Strong Zombie Appears

After they left the apartment building Arthur went to a medium zombie group nearby and told the girls to follow him, but before he even told anything to the zombies he saw that they weren't attacking the girls, he them told them to do some tricks to show the girls that they are harmless to him, but he never ordered them to not attack the girls, yet they seemed uninterested.

"Hey, Emma, try to tell them what to do with your mind."

"So that's how you do it, I'll try." After a few trays she managed to control one of them, but couldn't control more at the same time. Rebecca also gave it a try and she managed to control three of them.

'Is my cum magic or something?'

"Nice, but I can control more than a hundred at the same time." Arthur showed off. "Let's go to the shops, any preferences?"


They strolled around for a while before going to the shop the girls wanted and Arthur commanded all the zombies inside to come out so the girls can take whatever they want in peace.

"This is odd, I still feel a presence inside the store, but I can't tell it what to do, you girls wait here, I will go inside to see what is going on."

He ordered 30 of the zombies to make a circle around him then he slowly entered the store being careful to check everywhere so the thing inside doesn't take him by surprise, but nothing seems out of the ordinary so far, he went deeper into the store going to the changing area.

When he entered, he couldn't sense where exactly the creature was, and the zombies around him made some noise so he couldn't listen to pinpoint exactly where it was, but then the creature made a lid noise in one of the changing rooms.

"So stupid, I thought the evolved zombies would be a little smarter." He ordered his zombies to open the stall. And just as he predicted, when the door opened a 3 meter tall mantis-like zombie that in place of the legs had a centipedes back portion jumped down from the ceiling and struck the zombie that opened the door, he was cut perfectly in half by one of the razor sharp blade on the right hand, on the left hand he had a normal hand but the fingers were smaller versions of the right hand blade.

'My machete doesn't stand a chance against it, I should avoid blocking at all costs.' But when the monster realized that the thing it hit wasn't the human it searched the room for it and when it saw him in the corner of the room with his back turned to it it dashed straight at it without realizing it was just a mirror and that Arthur was actually behind some zombies.

When Arthur saw this he didn't hesitate for too jong and jolted to the mantis where he saw it's real head, it was a human head that was hanging from it's neck on the lower back portion of the monster. He went for the head but at the last second the monster saw Arthur trough the human head and lowered it's stance and Arthur only managed to strike between the chin and the mouth of the head. He instinctively started to retreat but the mantis quickly turned around ant hit Arthur with the side of it's big blade and sent him backwards into some zombies. At this point he commanded every zombie in a 200 meters radius to come and help him but it would take a couple minutes for them all to get here so Arthur just had to survive until they got here so he can surprise the monster. It wasn't certain that it would work but it was his best chance.

The mantis again launched itself at him dodged pretty easily, it didn't seem to be that fast but it had an immaculate guard. Then the first wave of zombies came into the changing room made a triangular formation in front of Arthur.

The mantis attacked again and went straight trough the zombie's formation, but when it got to the other side, the human was gone. Then Arthur shot out from the zombies at the rear of the mantis and saw that the blood he drew with the last attack was starting to cover one of the eyes of the head and he got an idea, this time he didn't aim for the head but instead slashed upwards on it's back and drew as much blood as he could.

The mantis again tried to launch Arthur but this time he was prepared, he blocked it with his machete but he was still launched into a nearby wall, the damage wasn't that bad but he was staggered for a few seconds and the mantis didn't exactly give him time to recover, it jumped as fast as it could towards Arthur, it chose to use the small blades in case he dodges so it doesn't get stuck in the wall.

"Shit!" The blades were coming closer and closer and he didn't have time to dodge so be braced himself, but a few seconds later in place of a couple deep cuts he felt a soft body bumping into him, it was Rebecca, she jumped in front of the mantis at the last second and she tried to block it with the side of her hand, the cuts weren't very severe but they will probably leave a scar.

"Why did...!" He grabbed her and got out of the way of the claw that was coming right for his head.

At that same moment a group of 35 zombies entered the changing area and Arthur knew that this was the perfect moment to attack, he quickly put Rebecca in a isle with discounted socks. Arthur thought of telling the same zombies to do the same thing as before but he realized it probably won't work, the mantis may be pretty stupid but it probably knew that if it did the same thing twice it would have the same result.

So instead Arthur told the all the 50~ zombies in the room to surround the beast and he blended into the group, the mantis was striking blindly at the zombies but Arthur managed to position himself behind the mantis and launched a final attack, as he was nearing the head he saw that his plan earlier worked, the eyes were completely covered in blood and it was blinking rapidly to try seeing.

Arthur smiled a little when he saw this and lunged his machete into the middle of the brain.

Feeling it's main brain get destroyed the mantis screamed in pain and after a couple of seconds it fell to the ground still moving.