Technological progress

After "successful" attack enemy frontline started crumbling, our feint attack as well as misinformation caused delay in sending reinforcement. This allowed our forces at another sector make a breakthrough and get quite deep into enemy territory. Enemies managed to stall our offensive only 5 days later and mainly because of our logistics, which were not ready for such progress and couldn't maintain same pace as advancing troops. Now it is just a question of time when we will launch final assault after resupplying our forces and end this war.

Well, at least that's what everybody thought.

While people in trenches and HQ started dreaming about parading in Republican capital and new awards as well as promotions, republicans prepared to strike back. And oh boy it was shocking.

Early morning forward sentries heard strange noises as if some demonic creatures were roaring in anger. Few minutes later strange roaring metal boxes got out of morning fog and unleashed hail of bullets and artillery shells. In the beginning soldiers tried to stop them by shooting at them but bullets got deflected. This caused great panic amongst troops and they routed even officers started running without even trying to organise fleeing soldiers. Such scene happened in few major frontline sectors and outcome was always the same, routed and scared soldiers. This was first use of new machines designed for killing - Tanks.

HQ of Jager Kingdom didn't expect such move from Republicans and Islanders. They had some intel about enemies developing strange tractors covered in metal plates and considered it some non-sense or just another faulty prototype. But Republicans have already finished all research and design staged and started making tanks. This made Jager Kingdom helpless, they hade no effective means to deal with tanks except for firing directly from field guns and mortar bombardment. Situation forced HQ to improvise, soldiers were given rifles and bullets used for big-game hunting as well as some old as dinosaurs wall-guns. Soldiers have been told to use grenade bundles in case tanks get close enough. Those drastic-desperate measures allowed Jager Kingdom to stop enemy offensive although at great cost.

While this was happening I was busy enjoying vacation at one of camps used by shock troopers as boot camp. While they were busy getting used to crawling in dirt and mud I was practicing with my rifle.

During last attack I have reached 50/100 in my rifle skill level. Achieving such a milestone provided me with a bonus - Designated Marksman specialisation. This bonus allowed me to have better reaction time which meant better and faster aiming, firing and reloading. It didn't provide me with increased accuracy and etc. at distances further than 500 meters but allowed to be quite deadly within those 500 meters. So now I was busy honing my skills and getting used to new speed level. Also showing off at ex-guardsmen.

But my vacation ended abruptly, Captain Bastogne told me about the dire situation at frontline and that all good shooters, snipers anyone who can aim properly will be stationed at the most dangerous sectors and help fend off enemy tank offensive. Crap, here comes karma, probably this is payback for vacation and showing off too much.

However, situation got even worse for me when I have been told that as since I am tank hunter now I will be provided with new experimental armour piercing bullets. I wanted to ask for big-game rifle but they are in such short supply that I had to deal with that and use experimental ammo.

So now I am sitting in trenches again and looking at new AP bullets. They were much heavier than standard bullets. This made me frown, this means that trajectory and speed will be different to ones I am used to. Such little things matter a lot especially now when I am waiting for enemy tanks to come and wreck havoc. Without practice it will be difficult to damage tank scopes and other important parts it just I don't have time for that since reconnaissance managed to identify 20 enemy tanks positioned in front of our sector. Me and 5 other sharpshooters have been rapidly moved here in hope of stopping tanks, at least stall them for a little bit.

I heard sound of engines getting closer and closer. I have gotten out of my trench and started observing enemy positions. But republicans started launching smoke shells that made it hard to see anything. Seems they start learning on how to deter artillery and anti-tank rifles fire. Slowly sound of metal giants engines started to get louder and louder. Then almost suddenly like demonic beasts coming out of an abyss tanks come out of thick smoke screen. I rapidly started aiming at enemy tanks searching for any vulnerable points.

I heard loud shots of wall-guns which quickly changed with swearing and pain grunts. Well good luck at firing those XXL-oars or better call them XXS-cannons? Stop. Get back in reality and start firing!

Finally, I was able to find small vision port but it was really small and hard to get especially with tank keeping moving on. Breath in, breath out, even out my breathing and calm down. I took aim and made a shot. Shit, its a miss, small spark and bullet got deflected by armour. AP bullets only leave small scratches and damage painting at this distance, I have to wait for them to get closer, at least 100 meters.

" Don't shoot yet! Let them get closer and I am for scopes and vision ports!" - yelling to snipers near me while rapidly loading bullet into my rifle.

They just nod to me and start waiting for tanks reach right distance. Those moments of waiting were hard. Panic started to spread but I remained calm thanks to perk, waiting for opportunity.

When I have noticed that enemy tanks reached 100 meter distance I quickly aimed at visor port and made a shot.

" Enemy tank crew member wounded"


" Start shooting! They are on right distance!" - quickly telling other snipers I started aiming at enemy tank. Four little deaths were unleashed in rapid fire but to my great disappointment only one of them was able to cause damage as tank stopped moving.

" Focus fire at that one " - nearest AT wall-gun crew commander ordered.

I left immobilized tank and started aiming at next one. It was going not too bad, aiming at drivers visor ports allowed us to stop few tanks which then were easily destroyed by other tank hunters. Six tanks got immobilized and destroyed completely while others started retreating. This boosted our morale and everyone started firing.

Seeing last tank getting out of killing zone I sighed and made a shot. To my great surprise tank exploded!

My first real "Lucky Shot"!!! Seems I hit it either in fuel tank or somewhere else critical.

" System congratulates you on unlocking achievement - David & Goliath. Destroy/Kill highly dangerous foe. Award - one Gacha try."

Wow. What a wonderful day, I have not just survived but also got rewarded. Amazing! Now let's give a try my luck in Gacha. Since prayer to fat red cat partially worked out let's try again.

" Oh all wonderful and almighty fat ginger cats I pray for you to give me blessing of luck!"

Let it roll!!!