New Powers

After they got home he put the insect orbs in a safe place and tod the girls to not even look at them and that he might be out for a couple of days like the first time they met.

'Should I take the red pill or the blue pill? I mean orbs! Damn, I think I will take the red one, I feel more attracted to it than the blue one.'

And so he did, he passed out but it only took him 16 hours to wake up this time and when he did he found the two girls at his side sleeping, he didn't want to wake them up so he tried with all his being to sleep but he couldn't, he was full of energy so he just sat there and looked around until he was so bored that he couldn't stand it anymore, he tried to be as gentle as he could and not wake them up while he extracted himself from between them but after a slight move they both woke up.

"You... You're finally awake." Said Emma while giggleing and giving him a small peck on the lips.

"Hey..." Rebecca also kissed him but she was somewhat sleepy.

"I'm gonna go out for a bit, do you need anything?"

"Not really, I mean you brought back everything in an entire store, what else could we want?" Said Emma.

"Ok then, I'll go out. Love you!" After he said that, Arthur froze in place while Emma started blushing and Rebecca jolted awake.

"L-love you too!" Replied Emma.

"I love you too...Arthur." Whispered Rebecca but he heard clear as day.

Then he awkwardly walked out the door and to the street below.

'Okay, I really hope I got some cool lightning powers like sending out thunders or transforming my body into electricity.'

After a while of playing around, he could indeed send out weaker thunders but he could only consistently hit around 25 meters ahead, but could launch them as far as 60 meters. But unfortunately he couldn't transform into electricity.

After a while he went back inside and decided to swallow the blue pill too. This time he slept for two days straight. His body now looked even leaner, if before he had 3-4% body fat now he had only 1%. He also noticed that he was getting tougher, faster and even way taller, now being 192 cm tall.

The girls looked dazed when he was checking his body, especially Rebecca that was now at the same level as his chest. But Arthur didn't even noticed their looks and wanted to go out and see what kind of new power he got but right when he was about to open the door he got pulled back by the girls.

"Where do you think you're going, you leave us starving for 4 Days then you tease us with your crazy new body and you think you can just go out?" Said Rebecca but they were both thinking this.

"Starving? But I left you girls food. Don't tell me you don't know how to use the microwave."

"Did all this sleeping make you go dumb or something? I wasn't talking about food, I was talking about..." Rebecca whispered in his ear.

Arthur blushed a little but he went in their bedroom and tooj his clothes off with the girls doing the same thing not long after. What followed were two days of nonstop sex where they didn't even take a pause to eat.

At the end of the two days the girls could barely stand and we're tired out of their minds while Arthur actually felt refreshed and went to take a shower before going out.

Outside he tried everything he could think of but since he didn't know from what kind of zombie the orb came from he almost gave up, what he didn't know was that it came from a furry that spent all it's life wanting to transform into something it couldn't possibly be.

Arthur decided that it was worth trying to transform into electricity once again and to his surprise it actually worked, and it was as overpowered as it could be, he could pass through everything normal electricity could and he had almost instant teleportation, it's only weaknesses were it's range since he could only teleport for 3 meters, if he tried to go even only 4 meters he would get a splitting headache and it's duration, it only took a quarter of a second for it to activate but he could only stay still for 2 seconds. Which wasn't so bad as it was enough time for an attack to pass right through him and take his enemy by surprise or teleport in it's blindspot.

But with this new power, Arthur thought, 'Maybe it would be possible to use the insect orbs to transform into them.'

So he tried it, but he didn't have to sleep at all, a couple seconds after swallowing it he would just feel a shiver down his spine and that would be it, he was able to grow blades like a mantis and even completely transform into one but he quickly reverted back since he didn't know how to move his legs properly, the same went for the centipede but he got the hang of it pretty quickly since he only needed to tell two of his legs how to move and all of them would move. But it wasn't as good as the mantis since it had wings so he could potentially fly in the future if he familiarizes with it.

He continued practicing walking as a mantis and after he got a hang on it he wanted to see if it was faster than him just running and it was indeed a little faster, but not much. But jumping on the other hand was incredible, he was able to jump 10 meters compared to 2,25 meters in his human form.

He then sat on the roof of the apartment building looking at the sunset that was mostly obstructed by tall skyscrapers that didn't even look cool.

"We should move out soon."