
"Rebecca, how do you feel, are you ok? Do you need anything?"

"Oh, Art, hello there. I feel pretty good, even better than before. What was that yellow sphere, I wanted to eat it so badly that I couldn't control myself." Something soft brushed her cheek and took her by surprise, it was a soft and puffy cat tail, and when she traced it to it's source she noticed it was coming from her skirt.

She turned her head towards Arthur who was still holding her. "Umm, why do I have a tail?"

"Check the top of your head."

She did as she was told and touched something soft, she tried tracing it's shape with her finger but it tickled her. "Are these c-cat ears? I think I will faint again."

"Oh, sister, you're awake, did you know that Art is only 17? I mean..." Emma paused for a while when she saw the cat ears and tail. "What's up with the cosplay?"

"It's not cosplay, I think I'm an actual catgirl, I can move them and everything."

"Are you serious? I think I'm going to faint now."

"Hey, girls. I was thinking, should we move to the place where your parents are staying or even near it? There isn't much in this town except for the hill area."

The girls thought for a while and spoke between themselves and decided that they don't have anything against it.

"Ok then, but we'll have to make a little detour to get my friend, you girls get the car and I'll take a motorcycle. Is that ok?"

"I want to ride with you!" Shouted Rebecca, she seemed a little bit different from her normal self.

"Why can't we all ride in the car?"

"There is barely enough space for the three of us, and there might be more than one person."

"Hmph, ok then." Emma seemed angry that she would be alone in the car.

"I'll go in front to clear the zombies on the road. His house isn't very far, it should only take 5 minutes." He then kissed Emma and got on the motorcycle.


They easily got through the streets and entered the driveway of the house, but he noticed that the door was broken and there was a group of zombies inside.

He ordered them to get out and rushed inside hoping that his friend got away from them but as he entered a very cold hand tried to rip his arm off. Arthur was quick to react though, he became electricity and went straight through the monster, it was extremely easy to go through it and on his first inspection he noticed that the zombie was completely covered in metal except for the joints. He made a mantis blade and stabbed at a gap between the upper and lower back, right in it's colon then slashed to the side leaving the zombie dangling from the side, he stabbed again trough a gap between the jaw and the neck and the zombie hit the fan. He of course took the orb and made sure to keep it away from the girls.

"That was quite easy. So unexpected." But the. he remembered the reason he was here. "Oh shit, James! James are you here?"

After a while, a soft girly voice was beard from upstairs. "A-Arthur, is that you?"

'Was that Ashley's voice?"

Ashley is a girl only 13 days younger than Arthur, she is very smart and beautiful and always liked Arthur, unbeknown to him tough she would pursued a romantic relation with him if it wasn't for her father who was against it. In terms of appearance she had a very cute slim face and wavey natural white hair.

As you can imagine she was very popular amongst wealthy boys who were looking for a future wife but she wasn't interested at all in them and would rather choose to ignore them. Her only apparent flaw was her intense hate for James, Arthur didn't know the reason for it but she wouldn't even stand in the same room as him.

Arthur rushed upstairs and only wanted to try and open the door but accidentally pushed too hard and the lock gave in.

The girl screamed but when she saw it was just Arthur she rushed and hugged him.

"Ashley, are you okay? What happened?"

Through tears, the girl tried to explain what happened as well as she could.

"Sniff, so, after you left, that bastard James had a huge fight with that bitch Amanda. I think he was confronting her about what you said before you left. Things escalated and she accidentally stabbed him in the neck with a knife and he died, the other guys were really mad at her and after a while she ran into the street to kill herself and the guys tried to stop her but they died too and while I was trying to lock the front door a couple of zombies saw me and burst in so I had to lock myself in here. That was 3 days ago, I found some water in here but I'm starving, I haven't ate in 3 days you know, could you make me something to eat?"

"Let's go downstairs, I'll make you a quick meal."


While Arthur prepared the food the three girls got to know each other a little.

"So, Ashley, what is your relationship with Arthur to be more precise?" Asked Emma.

"We are just friends..." She then came closer to the girls and whispered. "... for now at least."

"Hah, you could try I guess but I promise you aren't going to take him away from us." Scoffed Emma.

"So you are his girlfriend huh, I'm guessing your little sister here is just tagging along?"

"Little? I know we don't look the part anymore, but we're twins, and I am the older one. She just lucky that she was the first one to give him a blowjob and got these big tits, and ass, and softer tights... But we are both his girlfriends!"

"T-twins, first blowjob, t-two girlfriends..." Ashley was a little taken aback by the revelations but she tried to act confident "Well, if you're already sharing him I hope you won't mind one more person."

Arthur walked in with a bowl of tuna salad and four sandwiches. "What are you girls talking about?"