New World Pt. 2

As they had their usual sex, Arthur heard the sound of something climbing the tree they were in, he didn't stop pounding her but paid a little attention to the monster.

A minute later a five meter tall amalgamation peeked from the edge of the cave, it seemed to be a mush of many animals but this one didn't seem to have any defensive power so Arthur just shot a lighting bolt at it.

The amalgamation moved to the side to dodge but seemed unaware of how big it's body was so half of it's neck got destroyed, it didn't die but wasn't far from it either so he just tree another one and the monster got decapitated. But of course, only after finishing what he started did he stop embracing Rebecca.

She didn't even notice the monster as the rain covered most of the sound but Arthur had amazing hearing so he heard it from a lot further away.

"What is that?!" She asked, surprized by the headless monster.

This creature was what would have happened to the mantis centipede monster sooner or later if it wasn't killed.

"It seems we hit the jackpot." Arthur picked up 3 orbs from it's head. They were three yellow orbs that had a frog, a cat and a mosquito in them. "Ooo, now we can both be cat people."

Rebecca giggled. "Yeah, I just hope it fits with the scales around your eyes."

"Scales? What are you talking about?"

"Yeah, you have them since we woke up, I think you also had them in the mansion when you were... ugh... fighting a snake dude... I think."

Arthur felt around for the scales and did feel a strange hexagonal texture.

He ate the cat one since the other two were useless to him. He managed to replicate Rebecca's look easily and then tried to completely transform, he was a little bit bigger than an average cat but he looked just like one, he could also change colors at will.

After chating for a while longer he got up and cut open the chest of the monster. And as he thought there were 24 more orbs in there.

Only 3 of them seemed useful, there was another fire orb which he didn't plan to eat, a blue one, and a strange purple one. It seemed to have stars in it like a galaxy, Rebecca commented that it looked like his eyes. The rain didn't stop yet so he sealed the cave with a boulder and gave Rebecca the blue orb as he ate the purple one.

# Hello, if you can understand me, then that means you are an evolved human. My name is Mantra. I need your help, I am stuck somewhere that humans call Eastern Europe, I cannot give you much information about where exactly I am sice you need to prove yourself first. All you need to do is collect 20 Galaxy Orbs to unlock the next evolution of your race and be able to free me.

You will get more information when you collect more orbs but for now all I can offer you is training. Prepare yourself...#

Arthur found himself in a dark empty space with nothing in sight, his body was covered in scales but they were different from the snake ones around his eyes, these ones were larger and harder but just as flexible and mobile.

#The temporary upgrade is for you protection. Now ready yourself, we will start the training.#


~100 years later~

One hundred years only felt like hours for Arthur. But he was tired, really tired. So much time of only practicing all kinds of martial arts messed with his head a little.

He not only learned human martial arts but alien techniques also, using all kinds of different limbs that not even animals had on earth. He now felt like the strongest master in the world.

#Mastery Rate = 87%#

#Average Rate = 34%#

#Good job, you are in the top 2% of participants, I have high hopes for you. Unfortunately this is all the Galaxy Orb allows me to teach you for now. You might find more the closer you get to my location.

Goodbye for now, I feel like we will meet again, try not to die.#


-10 hours after Arthur ate the orb-

He woke up and found Rebecca looking at him, she had a small frown on her face.

"What happened?" Asked Arthur trying to conceal his longing for her.

"…You are big." She responded.

When he rose to his feet he saw what she was talking about, be was almost 3 meters tall.

'Shit...' he cursed internally, he didn't know what to do, he tried changing his form and managed to become smaller, he was now shorter than Rebecca and was cycling through shapes looking for one that he liked.

"Stop, go back..." Arthur reverted back to to the previous form and he looked like a thirteen ear old boy, he was only a little shorter than Rebecca, he's just as handsome as he always was but now he also had a tinge of cuteness.

"Wow..." She was getting closer to him while inspecting his body throughly.

He was now naked since his clothes got torn with the growth that he had, and Rebecca didn't give him time to get used to his new body because she jumped on him like a lion hunting it's prey.

She was pining him to the floor while kissing his body, after a while she got into a cowgirl position and was moving her hips up and down.

But she wasn't in control for long as Arthur started moving his hips too and she lost. the strength in her legs.

He picked her up with his small but muscular body and was thrusting his rod deeper and deeper in her insides.

For a while they had sex in the dark but after a while they eventually satisfied their carnal desires and decided to continue their small journey but when Arthur unsealed the hole in the tree they found tens of mutants waiting for them outside.

(They now have 35 yellow orbs and one red one) [They will be used as currency for a while and this notice should appear in every chapter if I don't forget to add it]