
After Arthur got the boulder out of the way he found tens of monsters waiting for him. He knew they were here but he couldn't do anything to prepare for the battle anyway.

As he stepped out, two very similar monsters jumped at him from both direction, they both tried to slash him but instead killed each other as Arthur became invulnerable.

"Try to keep up, Rae." He said while smirking at her. She kinda liked the nickname since it was easyer on the tongue.

Arthur quickly killed tens of them, their flesh not bearing any resistance against his sharp blades or his lightning attacks. And even if they were there was no way that they could withstand his new techniques.

Rae also killed a few, her powers were more focused on stealth but she managed somehow, but a monster that seemed stronger than the rest charged at her and right as she was almost hit Arthur stepped in and easily killed the monster before winking at her and going back to the fight.

If someone with no powers were to be looking at this fight they would just see corpses randomly falling to the floor in a crowd of a hundred monsters.

After not even five minutes all the monsters were dead and after they got all the cores they counted 113 new ones. All of them were either useless or plain shitty, not even finding a blue one, let alone a galaxy orb.

(We are not going to talk about where he is storing them, it doesn't matter anyways)

Arthur found a mutant that had some nice fur so he skinned it and told Rae to burn the inside of the skin so he could wear it. After making some basic clothes they got on their way to the city to see what it was all about before he started the journey to the strange alien that told him to gather 20 mysteryous balls.


-2 hours later-

They finally got to the edge of the 'city', if you can call it that. There was a 4 meter tall wall with holes in it as the only protection from the outside forces, the streets were almost empty, the only ones outside were traders that weren't welcome in the shopping area up ahead.

Arthur found nothing interesting around so they continued forward. They shortly arrived in an area that 30 or so shops with different things selling. Some had weapons, some armor, but he only found two interesting things.

The first one was another Galaxy Orb, it was true that he wouldn't feel a desire to eat them if he didn't know it's effects unlike the other orbs but he fought people would know it's value. The price of the orb was only 50 yellow orbs but Arthur managed to lower it to 30.

After being satisfied with a good find he looked around for anything interesting and something interesting he did find.

There was a completely black sword with a neon purple edge, it had the shape of a katana and it also came with a sheath. The price was a little more expensive, being 95 orbs and Arthur only got it down to 85 since the seller wouldn't go lower. He bought it for Rebecca since she didn't have that many attack moves.

Little did they know that they were being stalked by a sinister figure.

As they exited the market area Arthur already felt the presence so he intentionally went into an alley far from the road that had some people. The figure didn't want to fight him in the open not because he was scared that others would help Arthur but because he was scared they would actually help him and steal the items.


Arthur found a clearing and pretended to look around at his stuff not noticing the thief, so the tied got cocky and approached them while preparing his attack.

When his attack was almost ready he felt a sharp pain in his bicep and groaned in pain. He realized he was discovered and launched toward Arthur at a very fast speed, but not nearly as fast as him.

Arthur gad enough time to make his arm into a sword and get out of the way while the tied was still far away. He didn't even realize he was looking at Arthur's afterimage before he plunged straight to it. Rae delivered a slash to the side of his torso, he got out of the way to attack Arthur, even though he looked like a teenager he could feel that the aura coming from him was much deadlier than the girl.

What he didn't account for was a kick to his nuts coming from behind him.

It hurt like nothing he felt before, he could feel the dreams of future kids vanishing from his mind as he felt like his body was torn in half and fell to the ground unconscious.

As Arthur saw what happened to the poor guy he suddenly felt a little fear of Rebecca and couldn't help but shiver a little like he was sharing the pain with the thief.

"We can't just let him here, he will bleed out. I'll bandage him while you look for anything valuable, as payment for our medical assistance of course." Rae said because Arthur was unmoving.

He of course complied to her orders and searched the guy. He found a blue ball and some yellow ones, only one of them attracted his attention and it had a little spider called black widow inside. Arthur was very pleased with it since he could now add venom to his weapon, he wanted to before but the snake orb didn't grant him any venom powers.

He quickly ate it and when he activated the venom in his hand, black liquid started dripping on the blade.

"Where should we go now Art? I don't like this city at all, I think we should go on a vacation to the beach, yeah! That sounds nice." Rae 'asked' him.

"Yeah, that's alright. I've actually been thinking of going to Europe for our honeymoon."

"That sound lovely." She gave him a kiss on the cheek while blushing at the comment about their relation.

As they were leaving the town in the direction of the coast they heard a loud roar and saw that there was nobody outside anymore.

(They now have 33 yellow orbs and one red one)