causes of the battle of new york

The Hulk jumped towards the huge Surtur.

He jumped onto Surtur's head, clenched his fists, and hammered wildly!

"Wow... this green monster is crazy, Thor, look, he deserves to be a guy who can beat you up!" Loki took the opportunity to scoff.

Thor was also stunned. He didn't expect the big green guy to be so crazy!

Compared with ordinary people, the Hulk is already extraordinarily large, but he looks like an ant in front of the flame giant.

The flame giant didn't expect to suffer this sudden attack, but it was just stunned, allowing the Hulk to wave his fist on his head, and just pinch the Hulk and threw it out.

The Hulk got up and seemed to want to challenge the Flame Giant, but was scolded by the one-eyed Thor.

In the end, he had to give up, taking Thor and the Valkyrie and jumping directly onto the spaceship.

Seeing that the flame giant destroyed Asgard into a mess and a sea of ​​fire, suddenly sharp spikes flew out of the water and directly pierced the flame giant.

The surface of the water spread, and Hela, the goddess of death, appeared!

She controlled a huge jet-black spear to continuously stab the flame giant.

 The two orthodox princes who should have defended Asgard ran away, but it was the goddess of death who stood up to stop the suppression of the flame giant...

The Asgardians who don't know the truth boiled again. Such an extensive video image made them shout, the prince and the second prince turned their backs on Asgard!

Even though there are discerning people among them, knowing that the Thor brothers did this to protect the people of Asgard, such people are a minority after all.

Especially when the huge flame giant roared again: "I am the end of Asgard!"

Then he raised the long sword in his hand and stabbed it under his feet!

In a roar, the flame swallowed everything, and the entire Asgard was blown up in the flames...

On the Square, the crowd was completely boiling, and this doomsday scene was unacceptable.

Odin had to come forward to maintain order, which allowed the boiling Asgardians to temporarily calm down, but the impact was undoubtedly far-reaching.

"This is the future of Asgard! But the future can be changed!" Odin raised his arms and shouted. If he could speak with his gunglnir at this time, it would be more convincing. Unfortunately, his artifact was seized.

"King! How do we change the future?"

Someone chanted underneath.

Odin wanted to say that it was enough to rely on me, but he thought of the shame of the public review and apology, which caused him to lose his authority now.

He coughed twice and pointed to the light curtain hanging in the air: " You can all see how amazing this game is. Thor and Loki are working hard for our future! They Can find a way to change the future in this game!"

This quiz game is indeed amazing. It can not only predict the future scene but also make God-king and his two sons obedient.

But the question is, can these two brothers really can win in this game and change the future?

Someone whispered, "If I remember correctly, they answered this question incorrectly, or are they negative?"


In the eternal space.

The two brothers Loki and Thor did not look good on their faces. On the one hand, the video broadcasted the future, which gave them a strong sense of crisis.

On the other hand, the first question was answered incorrectly continuously, resulting in severe deductions, and it was very difficult to get a positive score.

Of course, Steve and Bucky of Team B are also losing points right now, but they are better than them.

[ "Team B will answer the second question, please select the question from B!"]

The thick and indifferent voice reached his ears, and Loki said uncomfortably: "This is too unfair to us, the rules of the game are not transparent, and the first team to pick the problem will suffer!"

Thor also nodded, and grinned at Steve and Bucky of Team B: "Although you are leading, for the time being, the final winner must be us!"

"Who knows," Steve responded casually and then flipped through the light curtain in front of him.

Questions came into view, which shocked him, but also make him very confused.

"How many main members are in the Avengers?"

"What color is Tony Stark's favorite underwear?"

"Who led the chitauri army to war on the earth?"

"Who is behind the battle of New York?"

A series of questions are constantly refreshing like a waterfall. Steve gets more and more confused as he looks at it. He has been frozen for decades and has no idea what the current earth is like.

But what he cares about most is the safety of the earth.

At this time Bucky said: "I don't know which question to choose, but I want to get answers to many of the above questions."

They can now confirm that this quiz game can indeed predict the future. In that case, Bucky certainly wants to know his future situation.

Steve nodded: "Me too, but we have to consider answering the question correctly."

This also made him guilty. The questions on are very strange, and he can't find any questions that can be answered correctly.

More importantly, they don't have much time to choose. Bucky simply gave up: "Steve, you choose, I believe you!"

Steve didn't have time to reply. He quickly browsed through all the weird questions, and finally, when the countdown was about to end, he picked one: "What triggered the Battle of New York?"

Steve is very unfamiliar with this question, but he feels that whether he can answer it right is not important, what matters is the future predicted by this question!

In the memory of the first half of his life, the things he thought about most were war-related. The cruel war that swept the world at that time brought disaster and pain to countless people.

so he is also the most sensitive to war.

If there is a war in New York, does it mean that their homeland has been invaded?

Steve doesn't care if he can answer the question successfully, he just wants to understand what will happen in the future, and find a solution, or avoid such a future.

[ "Team B asks, what caused the Battle of New York?"]

[ "A: Cosmic Cube,

B: Eye of Agamoto,

C: Sky Mothership,

D: Ark Reactor."]

When this question appears in the light curtain, it will be difficult for the people watching the live show on the earth to calm down. The previous question has nothing to do with them. It is just like watching an open-air movie.

This question is directed to the earth, the battle of New York!

Will there be a war in New York?

Nick Fury's gaze is focused on the C Option Space Mothership, which is a secret technological creation of their S.H.I.E.L.D., and it can be called the most powerful battle fortress today.

Could it be that this secret was exposed and caused a war?