
(Author's note: I made a mistake in the last chapter and said "all the people who could fight went here but there were only five people, the girls parents and three unnamed security guards.)

*Rebecca's POV*

After Arthur left, everyone that could fight went to the mansion. It took 15 minutes for them to arrive and as they entered they were witnessing a battle between kings.

They were punching eachother so hard that they would fly away just to return and do it again.

At this point it was a brutal endurance battle that was both mesmerizing and disgusting, Solon's scales and Arthur's plates were getting ripped off their bodies untill they were both bloodied messes.

Their strength was equally matched but their resistance wasn't, Arthur needed to think of something, and fast.

'I need to help him, but how. I can only stay in the shadow dimension for three seconds, but if I manage to get close enough to him I could take him there and help him kill the man.'


*Arthur's POV*

*Grunt* 'Damn it hurts, I need to find an opening but he somehow knows exactly where I am when I transform and manages to hit me first. I think Rebecca could be of help but I don't know how her power works so I better don't rely on it.'

As they continuously clashed Solon found an opening and hit Arthur right in the abdomen which launched him trough the window. Solon didn't go after him tough, instead he directed his attention to the people who were standing at the door.

He flashed a sly smile as he threw his body towards the crowd, Rebecca saw it and managed to get into the shadow dimension, but everyone else weren't as lucky, they were all cut in two or more pieces and they died on the spot.

After she left the shadows Rebecca fell to her knees and was staring at the corpses in disbelief, her whole family is dead.

She got sad, then angry, and then she exploded, she rushed at the monster and was prepared to die herself but before she reached him she saw Arthur punching him in the middle of his chest.

The hand went right through and he grabbed Solon's heart before ripping it out.

Solon was unmoving, he couldn't kill the man after killing his women, not because of any philosophical reason, but because Arthur was so angry that he went above and beyond his limits as a human and was almost unstoppable.

Arthur wasn't satisfied with only crushing his heart tough, he threw Solon to the ground and started beating him repeatedly.

At this point Solon accepted his fate and wasn't even trying to defend himself, he went down with a boom and just hoped his 'wife' wouldn't ruin it with her magic.

After a while, Solon was dead, Arthur got up and went towards Rebecca who was crying, he picked her up in his arms and hugged her, not wanting to let go.


-30 minutes later-

The woman with a veil on her face got up from her chair when she saw the two humans calmed down a little.

"I am sorry for your loss, I'm not trying to be disrespectful here but I have a proposal for you.

The two looked up to meet the woman and they saw a purple-skinned beauty that would make any man forget his sorrow and any woman be jealous. She had a blank expression on her face, if a little sad.

"What is it?" Asked Arthur.

"I could make you forget, you could go on and live your life without the regret of what happened today. Oh, clumsy me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Amethyst, and you are Arthur and Rebecca. So how about it?"

"Where is the catch?"

"There isn't one, I am doing it out of the goodness of my heart, and because you killed my husband. I wish I could forget my life and start anew, but here I am, stuck, guiding others to a treasure I cannot posses."

The two thought for a while, the offer was very tempting, but they wanted to know more.

"But, what will we remember?"

"Oh, don't worry about being a vegetable, you will remember all the things you know, you will both only forget about these people, you won't forget much about each other, in fact your bond will be stronger than ever."

They looked at each other then nodded to the lady.

"We accept, but I want to bury the corpses first."


-163 years later-

In a crumbling room of the mansion, with brown rotting walls and a cracked marble floor, a single object was present.

It was something resembling a cocoon that was hanging from a giant plant with with pink flower petals constantly falling onto the ground, over time it made a soft cushion on the floor.

The cocoon was moving a little before opening up and leaving two naked figures gently on the floor. The two were hugging each other still unconscious.

One of them was a handsome young male that was 197 cm tall, he had long white hair and was very muscular.

The girl was only 175 cm, she had cat ears and a tail which blended with her black hair that was long enough to reach her ass. she was skinny and had small soft breast that paled in comparison to her face. She had a doll like face that seemed carved by the most talented master in the world, her lips were pink and soft and her eyes were a galaxy purple that were matching with the man's.

They both also had a heart tattoo on their chest.

When they opened their eyes, they started at each other for hours on end, not even moving, simply mesmerized by each others beauty as they laid on the soft petals that were taking the place of a proper mattress.

When they finally moved they jumped on each other and started having sex like there was no tomorrow.