Snake King

"Hello, my name is Mark Reed, nice to meet you."

"And I am Amanda Reed, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"My name is Arthur King, the pleasure is all mine."

"Listen, Arthur, we were getting ready to go to the main house before you came, we're going to save the maids that have been captured by a zombie. It appeared yesterday and took over the mansion, would you mind joining us?" Asked Mark with worry in his voice.

"Sure, I'll go ahead then."

"Go ahead? That's not..." Before he completed his sentence Arthur shot ahead toward the giant mansion.

He was initially going on a brownish brick path but decided to go off-road as it was faster. Before long he was in front of a giant door that wasn't locked.

Arthur entered it without fear as he felt the mutants further ahead. He found himself in a giant room that had a coiling stairway on both sides, there was victorian era furniture with white walls but he didn't have time to inspect them as he rushed to the next room over where he felt now felt the maids.

Upon entering he saw a spike rapidly traveling toward his chest but he just transformed into electricity before he heard a grunt.

"Damn, I thought it would hit, I guess you win the orb dude." A humanoid porcupine that was turning to face Arthur said to a giant snake that was hanging from the wall. The two other figures in the room looked humanoid except for the seven maids that were at the back of the room. The male one was a tad bit taller than Arthur, it's face was very handsome but had black scales around the eyes but they were covered by glasses that were for style rather than a need and it's snake tongue sometimes came out of his mouth for a few seconds.

On the other hand, the female's face was covered with a black veil, she wore a long dress that was covering her long legs and had a fur jacket on her shoulders. She was sitting in a chair a couple of meters away from the man who was laying on a luxurious couch.

"So, who will be the first to die?" Arthur asked in a mocking tone in hopes of enraging the monster. The woman laughed a little but not at Arthur, but at what he said.

"Kid, if you think you can defeat anyone here except for the weakling porcupine over there you are either stupid or incredibly brave. " The man said. "My name is Solon Calias and I am the king of all snakes in this world, what brings you here, in my humble home?"

Arthur shot a glance toward the maids and the man understood what was going on.

"I see, at most I can give you three of them, you see, my friend needs the other ones for reasons that don't concern you." The man's voice was very soft, you would almost think he was comforting Arthur if it wasn't for the massive grin on his face, the smile went ear to ear and his eyes were squinting just to capture every detail of Arthur's expression as he was delivering the news.

"I am afraid that I cannot let you keep any of them, so either hand them over or die by my hand."

"It seems that our little conversation is futile then, Rasmus, kill this little sheep quickly so I can go back to sleep."

The giant snake then shot towards Arthur but he transformed into electricity and traveled through it to it's tail. Upon discovering his transformation ability Arthur trained hard and now his limits are 15 seconds of transformation before he needs to go back and 10 meter instant teleportation.

Upon reaching the end of the snake Arthur was close to the porcupine and decided to kill it first since his ability would be troublesome if the man entered the fight.

Once he was next to him the man tried to protect his neck but Arthur wasn't going for it, instead, he slashed the back of his knees and when the man fell he cut off his neck and took out the orb.

It was just a green orb with a porcupine in it that he quickly swallowed.

'Hah, the fool, doesn't he know he will fall asleep, he is already dead.' Thought Solon.

Rasmus slowly turned around thinking it's prey gave up and not before long the vision in it's left eye went dark before he felt a strong pain so he coiled up, protecting his eyes.

'This is perfect, after I get inside of it it should be easy work.' Arthur transformed again and went inside the wailing snake, once he was inside he made his way to the brain where he transformed back. The flesh got out of the way as Arthur regained his original form.

The snake got out of control and was about to destroy the room but Solon stopped it.

'I am sorry my child, you are about to die, but be reassured that I will avenge you. Now rest, perhaps you will awake as a dragon in your next life.'

Solon shed a tear as he looked at Arthur who was rising from the black snake's skull with purple snake eyes surrounded by black scales. The woman laughed again, stronger this time, she seemed to enjoy the man's downfall.

"I hope you are happy, you just killed my son, he had a dream, you know. He wanted to be a dragon when he grew up and he was damn close to achieving it." The man was now crying but his face was neutral and his speech was immaculate, there were no sobs, no sniffs, only the tears flowing out of his eyes would make you believe he was sad.

"So, tell me, what is your name, that's the least you can do after causing such sadness in me, an emotion I wasn't sure I still had."

"My name is Arthur, Arthur King. I am sorry about it, but there was no workaround for this. Now, will you give the girls back or do I need to kill you too?"

"Sorry, but I promised my son to kill you, I cannot let you get away."

Arthur nodded and they shot towards each other.