When fame bites you back

Oh what a day, what a lovely day I thought sarcastically while walking to Lt. Murphy's bunker. You wonder why? Because when high ups want something from you be ready for shit to happen and grab some lube especially when it is urgent call.

"Lt. how can I help you?"

"Sergeant, those gentlemen here want to your sniper talent". - he said and pointed at unknown officers. - "They will explain it you everything"

" I am Captain Bastogne and I am commanding experimental shock troops battalion. HQ plans to launch an assault which we will spearhead. However, despite our best efforts shock troops still lack experience and we are afraid that our experiment will end up a failure. So we decided to use you, famous sniper, as a mean to improve our chances to succeed."

Crap, fame is double edged sword. Now instead of leisurely hunt I have to serve as marksman and support shock troopers.

" Can I decline?"

" No, your transfer was authorised today." - Cap. Bastogne grinned with evil smile at me.

" Grrr...Understood." - that was all I could say at such moment.

Without wasting time I quickly packed all my belonging which I didn't keep in my inventory and moved to my new hunting ground which can easily turn into my graveyard.

Shock troopers unlike ordinary infantrymen we wearing some sort of heavy armour and helmets. They also got semi-auto rifles and carabines as well as a lot of hand grenades. Seems M.O.D put a lot of trust in this experiment since they equipped shock troopers so well.

I also tried their heavy armour but my current physique is too weak to use it. I only put on a breastplate leaving the rest of equipment aside. I also had to leave most of my equipment aside except pouches and holster with M1911. Realising that situation can easily go south I took a as much ammo and med kits as possible stocking up my inventory.

Few days before attack I spent observing enemy positions and memorising it. Also I spent time telling them to duck down and crawl while I deal with MGs. However those arrogant pricks just laughed at me saying that they can do it on their own since they are the best. I wanted to facepalm non-stop and asked Bastogne where the hell he got them. Answer was simple, Elite Grenadier Guards Regiment and Leib Guard Regiment.

Oh god, we got dumb toy soldiers from capital here. M.O.D. fucked up big time here, instead of choosing those fit but stupid fancy marching experts they should pick the fierce veterans. At least those know how to advance properly without needless bravado.

Finally it was a day of attack. Everyone in trenches felt jittery even toy soldiers felt uneasy. Artillery was firing non-stop for last half an hour covering enemy positions in fire and stopped just now. But next moment everyone heard a whistle ordering to attack. Everyone started climbing and getting out of trenches.

I was busy keeping an eye on MGs waiting for them start shooting. When our soldiers moved for 100 meters when enemy trenches unleashed rain of bullets. Republicans had a lot of LMGs and MGs which was bad surprise to us and for me especially since I had a lot of targets to kill.

I aimed at MG crew and pulled a trigger, instead of waiting for confirmation I made another shot killing other members of crew.

" Enemy soldier killed"

"Enemy soldier wounded"

Damn, but I had no time to make another shot and started shooting at another MG crew. I was trying to get bastard at flank that was killing shock troopers. I couldn't get him fast so I tried to damage MG by shooting at water cooling system. Wasting the rest of my bullets in magazine I finally made him shut up. Quickly reloading I started killing LMGs gunners getting rid of 4 them.

This provided an opportunity for shock troopers to advance and reach trenches. Bloody melee started there and I decided to move forward while No-man's land was reasonably calm. Quickly putting H.A.W.K back inventory I got "work-horse" since now I have to operate in mud and dirt.

Quickly crossing and getting into good position I started making snap shots. I emptied few clips killing few enemies and saving allies.

" Rifle skill reached 50/100 please pick a bonus" - system notified.

" Not now! Don't you see I am busy here trying to save my ass" - I replied quickly loading my rifle on a run trying to reach enemy trenches before republicans call for artillery.

Shock troopers reached second line and started clearing it of enemies. But arrival of enemy reinforcements caused a problem, a BIG problem for me since shock troopers fall back to first line and now I was in a middle of firefight/melee.

" Die you dog!" - yelled republican infantryman charging with bayonet. I evaded it but he managed to cut some of my pouches. I quickly got a knife in my hand and stabbed him in a back while he was busy trying to get his weapon out a trench wooden reinforcement. Blade got right into his neck and stuck in it. I left it in his body and got my handgun out, trusty M1911 unleashed 8 deadly gifts killing and wounding some republicans. Even with my shit skill in handguns at point blank distance I couldn't miss.

I felt invigorated, adrenaline made my heart beat like crazy. Shooting and smiting enemies with handgun and shovel. Here one of republican falls with bullet hole right between the eyes, then hitting another republican with shovel at neck cutting flesh and bones. Smacking head of officer against the wall while kicking soldier trying to strangle me from behind.

Rifle on my back got shattered in pieces when one officer tried to cut me down with his sword. Quickly turning around I kicked him right in balls making fall on his kneed and then grabbing his sword I decapitated him with short move. I saw one of stormtroopers getting drowned in small pool water formed in trenched and throw a sword at enemy. But instead of hitting him with blade I ended up getting him with a handle. Angered by this I picked up a small log and started smacking him after getting closer.

Panting I helped half-drowned storm trooper with Captain insignia but right that moment another republican soldier appeared from a side and charged with bayonet. I was so dead tired that couldn't even move and I just managed at last second to grab his rifle stopping blade reaching me. But slowly I was losing that struggle and tip of a bayonet was getting closer and closer to my neck. I already felt blood dripping from small scratch.

Gun shot sounded like a thunder and republican soldier fall down. Exhausted I leaned on a trench wall trying to catch my breath. My saviour turned out to be a captain whom I saved before. After getting rid of mud on his face I could recognise captain Bastogne.

"Captain I think we fucked up and our attack failed."

"Haha I don't think so. Look upwards."

I saw green flares up in sky.

"What is that?"

" This is sign telling us that we succeeded with our feint attack and allowed to make others make a breakthrough."

" So all of this was just a trick?"

" Trick that can win a war!"

" Yeah, maybe. But don't you think that we payed hefty price, half of elite storm troopers ended up either dead or wounded."

" Don't worry about that. Finally those dumb toy soldiers turned out to be more useful than just marching and showing off their illusionary might."

" Quite surprising words for guard officer"

" Haha, unlike most of them I am true professional and dog of war. So I prefer to judge soldiers by their skills and not by their uniform."

" If they hear you they will ostracize you."

" They can try but then I will force them to clean toilets and lavatories till the end of their lives."

" Anyways, let's go back since our job here is done"

So two battered and beaten but undefeated warriors marched back through field covered in corpses and oozing with blood.