Huguel Herinque says what he tells me

Morneiros will continue the war to fight with me or will he give up and leave

Huguel Herinque said if you do so, I will be sure to make every single person of these people suffer for as long as I am alive, including myself,

Huguel Herinque said I will make your punishment a hundred times harsher than what Nicolás will endure later on

Huguel Herinque says because of what I have done here today, I must punish every student who committed those atrocities today, whether or not you are part of those children

Huguel Herinque looks at each student with a sinister look in his eyes.

Huguel Herinque then turns to look at Nicolás.

Huguel Herinque says if you wish to survive, then you better do as I say.

Then Hugo Herinque takes a hold of Nicolás' collar in both of his hands. He pulls him closer.

Huguel Herinque says I am willing to help you

Huguel Herinque continues to speak to Nikolas, telling him to leave now

Huguel Herinque says if you stay, I will destroy your family and everything about them that you care about

Nicolás reed look at Huguel Herinque and finally says it's ok I'm leaving

. Thank you for saving me.

Nicolas reed started walking backwards until he reached a point where he could no longer see the group.

Then he disappeared, leaving the scene of destruction behind.

Huguel Herinque serious look at

Morners and says it's you

Morneiros will continue to fight there will

be a war between our nations but we'll never meet again

Morneiros bows down slightly as he gives Hugo Herinque a salute. "Thank you for sparing my life." He said before disappearing along with Nicolás Reeds trail of black smoke.

so the war ends. And now for some new developments.

The students that had been attacked by Nicolas and the soldiers from his group are still in the hospital being treated for minor injuries. The battle has ended and all of the soldiers have either been returned to their barracks or transported home.

Now it's just the two leaders of the school and their guards, who were also injured. Their families were waiting for them to return. As they wait for them, the two leaders were still holding hands with one another and conversing among themselves.

It seemed like the entire area of the forest has been abandoned as everyone had evacuated from the area. Except for some random students who may have decided to come and see the aftermath of the battle. The area is now completely deserted except for the two leaders. They sat there in silence looking over the destruction that was created. Both men were silent and didn't talk or do anything.

They were still holding hands and were watching the destruction that was left in their wake. They weren't talking, but were looking at each other intently.

Finally, they broke the silence as a voice interrupted them. They were startled and looked towards the direction of the voice.

There was a woman standing in front of them; she was dressed completely in black. The woman appeared very thin and fragile.

She had long straight blond hair and deep green eyes. She had an incredibly pale complexion with a small nose bridge. She also wore a black dress with a high collar which revealed some shoulder length blonde hair underneath. She had on white gloves with pink stripes along the edge.

The girl in black spoke. She gave both of the leaders and the man she was holding hand a warm smile. The woman beside her also offered a welcoming smile and nodded at the girl in black with a hint of concern in her eyes.

"I know you probably wonder why I'm here," The girl continued. "but it doesn't matter now, I'm here to ask you the same question. I know about what happened and it pains me to see my best friend hurt. But you're the only hope of stopping this madness that surrounds us. Please do help me stop it and restore peace once more in this world."

Both leaders remained quiet as they stared at her in confusion. After awhile, the woman broke the silence and looked at the girl. "Who are you? Where are you from? And why do you want to save us?"

"My name is Diana," Said Diana. "And I am not from anywhere. Nor am I from this world. This is my dimension, so the question that I am asking is this: how does one change dimensions? Do you have someone powerful enough to change dimensions?" She asked as she gazed at the leaders expectantly.

"We would need a lot of power, but I think the most powerful force currently in this world is the goddess." One of the leaders answered.

"Then I can offer you power and help." Diana said, her eyes gleaming in excitement. "In order for you to succeed, I need you to agree to allow me to take control over this dimension while you are fighting against Nicholas."

"Why should we trust you when you've told us nothing but lies?" Asked one of the leaders as he raised his eyebrow sceptically. "If you want power, I suggest you leave right now before I turn you into ash. You can try changing dimensions with what power you have, but it won't change anything."

Diana shook her head. "No, you won't find any use of changing dimensions with the limited amount of power you have. I can help you fight for what's rightfully yours, even if you don't believe me yet."

Another leader scoffed at Diana's offer. "Are you out of your mind? Who would want powers that are not fit for a warrior such as ourselves?" The other leader said, shaking his head.

"I know you're skeptical, but hear me out," Diana pleaded, taking out a red object out of her pocket. "This is the key to my dimension. When you use this key, you will be able to open the portal that connects dimensions. Once you do, I promise that you will be able to use it and return to your own dimension with ease."

The members of the school looked at each other nervously, thinking that she was lying, but eventually came to an agreement with Diana and agreed to accept her offer.

After that, Diana began to show different abilities as she manipulated the objects around her that held the key, showing her skills as well as showing the strength of her ability. The students were amazed by her abilities and couldn't believe that they had gotten themselves into such a dangerous situation. As Diana's abilities became more complex, so did her emotions. Although she had always been indifferent and cold, she now felt guilty and sad. Her emotions caused her powers to grow exponentially. The powers that she could manipulate now took on various shapes.

As Diana continued to train, so did everyone else. While Diana was practicing, many of the students started practicing their skills as well.

At that time, several of the students were training together with a few teachers. It was one of those days when it was raining outside. Since the weather was hot due to the hot summer sun, everyone preferred it to go inside during this type of weather.