My strength is above you

The big guy smashed over.

Bruce is also ready. His Bat armor is equipped with a Mark3 weapon system, and he is preparing to send a high-energy laser to Abomination.

Suddenly thought of the last quiz game, he opened the blind box and got a reward called [Saiyan bloodline ].

Why won't he try it now?

Thinking of this, Bruce simply stretched out his arms and tried to resist the abomination with pure strength.

Anyway, the armor he is wearing is strong and durable.

Even if the strength is not enough to hold this big guy, he won't get hurt.


The abomination slammed into Bruce's arm, and bruce was surprised to find that his strength could not only hold the impact, but he can even throw it back!

Without any hesitation, he pulled up abomination arms and thighs, directly raised him above his head, groaned in his mouth, and threw them towards Tony!

Tony didn't expect that he would throw abomination on him, he was shocked. After all, a big guy fell from the sky on you and it would not be a good experience.

But he didn't panic. He manipulated the trash to accelerate the rotation of the robotic arm, rounding it up and hitting the abomination again like a baseball.

abomination blood is dripping all over, but he roared and tried to grab the mechanical arm, but was blocked by the green barrier, and then the huge force attacked him and he flew out involuntarily.

At this time, Bruce shot the hook, and the abomination flew into the air. The abomination that flew towards batman got a powerful whip kick.


This ugly monster suddenly resembled a cannonball out of the chamber. It slammed into the ground at a faster speed than before, and the street that was already pitted was simply smashed out of a huge pit...

Abomination hung in the pit with his head and feet. After struggling twice, he didn't move anymore.

"That's good, are you a football player?"

Tony looked up and down at Bruce, "I have to say, you made the Mark3 armor not bad, wait, you didn't use the Ark reactor?"

   Bruce first checked the status of Abomination and confirmed that the monster had passed out, before taking the time to reply to Tony: "No, your reactor is not perfect."

(tony thought:you still detest my technological creation?)

Tony jumped from the cockpit, glared, and said, "Since you didn't use the Ark reactor, why is this armor capable of erupting such amazing power? Don't tell me, you developed another high-energy reactor yourself?"

Although the Ark reactor is not perfect, it is a technological creation that Tony is extremely proud of.

He admitted that the guy in front of him has good ability, but he never believes that the other party can create something that is no weaker than the Ark's reactor in just a few days.

"I didn't use any foreign objects, I relied on pure physical strength." Bruce stretched out his hand and clutched his fist, feeling the power inside his body rushing like a river.

This is a feeling he has never experienced before, the Saiyan bloodline is beyond his expectation!

"Game rewards?" Tony guessed the source of Bruce's power, and laughed, "Isn't this a foreign object?"

Bruce was also good at tit-for-tat, "Iron Man...I think you should change your name.

Trashman is a good fit. seeing your armor, I can only think of trash to describe it."

Big garbage has good combat effectiveness, especially the green barrier, which can block almost all attacks.

But even if he is strong, ugly is ugly!

With Tony's aesthetic, he definitely can't accept the look of big garbage, but there is no way. If he wears his Mark3 armor, even if he can finally defeat Abomination, I am afraid it will be a tragic victory.

There is still a certain probability of being picked up and smashed by an abomination, just like seeing the Hulk and Thor...

When the two were talking, the helicopter hovering in the sky also found an open space to stop.

Tony took the opportunity to change the subject, "I'm going to negotiate with them, and the big green guy will be handed over to you."

The large trash behind him clicked, cracked, collapsed, and reorganized into an iron ball and fell into Tony's backpack.

Bruce didn't say anything either, turned around, and disappeared into the darkness.

The Hulk ran away while they worked together to beat up the abomination.

But what he didn't know was that Bruce left a tracker on him in advance, and it didn't take long before Bruce found him in a small alley.

"You can't control your power?"

Bruce has a low voice and walks toward him step by step.

The Hulk did not escape anymore, his green eyes stared at Bruce, and there seemed to be flames burning inside.

"Uncontrolled power will cause trouble to you, as well as us." Bruce kept walking under his feet, "Such power should be locked in a cage!"

"I...I am the cage!" The Hulk roared, his expression constantly changing, "Don't come here!"

Bruce raised his arm, and the hard hook lock shot at him. The Hulk grabbed the hook lock quickly and roared after that he pulled Bruce directly.

   The other hand squeezed a fist, and he amassed enough strength to slam into Bruce in mid-air!


Bruce blocked the punch with his left arm, his body just swayed a few times, and all his strength was finished!

"My power is above you!"

He took advantage of his strength to slam the Hulk on him, riding on him, swinging his fists alternately with both hands, and smashing the Hulk's face with accuracy and fierceness.


The Hulk was beaten all over his head, and suddenly he let out a violent roar, the sanity in his eyes completely faded, his arms swung, and Bruce was thrown into the air.

"Did he get angry?"

The Bruce adjusted his posture in mid-air and shot the hook to pull the wall, thereby avoiding the Hulk's angry pounce.

He learned from the intelligence that the Hulk's strength would continue to increase because of his anger, so he wanted to test how high his Saiyan bloodline limit was.

But the Hulk has not only become more powerful but also has improved speed and response!

The Bruce was dragged down by him in mid-air, and the two immediately fought together. The Hulk roared and punched constantly, just blindly attacking frantically!

The counter armor created by Bruce failed to withstand the storm-like attack and was beaten to pieces. He didn't care, and he relied on his strength to fight this huge manic monster in close hands.

As a result... he lost.

The Hulk's anger continued to increase during the fight. Correspondingly, his strength also continued to increase, and Bruce was accidentally turned into a punching bag.

He didn't keep his hand anymore, took out a special anesthetic and stuffed it into the Hulk's mouth while he was being beaten, and pressed a red button on his belt at the same time.


The dense electric snakes immediately covered Bruce's body and followed the trend to climb onto the Hulk, and the two began to sway in unison...