can do. So nothing new except that his family sent me him with small platoon to act as his bodyguards or honour guard." - he told me showing a small piece of newspaper with story and photo of young winner of shooting contest held by Royal Court.

" Well it seems I have to get rid off them all. Can you please pass them a message that they are uninvited guests on my hunting grounds and they will be killed in gruesome way." - I wanted to instil fear in my enemies.

" Eh? You got so agitated?" - asked Robert surprised by my words.

" No. I just want to make them fear me since instead of seeing me as sniper they treat me like rare game to hunt. That hurts my ego, in the beginning it was interesting but now it just irritating." - I replied walking back to my trenches.

I started making some preparations which included preparing decoys and one position 200 meters away from first line of trenches. After few days everything was ready and I started waiting for my target his sidekicks to arrive.

It was boring few days even playing with republicans MGs crews by damaging their equipment got boring. Finally I saw some movement in trenches similar to when higher ups pay trenches a visit. I saw some soldiers in new uniform with different colour. Yeah, noble dumbass is here, well it is time to kill inbreeding and incest product.

It took me almost an hour to find his position, to my big surprise he was hiding in well prepared position while his bodyguards distracted me and give him some time. Inbred used this time well and got some makeshift sniper shield in small fox hole.

Haha, he thinks that now he is invincible and I can't get him. Oh boy, I have ballistic calculator with me and I can shoot you even from here. But simple headshot is not fun.

So I went a bit further back so that parabolic trajectory of bullet allows me to wound him without killing him, not just yet. I saw bullet trajectory ray passing just few millimetres above the shield. I move a rifle a bit up and to the right hoping to shoot him right in calf. I gently pull a trigger and kept observing. Crap, I missed, there is no notification from system. I make small adjustment and then made another shot.

" Enemy soldier wounded"

Nice, I can hear his scream even here. Now now boy, we are not done yet. I took aim and made a shot. Another scream.

" Enemy soldier wounded"

His screams attracted his bodyguards aka babysitters. They tried to get him out but first one ended with a bullet in his torso and was screaming as well only 5 meters away from his boss.

"Enemy soldier wounded"

I quickly reloaded my rifle as I had only two bullets left and I plan to repeat injuring bodyguards. Next 10-20 minutes I injured at least a dozen of soldiers trying to help their friends and comrades as well as their boss. Now he was surrounded by a screaming and dying soldiers. I had quickly glanced at republican positions and saw no more soldiers with different uniform. Seems I dealt with all of them.

Alright I am done playing, it is time to end this game I am tired of freezing my ass on cold soil. I started making finishing shots killing all wounded soldiers. Last one was noble kid whom I killed by giving him a headshot.

Then I went back to my dug out and started carving hawk on stock of rifle. Hawk was in attack position holding laurel in its claws since I have baptised my rifle with blood of a nobleman.

Later on enemy soldiers started telling about dreadful hunt of a bird of prey - bloodied HAWK.

This story even reached newspapers and family of noble kid I killed put a bounty on my head. But nobody wanted to give it a try after I killed some bounty hunters in a very horrible way. This story I plan to tell you later on.