Childish Fighting

Inside a small hillside mansion, a 17 years old adolescent named Arthur was fighting with his 5 friends.

"I didn't steal any food! I'm telling you it must have been Amanda, she is the only one except you who even has a key to the pantry!" Arthur defended himself from the accusations of his childhood friend, he didn't even understand why he was a suspect in the first place, he had no way to access the pantry and he didn't even have time to steal food, he was always busy with a task like clearing the zombies on the street or making weapons for the group.

"Just admit you did it Arthur, I would never betray James, I love him very much! And why would I even steal food, you are just trying to pin the blame on me!"

"Are you crazy, bitch! I eat less in a week than you and your fat ass eat in a day, and I do more work than this whole fucking group combined! Even if I did steal the food, which I didn't, could you even say anything to me? You're lucky that this is James's house otherwise I would've kicked you out a long time ago!"

"Arthur! Enough, I know you stole food, Amanda wouldn't lie to me, it's no big..." Amanda cut James off.

"No! You need to leave this house right now! You no life closet otaku! You should just go and kill yourself like your broth..!

*Thud* Amanda fell on her ass and started crying after Arthur punched her straight in the nose. It seemed a little bent and blood was coming out of it.

"How dare you say that to my face, bitch! You wouldn't even be alive right now if I didn't go with James to your house to get you, and you dare say that to ME?!" After Amanda got up she tried to say something but she saw a palm approaching her face, unluckily for Arthur though, James sent a right hook right to his jaw. Arthur was a pretty tall man standing at 181 cm tall but he was a bit skinny because of how little he was eating, but he had no chance of fighting James who was almost a professional boxer and has been eating normally all this time. Arthur stumbled backward and hit his back on a wall, his jaw was sore and he could barely open his mouth.

"Arthur! You took it too far! Stealing a little food wasn't that big of a deal, especially if it was you, but hurting someone in our group is unacceptable! I'm sorry to say this but you have to leave this house right now!"

"What the fuck James! You heard what she said, you know how hard it was for me, actually you are the only one who knows and you still take this ugly bitch's side? How would you feel if I said that about your mother? Did you go crazy over this fucking witch? Do you actually care more about a stupid whore you met 3 days before the apocalypse than in your lifelong friend who would do anything for you? You don't have to kick me out because I will leave by myself. Oh, and one more thing, this bitch is even cheating on you with Charles AND Johny!"

"Hey! Don't bring us into this shit man, we didn't do anything to you." said Charles.

"Is this true? Amanda?"

"Of course not! I can't believe you trust this woman beater more than me! I hate you!" Amanda then stormed off to her room. James didn't know what to do, he didn't want his best friend to leave, but he didn't want his girlfriend to hate him either. But Arthur didn't give him time to think.

The fact that James didn't care about what Amanda said hurt Arthur very deeply and he couldn't stand even looking at him.

Arthur took his backpack and put in the few clothes he had and a few energy bars he got from a zombie he killed. Then he started going upstairs to hop from roof to roof because the road was full of zombies.

"Goodbye, James. I hope I never see you again, you traitor." After Arthur said that he left. James and his friends were speechless, what were they going to do without him, he was the one who did most of the work, how are they going to survive without him.


On the roof of the house Arthur was looking over the edge towards the city, it was noon right now so he had time to find a place to stay for a while.

'I should go to the apartment building nearby, it should be pretty safe since it was mostly abandoned except for a few people and I happened to know the code to the front door.'

And so he did, it only took him an hour to get there and he was right, even the parking lot in front of the building was empty of cars and zombies alike.

He casually walked to the entrance with a machete that he had since before the apocalypse in his hand. Once he reached the door he put the code in and went inside. Arthur wasn't sure if the padlock would work since most buildings didn't have electricity, except for the ones with solar panels, but since he never went to the roof he didn't know if it had any.

After entering, Arthur checked the mail to see which rooms were occupied so he could clear the place. Only seven rooms were occupied so he decided to go through every single one and get the supplies to the one on the top.

The first five rooms were empty but had some supplies that he carried in a bag he found. There weren't that many cans because this apartment building was only for the rich, but the owner probably forgot that if you are rich you would probably buy a house and wouldn't live in an apartment, and after realizing it he started turning it into a luxury hotel, but his plans were put on hold because of the apocalypse.

But once Arthur got to the third floor he found four zombies standing near the room he wanted to check, they weren't trying to get in but actually seemed to be somewhat guarding it. He stealthily came closer and killed two of them quite easily, then when the others noticed him they tried to bite him unsuccessfully, he cut off one's arms and decapitated the other, he then chopped the jaw off the one that was still alive to use as a shield in case something was really in there.

Arthur slammed the door open to try and attract whatever was in there, after a minute he decided to enter but not before he checked the ceiling for some form of mutated zombies. He watched a lot of zombie movies before all of this happened so he knew the basics of surviving the apocalypse. After double-checking he slowly entered the apartment.