New World

They were disoriented and confused, slowly regaining their senses but they could only think about each other, Arthur was caressing Rebecca's soft pink body and pounding her insides while she was moaning in pleasure and kissing him.

After some orgasms later, they both snapped out of the trance and took a look around.

The walls were decaying and the roof was inexistent, they were sitting on pink petals next to the giant plant that was producing them.

"What the hell is going on? Why is the mansion destroyed? Ugh... My head hurts." Rebecca said.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember is... Huh, I don't know. I can't remember anything." Arthur was brainstorming but couldn't find anything that would explain their situation.

Then suddenly he felt something in him, actually, it was there since he woke up but only now was he sane enough to realize, it felt somewhat like a ball that was taking space below the heart but he ignored it for now as he had an idea of what it was.

Since there was nothing to cover themselves with they decided to go out naked, they wanted to cover their private parts mostly out of habit since they felt no boundary between them anymore.

When the two left the crumbled mansion they found themselves in a forest of giants, the enormous trees had purple leaves that looked more like clouds from this distance, and the environment was packed with neon plants that made up for the few rays of light that shone through the dense canopy, there were sounds of birds and mysterious creatures that were roaming between the trees.

As they advanced through the forest the animal sounds seemed to get closer and closer, then suddenly a group of 4 men all with distinct features appeared in front of them.

"~Hehe, what do we have here?" One of them said in broken English, he had something similar to pigeon wings in place of hands and a beak but seemed pretty normal otherwise.

"~They don't seem very strong, maybe we can have some fun with the girl before taking their orbs, I bet they will fetch a pretty penny." Fire was coming out of his palm and his temperature was almost 68°C.

"You are already dead." Then the man dropped to the floor as a ton of blood was gushing from the place his heart was.

"~How dare you..." This man had a lot of arms coming out from his sides and back. He wanted to throw a couple of punches at Arthur but he dropped dead before long.

The other one had purple eyes that were made of millions of hexagons, he was the only one except Arthur that saw what happened to his friends, not even Rebecca could percept the speed that he was moving at. And as you can imagine, he was scared shitless, he wanted to run bet he knew it was pointless.

The pigeon guy tried to fly away but his head fell off his shoulders and died instantly.

"~P-p-please s-sir, don't k-kill me..."

'Maybe he can tell us something, but what can I even ask him, he barely knows English, it's unlikely that he knows much.'

"So, what year is it?"

"~I-it's year 97 since the new empire formed, but someone as strong as yourself should already know that."

"Are there any towns nearby?"

"~Yes, the nearest one is in that direction." He pointed to the south.

Arthur mercilessly killed him and gathered Al the orbs from the guys, he ate the ones from the pigeon, the arm man and the bug eye dudes. He searched their bodies since if there are towns there must be a currency, and he was right, he found a pouch with 17 orbs, 12 of Wich seemed useless but there were two blue orbs and three red orbs. They split them between themselves and went back to the mansion.


Arthur let Rebecca eat her's first since she was weaker and if other people appeared they might be in trouble.

-14 hours later-

After a long sleep she got some pretty useful powers. As elements she got fire and fog, Wich complimented her shadow ability since it had a very short duration. From the blue orb she got an ability that let her change her size at will Wich seemed pretty useful as she could now kiss Arthur without him having to bend over, but the new ability could only last 10 minutes and had a ~5ish minute cooldown.

-7 hours later-

Arthur woke up from the blue orb with purple snakelike eyesand surrounded by black scales, he felt that he didn't get a new power from it but instead all his other powers got stronger. From the red orbs he got the earth element that allowed him to move and even trow medium boulders without moving a finger and also got somewhat of a sixth sense, he could feel where every single electrycal reaction that was happening, which gave away mostly brains but curiously also the orbs or cores inside someone. This meant that he was almost impossible to take by surprise, but it also had it's flaws, he couldn't feel Rebecca when she was in the shadow dimension.


After a night of practicing with the new Powers they decided to head to the city. The woods weren't easy to traverse but with their superhuman stamina they could get to the city within a couple of hours. But as they were getting closer to their destination, a heavy rain started to pour. They initially wanted to keep going but the rain kept getting stronger so they looked for a place to hide from the rain and found a tree that had a hole in it somewhere 20m off the ground.

Arthur took Rebecca's soft body in his arms and easily jumped the distance to the hole. The place was pretty clean and the floor was a soft wood without splinters, not that it would affect them.

Instead of placing her down, Arthur hugged her even tighter, she was now wearing some clothes from the bandits earlyer but he got them off in mere seconds and started kissing her while playing with her boobs.

As he was kissing her, he decided to leave a hickey on her neck and she did the same to him.