Cat Ears

He scrapped that idea for now, even if they did move out where would they, the only place he knows and likes is the area where James's brother's house is. 'I don't think I am ready to come face to face with him yet.'

He got lost in thoughts until the sun set at 10 PM and when he entered the apartment he found the girls still sleeping so he joined them.


When he wake up and smelled eggs cooking he went to the kitchen where he found his twin girlfriends cooking eggs and making a salad while wearing nothing but an apron.

He wasn't trying to be sneaky but they didn't seem to notice him as he was approaching and when he reached them he put his hands on their asses.

"A-ah, you scared me!" Said Emma.

"You meanie!" Added Rebecca.

"Sorry, but with such a nice smell and such a beautiful view I kinda got in a trance."

"It's not a big of a deal, it's just eggs, you make way better food." Replied Emma.

"Well, it's the thought that counts." He said before giving each of them a kiss to show his appreciation.

After finishing the food they seated at the table and while e Rebecca brought up a topic.

"Hey, Art, we've been wondering if we could go visit our parents. They live a couple cityes away so it will be quite a long drive but we would appreciate it a lot."

"Sure, why not."

"Really? Just like that?" Asked Emma.

"Yeah, I would love to meet them."

"Ok, we should leave soon though so we don't have to drive at night." Said Rebecca.

"Ok, but we might spend the night out either way."

"Why tough?"

Arthur teleported to the counter, took the salt and got back on his seat to pour some on the eggs.

"Because I want to fight every strong Zombie on the way there." Arthur replied matter of factly.

The girls were looking at him as if they saw a finger sized snake fly down and grab an elephant by the leg, the thing they saw was almost reasonable but not quite. They wanted to ask questions but they couldn't tie the words together.


A while later they started packing everything that would be needed, Arthur packed some clothes and his toothbrush, that would be about everything he took. After the girls got ready they took a stroll towards a great car dealership nearby.

There were no clouds in the sky and although it was only 12 o'clock the sky was coated in a relaxing pink hue with blue spots, almost like someone spilled some paint on a canvas.

"The sky is so lovely. That pink is almost the same as the one I wanted my hair to have, but it came out a little darker."

"I don't think it's darker, it's just the lighting, but it looks good on you anyway." Rebecca smiled at the compliment.

They continued their walk until they reached the dealership, but when they walked into the parking lot there were hundreds of dead zombies, all of them missing their head.

"What happened here? Is it another monster?" Asked Emma, a little scared.

"Most likely. Wait here, I'll go check it out"

Arthur then transformed his thumb into a mantis blade, it almost looked like a sword except for the fact that it was attached to his hand.

"I'm not even gonna ask how you did that." Said Rebecca.

He was walking to the building, taking big but slow steps as to not alert the monster that was inside, but his plan didn't work out as intended. As he passed a big SUV on his right a zombie woman with cat ears, a tail and sharp claws jumped at him, aiming for his head.

What the catgirl didn't expect though was that was for him to disappear into thin air. Arthur teleported 2 meters to his left and a little back so he could slash at her.

She couldn't stop as she was in the air but managed avoid a lethal blow it the price of her leg that got cut off from the knee down. The zombie crashed into a car and hissed at Arthur after which it tried to run, he was about to run after it but heard a slash and something hitting the ground.

"Art, I got her!" Announced Rebecca.

Arthur walked to her but when he arrived he saw her stuffing a green orb into her mouth.

"Rebecca, no!" He tried to grab her but she swallowed it before he could stop her. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is bad, really bad."

Rebecca fainted not long after she swallowed the ball and small ears started growing on her head.

"Arthur, what's going on, did Rebecca get hurt?" When Emma got there she went to her sister and started tending to her but she didn't seem to have noticed the ears on top of her head.

"Not quite, but she'll probably be fine, I think, anyway, go get a car, pick whichever one you like. Wait, do you know how to drive? Because I don't."

"Yeah, I do, but why do you not know? The driver's school is free, you know?"

"I'm only 17, you know, I can't really get a license yet but I had a motorcycle that my dad gave me."

"What?! I'm 21! When were you going to tell us you were that young? Holy shit, if we met before the apocalypse we would have been in jail right now!" She replied in an angry tone.

"No way you're 21, you look the same age as me. But it doesn't matter anyway, let's just get out of here."

Rebecca didn't seem to let it go yet but she went and got a car, it was a grey convertible with 465 HP.

"Oh, nice, my friend always wanted one of these..." Remembering the fight they had, Arthur got a little sad, if he saw him again he would apologize, but then he thought of something, what if he got James and moved near the girls parents? 'Yes, this is a great idea, he will die sooner or later if he stays there anyway, and I don't mind sending a few zombies in there to eat his stupid girlfriend. Whoa whoa whoa, when did I get so dark, maybe I should just leave her there with the other guys, she's already fucking all of them anyway so James leaving wouldn't even affect her too much.'

He felt Rebecca fidgeting in his arms.
