
Once he entered the apartment the smell of rotting flesh hit his nostrils and it was almost unbearable, he continued advancing slowly with the handless zombie in front of him. Once he exited the hallway he saw an insanely obese zombie sitting on the couch, eating whatever was left of a body. When the zombie saw him it started to grawl but he was so fat that he couldn't even move.

The zombie was so fat that it made people from "My 690 pound life" look skinny in comparison.

The rotting stench was coming from the bones with some flesh that were beside him.

'The zombies at the door must have been the ones feeding him. But he doesn't look that tough.'

Arthur killed his shield and went towards the obese zombie, he cut off one of it's hands and then got close to it's head. The zombie started to cry like a kid throwing a tantrum but it could do nothing about it's imminent fate. Arthur slashed at the head and the skull cracked a bit, but that wasn't enough, he slashed again and again, the zombie getting more and more tired until his skull finally caved in and it died. The kid was about to walk away but a shiny object inside of the skull caught his attention, he lifted his sleeves and put his hand inside of the skull, he felt around for the object and his hand landed on a blue sphere with a diameter roughly the size of an Oreo.

He pulled it out to take a look at it but as soon as his eyes landed on it he felt an impossible hunger for the object, he couldn't resist putting it in his mouth, Arthur tried to resist but the most he could do was wipe the blood off it, he tried to chew on it but it was like rubbed so he couldn't make it smaller before swallowing it. After it got to his stomach he started feeling a little dizzy and he promptly passed out.


4 Days Later

"Shit, my head hurts like crazy." Said Arthur expecting no one to respond.

"No way, he's actually alive. Sister, what should we do?"

"I'm not sure..."

Arthur opened his eyes and saw that he was tied to a chair. He tried to rip the string that was keeping his hands together and he managed to do so pretty easily, he did the same for his legs and then got up. Even he was surprised at his strength and decided to check his body ignoring the two girls that were staring at him a little scared.

'My muscles are way bigger, but not like a bodybuilder, more like a calisthenics guy, they seem natural from what I can tell. Did that orb I ate do this, crazy.'

He then lifted his gaze and his eyes met with two beautiful girls, they looked like twins but one of them had shoulder length black hair and glasses while the other had longer hair that had pink tips. They looked a little older than Arthur but their bodies weren't very developed, they were both 174 cm tall with B cup breasts but they seemed in pretty good shape.

Arthur was about to say something but one of the girls beat him to it. "Please don't hurt us, we only ate a bit of your food since we didn't have any left, you can have it back but please leave us." Said the one with long hair.

"Calm down girls, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise, but where are we?" Arthur asked after looking around.

"We are in our apartment, we brought you here when we found you passed out near that big zombie. My name is Emma Reed and this is my twin sister Rebecca." Said the girl with short hair.

"My name is Arthur King, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Wait, King as in King Arthur? That's pretty silly." Asked Rebecca.

"No, actually it was the name of the orphanage where I grew up, it got passed on to me since I didn't have a family name, I get that a lot but nobody called it silly before."

"Oh, sorry about that, I didn't know..."

"No problem, I couldn't stay mad at someone so pretty even if I wanted to. But do you have water because I really need to take a shower, I'm covered in zombie guts." Arthur said as he took off my shirt that was crusty because of the dried blood, showing his new abs off that were also a little bloody.

The girls blushed a little but then Emma responded."Wow... I mean, yeah we have a shower you can use but it doesn't have hot water. It's trough that door."

Arthur went to take a shower and while cleaning himself he heard the two girls talking in the other room, he didn't know how he heard them but it must have been due to the orb, he once read a webnovel with a similar system in place where if you are the core of the zombie you get some of their powers, but what powers did the fat guy even have, maybe controlling zombies? When that thought poped into his mind he bacame a little exited, what if he could just stroll down the street and with no zombie to trouble him, that would be pretty awesome. Anyway, Arthur decided to listen to the conversation the two girls were having.

"Sister, what should we do about him, he's so hot, did you see his muscles, they look so dreamy, he looks better than most celebrities."

"I know but what can we do, we can't both have the same boyfriend, right? I know! Let's do rock, paper, scissors for him." Said Rebecca.

"No way, you always beat me at it, let's just flip a coin!"

"Hey girls, you don't have flip a coin, I could just date both of you with no problem!" Said Arthur while coming out of the shower, only realizing how cringe he sounded after he finished speaking.

"Y-You heard what we said?" Asked Rebecca with a giant blush on her face. She tried to cover her face with her hands but didn't quite manage to. "I guess I wouldn't mind as long as Emma is ok with it, but let's take it slow."

"I don't have anything against it either."


For the next couple of days the three of them stayed together and got a little closer since they had enough food to last a couple of weeks.