Food Problem

After a couple of days of non-stop sex, Arthur decided that it was time to go get more food since they were almost running out.

"Hey, girls! I'll go get some food."

"Do you need any help?" Asked Rebecca after popping out from a corner.

"No thank you, I have something that I wanted to test for a while, I should be back in a couple of hours." Replied Arthur before giving her a passionate kiss.

"Hey, don't leave me out of this, I want a kiss too!" Said Emma.

"Sorry, won't happen again." He gave her a long french kiss before asking "Do you need anything?"

"P-period products please, it should come pretty soon, and something sweet, I'm dying for some sugar." Said Rebecca.

"Sure, what flavor?"

"Anything strawberry or lime!"

"I want something sweet too, and the other thing, also."

"Ok, see you later!"

After he left the building Arthur wanted to test his theory out so he looked for a small group of zombies, he approached cautiously but made sure the zombies saw him, but they didn't react at all, when he got close they even got out of the way for him. Arthur was dumbstruck, he tried to tell them what to do and he finally managed to do so with his mind and as long as he put some intent into it he could even control all of them at the same time.

'This is better than I expected, with this I should be able to just enter the supermarket and take whatever I want!'

You see, the supermarket is a very high danger zone, hundreds of zombies stay there since a lot of people go there to get some food, but most of them fail miserably so it's full of food just sitting there for the taking. He walked to the supermarket and went inside, he told most of the zombies to get out except for some that were going to carry his bags. He took most of the food there and went to the period products to get some for the girls, he forgot to ask which kind they wanted so he filled a bag with all three kinds but this one he carried himself since he didn't want the zombies to make them dirty then he went to the sweet's section, he filled two bags with all kinds of sweet's that he also carried by himself.

Arthur didn't really know he got stronger until he saw that he carried 3 bags by himself, and they seemed pretty light for him. After he got everything he wanted he went to the clothing store nearby since he didn't have that many clothes, and even less without holes. After choosing some outfits he liked he got all the zombies that were carrying his bags and went back to the apartment building, it wasn't that far so he didn't encounter any problems.

He told the zombies to get the bags to the fifth floor where the girls were staying then told them to leave and close the entrance door behind them.

"Hey girls! I'm back, come help me with the bags!" Arthur took 5 bags in each hand then waited for the sisters to open up.

"Oh, hey Art. Sorry, it's just me, Rebecca is sleeping, she says she got a cold." Said Emma after opening the door.

"No problem, help me carry some of the bags to the living room so we can sort them."

"What the! There are so many bags! How did you get all of this here?"

"I'll tell you when Rebecca wakes up."

They carried all of the stuff inside, it wasn't just food and necessity's, Arthur also got a big tv and a gaming console with all the games he could find along with all the gaming equipment he could ever want since he never got to do this kind of thing because he is an orphan, he also got a whole bag of books since there weren't any in the apartment and he likes to read because he is an orphan, he also got a few laptops and tablets, though he wasn't sure what they would do with them because he was an orphan and almost all the energy drinks in the store, except for the sugar free ones since they taste like shit.

In total there were 87 bags full of crap. But the apartment had enough room to store all of that since it was massive and it had a lot of unused rooms.

After getting everything inside Arthur decided to check on Rebecca, he took the cold medicine he had and made a warm soup for her.

"Hey, Rebecca, how are you feeling?"

"I feel like shit, my head hurts so much I want to cry and *cough* I can barely move my legs."

"Damn, that sounds pretty bad, here, I brought you some soup, it's made by me. I also got you some pills, I think they are good for headaches and this other ones for coughing, but take them after you eat."

"Thank you."

"Now take it easy and rest for a couple of days."


The next few days Arthur was alternating between making out with Emma and taking care of Rebecca, the poor guy didn't even have time to install his setup, but he didn't mind, in his opinion talking to his lovely girlfriends is way better than playing some game that will do nothing other than make him angry, and he wouldn't play games like Stardew since he is already living the best life, not that he even knew about it since he never had the chance to try much videogames.

After a couple of days Rebecca started to feel better and she even started doing chores around the house. But Arthur observed that the girls are wearing almost the same clothes everyday.

"Do you girls want to go shopping?"

"Art, how would we even do that? Did you forget there are zombies outside? Wait how did you even get a whole store here in just two hours anyway?" Emma asked back.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you, so I better just show you, get some backpacks and and bags before we go tho."