Road Trip Pt. 3

As he felt the big guy rushing at him he turned around and Instead of teleporting away he just met his fist with his falm enforced by centipede plates. He stood his ground but the concrete under his feet gave away and he was pushed back.

"Heh, you actually withstood my punch." Said the enormous man. He was 240~ cm and had veiny bulging muscles all over his body.

"If you walk away right now I might just let you live. Choose your next words carefully." Said Arthur, his face was red with anger, he knew what the man wanted even without him saying it.

"Hahaha, a funny one, ain't you? You can try if you can, but I will let it slide if you give me the beauty with the cat ears, you see I have a thing for petite girls." The man was licking his lips.

"Not even over my dead body, I will kill you so horribly that if anyone finds you they would think you are a zombie with a bad mutation. Of course, I'll make sure you're still alive."

Then Arthur changed his hands into mantis blades and teleported behind the man, he slashed with a hand at his nape and with the other at his ankles.

Instinctively the man protected his nape while Arthur completely cut off the bottom of his legs. He screamed in pain as he fell to the ground but Arthur put a blade in his mouth and cut it open.

"Oh my, I can't have you die from blood loss now, can I? Let's see..." He changed one of his hands back and used the electricity to warm the other blade until it was red with heat. He put the blade at the stump of his legs and the flesh sizzled as the wound got sealed and the man tried to scream but was instead gagging with his own blood.

"Oh, blood is coming out of your jaw, let me fix it for you."

The man was in agony, he knew he couldn't escape so he wanted to cut his loses short. He was bashing his head against the concrete but Arthur stopped it.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I gave you permission to die yet, did I? Let's do something about these disgusting muscles, what are they, a mutation?" He slowly cut both arms off with the hot blade.


After a while Arthur finally got bored of torturing the man and made some zombies eat him slowly until he died before going back to the girls.

"What happened to you, you're covered in blood! Did you get hurt?" Asked Ashley. Arthur was covered in red blood, but the zombies had black and sometimes purple blood.

"I'm okay, there was a crazy strong zombie out there, but I killed it so it's okay. I think we should leave to get to your parent's house before nightfall."

"Arthur, could we talk for a bit?" Asked Rebecca, she had a worried expression on her face.



"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"You killed a human back there, didn't you?"

Arthur was frozen, he didn't know if he should tell the truth or lie about it.

"I did, but if he left when I warned him I wouldn't have killed him. He was a bad guy."

"Did the voices in your head tell you to kill him?" Rebecca asked him as she got closer to him.

"Do you also hear them?"


"So they did come from the orbs... I don't think we should give the other girls any. We need to protect them."

"I agree, but they would probably be safe when we get there, so how about... How about we run away, only the two of us." Rebecca was looking in his eyes before she hugged him and buried her face in his chest.

"I would love to, but think about it, if we leave they would think we left them because they were weak so they would try killing special zombies and eat their orbs. I can't leave them on their own."

" *Sigh* I get it... but it's frustrating, I only want you for myself and I don't like it when they get between us."

"Then how about we go on a little vacation together after we get to your parents house, we'll go wherever you want. How does it sound?"

"That would be great, thank you."

"Oh, I also have a present for you, it's the orb from the zombie I fought. I think it gives you complete control over shadows and it's really strong, this will make you something more than the cutest catgirl in the world."

She chuckled. "Thank you, Arthur." She motioned for him to lower his face and gave him a long sweet kiss. Arthur didn't want to be bested so he picked her up with one hand and gave her another big kiss before going back to the car.

"Before we get there let's go to a store and get some food, they may not have enough."


It wasn't long before they reached the city where the parents lived. The streets were pretty empty, rarely would you see more than 10 zombies in the street at the same time. It's what you would expect from a gated community.

Arthur couldn't feel any strong zombie so he just drove to the girl's parents home.

When they got there Rebecca leaned out of the car and pressed the doorbell and a middle-aged man answered.

"Who is it?"

"Dad! It's me Rebecca, my sister is also here." Said Rebecca, happy to hear her dad is alive.

"Rebecca? Come in quickly, the big gate is blocked but I'll unlock the small one. We are staying in the guest house right now."

The girls took their luggage and Arthur carried his and all the food they brought, it was around 20 bags which wasn't too bad for him.

When they got in the twins guided them to another house some distance away from the big one you would see from the outside.

When they got closer they saw a seven people waiting for them. The girls parents ran toward their daughters and they hugged each other, they saw the girls appearance changed but didn't say anything yet.

After a while, they calmed down and started talking.

"So, girls, how did you get here? We sent the chopper to get you but it never came back."

"Well, we got here and are still alive thanks to Arthur over here..." Said Emma.

Her father turned to look at Arthur and introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Mark Reed, nice to meet you."