exposed conspiracy

"The Battle of New York? Why is there my Ark reactor... Is there anyone coveting my technology?"

Tony Stark looked at the light curtain in the sky a little confusedly.

He has rushed to the place where Steve and Bucky were before, and Nick Fury has taken control of the situation here. Nick Fury has been persuading him not to be impulsive since they met.

Tony is finally calmer now, and the new questions given by the quiz game make him very concerned.

Nick Fury put his arms around his chest, glanced at him, and asked, "What do you think is the answer to this question?"

"There is no clue information, how do I know?" Tony shook his head, then stared at Steve and Bucky in the light curtain, and snorted, "No matter what the answer is, I hope they chose the wrong one."

In the eternal space.

Steve and Bucky are also analyzing the answer to this question. Bucky said in a deep voice, "I think we should choose A. Hydra once got the cosmic Cube, and they also value this treasure!"

Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra and turned into a tool of murder. Certain secrets naturally did not deliberately conceal from him. Under normal circumstances, Bucky's memory has been brainwashed many times, and it is completely a paste.

But in this golden beam of light, he can remember all the details that happened in the past.

Perhaps he has a good heart, Steve also focused on A, but just as he was about to answer, the countdown ended, and Loki took the lead in answering: "I choose A!"

Coincidentally, Loki also heard of the cosmic Cube. This treasure was once Odin's trophy, and it was Odin who hide it on the earth.

Steve glanced at Loki and then chose A.

[ "Team A wins 2 points for a successful answer and 1 point for team B!"]

This time there was no moth. Both teams answered the questions correctly.

"If I remember correctly, the Cosmic Cube should have sunk into the ocean like me... Bucky, did you find the Cosmic Cube when you were searching for me?" Steve lowered his voice and asked while staring intently at the light curtain.

He now knows how to play this game. After the answer is over, the light curtain will play a video that looks like the future to verify the correctness of the answer.

Steve cares most about this video. As for whether he can score a question, he doesn't care much.

But the two brothers were cheering and shouting at the moment. The first question was too bad. Not only did the points be deducted as negative points, but they were also struck by lightning.

And just as they cheered, the light curtain also started playing a video as usual.

The background of the video looks like an underground laboratory.

Two men appeared in the picture, a bald middle-aged man, and a bald black man. It was the director, Nick Fury.

Nick Fury opened a suitcase with a strange blue crystal in it.

The middle-aged man seemed to be fascinated by this beautiful blue crystal, "What is this?"

Nick Fury smiled: "Infinite power, Doctor."

he said solemnly: "If we can work out how to use it, maybe we can get unlimited energy!"

On Earth, Nick Fury looked at himself in the picture and felt very strange. As a spy, he was very unaccustomed to being exposed like this.

Tony next to him chuckles: "It looks pretty photogenic, the contents of the box are the Cosmic Cube? Infinite energy? You are not afraid that it is Pandora's Cube?"

Nick Fury ignored him, but in a deep voice he ordered, "I want all the information about that doctor, right now!"

In the picture, Dr. Eric Selvig seemed to be in a daze, but in the mirror beside him, another person-Loki appeared!

Loki's mouth curled up, his smile was sinister and cunning, and he said to Dr. Eric in the mirror: "Try it!"

An unexpected thing happened, and Dr. Eric also smiled at Nick Fury, "Try it."

Under the light curtain, Nick Fury, Tony, and the others looked at each other, smelling the breath of conspiracy.

Bruce was also among them, rubbing his chin with his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Soon, this Loki will surely cause trouble to the earth."

"It's already obvious, Loki is eyeing the cosmic Cube!" Tony also saw the problem from this video.

In the golden beam of light, Thor squinted at Loki, "This is another conspiracy by you, right?"

"Maybe." Loki smiled at him. "Maybe it's just a joke."

There is a smile on his face, but he is muttering in his heart, damn, this video will not expose his plans and conspiracies, right?

The video continues to play in the light curtain, but it becomes another segment.

The background is also in a laboratory. The cosmic cube is embedded in a set of technological equipment. Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light bursts out.

The light beam opened the door to the colorful starry sky!

Loki descended with a scepter in hand, and the car overturned everyone on the scene effortlessly. At this time, the end was given to the other side of the starry sky gate.

they saw a huge battleship suspended in the vast starry sky of the universe. Inside the battleship were densely packed alien warriors. They held weapons and looked hideous. They seemed to be ready to invade the earth!

The light curtain goes black, and the video ends here.

The crowd under the light curtain was quiet for a moment, and then a noisy noise broke out.

"You all see it? The aliens are about to invade the earth! I didn't make a mistake, this game is a warning from the aliens!"

"Wait, isn't Loki holding the scepter? How could he have anything to do with aliens?"

"Idiot, Loki led aliens to invade the earth. Hollywood movies are made like this. Haven't you seen it?"

"The end of the world is coming! Look at that huge battleship, we can't stop it at all!"

"We have a nuclear bomb!"

"Nuclear bombs will also destroy ourselves!"

Faced with the huge-shaped battleship, panic has grown in the crowd. At this moment, they finally understand what the battle of New York refers to.

Nick Fury looked serious: "cosmic cube was originally a transmission channel connecting the universe..."

"Can we win this war?" Tony frowned. With his eyes, of course, he could see that the space battleship was very high-tech.

that is at least higher than the current average level of technology on the earth.

"I don't know, but now that we see the future, there is hope to change all of this." Nick Fury was calm, "Steve did a good job. He found a hidden danger for us."

"...In fact, this future has been changed." Bruce reminded, "Don't you forget, Loki has been deprived of all his power?"