War of monsters

"technological imprint?"

While the ancient one was speaking, she stretched out her finger and tapped Tony's chest lightly.

Tony felt like he was racing, and he had a strong feeling of pushing his back, and then he was lightened, and he broke free from the restraint of his body and floated into the air!

"What did you do to me?!"

Tony was surprised to find that his current situation was like a fluttering balloon. The air produced the texture of water, allowing him to swim in the air.

"This is your soul." the ancient one said calmly: "Don't worry, you are safe now, as long as you won't stay away from your body too far."


Tony looked at his body, feeling very weird.

"Do you see the light shining on your chest?" Ancient one reminded.

Tony looked down and saw that on his chest, there should have been the Ark Reactor, but in the state of soul, his chest was shining with a faint light of greenery.

stretched out his hand and stroked it, but found that his hand could pass through the green light, pulling out a bunch of light again.

This group of light is his reward for the first game: [ the world line confinement authority.]

The green light group is naturally the technological imprint of the ancient sage.

"Magic is indeed magical." Tony played with the ball of light in his hand and stuffed it back into his body, and then asked, "How should I go back? Shall I just swim back?"

ancient one smiled and stretched out her hand a little, Tony only felt his body shake violently twice, and the soul returned to normal in the next instant.

ancient one: "Tony Stark, are you interested in learning magic with me?"

"Me?" Tony shook his head and picked up the iron ball on the ground again. "I'm still more interested in technology!"

He refused very simply. ancient one didn't feel any embarrassment. she still smiled flatly, "I have to go back to Kamar Taj I have some work to do ."

She turned around and stepped directly into the golden portal, walking purely.

Tony stared at the slowly disappearing golden portal, " it seems that I can also create a transmission channel... Wait, the inspiration doesn't seem to be enough?"

He raised his hand and knocked on his forehead. Just for that moment, he seemed to have entered that kind of wonderful state. He could pick up a hammer and a wrench and smash a transmission channel with a few clicks.

It's a pity that at the last minute, it failed due to a lack of inspiration.

Tony touched his chest, thinking that the future was promising.

"Magic is amazing, but the power of technology is not bad!"


The time came to the next day.

On the streets of New York at night, a monster with an extremely ugly shape is destroying everything in front of him unscrupulously.

The car on the road was in the hands of this monster, like a toy, tossed around, explosions screamed endlessly, and pedestrians on the street fled in horror.

Only some military police, under the command of the commander, launched an attack on this monster with anxiety.

A rocket ejected a dazzling tail flame, and it shot at the monster's head quickly!

However, the monster suddenly turned around. As soon as he raised his hand, he directly pinched the rocket, not only did not throw it but hit his forehead instead.


There was a loud noise, and the flames enveloped the monster in an instant, but when the fire spread, the monster was unharmed!

People fled in more horror, and the soldiers felt desperate. Can they deal with this inhuman terrifying monster?

Just then, with a bang, a figure fell in the night sky, and a huge pit was smashed into the road. Then, a thick green arm suddenly stretched out!


The Hulk made his debut.

abomination seeing him, immediately showed a grinning smile, first paced fast, then speeded up the sprint, stepped forward with a shoulder bump, and directly knocked the Hulk out!

The Hulk fell into a sea of ​​flames.

On the helicopter, General Ross yelled at the pilot: "Quickly, fly over!"

At this moment, an unfamiliar signal source was connected to his headset, "General, I am Nick Fury, Director of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau."

"No matter who you are, I'm not free right now!" General Ross shouted.

"You will be free soon, General Ross, we are here to clean up the mess for you, and hope you can have a good chat with our people afterward."

The director Fury took the initiative to hang up the communication, he is also very busy.

General Ross was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it. After the helicopter got close to the ugly monster, he shouted and told the soldiers to shoot!

The large-caliber heavy machine gun hummed, and the bullet chain pierced the night, and fell on the monster, which was completely useless!

What's even more frightening is that this monster leaped towards the helicopter from the top of the building with a run-up!

The Hulk in anger also leaped when he saw it, trying to stop the Abomination, but it seemed that he was a step too late, he was about to grab the helicopter when he saw the Abomination.

Hearing only the sound of humming through the air, two hooks suddenly flew from downstairs, hooking the abomination in mid-air with precision and accuracy. In the next instant, this behemoth suddenly disappeared from the field of vision.

It was pulled down by the hook lock!



Two howls, one first and the other later appeared, first, the loathing ground smashed several cars to pieces. The Hulk also rushed into the air, fell from mid-air, and smashed another pit!

"Wow, your armor looks good!"

Tony Stark drove the trash, glanced at Bruce, and couldn't help twisting his neck, "It seems that I have to be more serious?"

"Deal with this monster first, the Hulk has a sense, don't irritate him!" Bruce reminded.

Before coming, he had already read the relevant information, and as long as the intelligence information was in place, Bruce would be able to make a perfect plan, just like the hook-and-lock attack just now.

They have been here for a while. According to Tony's idea, there is nothing to say, just go up and do it. He is confident in the big garbage he is driving.

Bruce told him not to rush out and wait for a good time.

It worked.

Abomination first crawled out of the pit, roared at Bruce and Tony, and slammed on the footsteps, trying to break the two iron bumps!

However, Bruce escaped through the hook displacement, leaving Tony's trash alone facing the anger of the Abomination

But Tony didn't have any fear, and he also shot.

"Let them see your power!"

The trash hummed, and the seemingly messy mechanical arm suddenly rotated at a high speed. The sharp drill bit and the ratchet turned alternately, and the cold light flickered, and it hit the abomination!

In a short time, the blood splashed, the abomination seemed to be hit by a siege hammer, and it flew out directly.

Behind him, Bruce is already in place.