Ego the living planet

In the light curtain video, Peter Quill's biological father, Ego, appears, he is a mysterious man. Roaming in space on a spaceship, he smashed dozens of warships with a single hand. What's more, he is very rich and owns a beautiful planet!

In the camera, Ego said lightly: "I'm just a god."

Not only Peter Quill and Gamora were stunned, but everyone else outside the light curtain was also extremely surprised. Before this, no one would have thought that the star lord, who was so out of tune and seemed a bit of a fool, was actually the son of a god!

Thor exclaimed: "Frankly speaking, Quill, I really didn't expect you to be a son of God!"

Peter Quill was expressionless at this time, "Hehe, I couldn't think of it either."

He thought of his mother who died of a serious illness. His mother always told others that his biological father came from the stars in the sky, but because of a brain tumour, everyone thought she was crazy and talking nonsense.

When Peter Quill grew up, he also felt that what his mother said was nonsense, but he didn't expect it to be true!

Stephen Strange shook his head: "I finally know why you were able to win this question, son of a God, buddy, you don't look very happy, isn't this good news ?"

Peter Quill shrugged his shoulders: "Suddenly someone came to you one day and said that he was your father who had been missing for more than ten years. He never came back even if your mother died of a serious illness. Can you accept him for that?"

Stephen Strange spread his hands, "Your seriousness makes me feel uncomfortable."

"Really? But this is a very serious matter to me. Guys, you all have parents at least. you can't understand the feelings of a lonely person like me."

If it were someone else and learned that his long-lost biological father turned out to be a rich and powerful god, he would naturally feel like he had won the first prize in the lottery.

But Peter Quill is more puzzled and resentful.

Why did his father leave without saying goodbye, and even when his mother died of illness and needed him the most, he was not by his side?

Why has he been living the life of a predator in another person's hands for so many years?

In the video, the future Star-Lord was not overjoyed by his father's identity as a god, but was more surprised and confused, and asked Ego: "Are you really a god?"

"I'm just a small god." Ego said humbly.

Immediately afterwards, he visited his palace with Peter Quill, Gamora, and Drax, and introduced them to his favourite things.

Ego claims that he doesn't know where he came from, he has been wandering alone in the universe, and after millions of years, he has learned to control the elements around him.

In the process, he continued to become stronger and wiser, and then bit by bit, he built the planet under their feet from nothing! But he was not satisfied with this, he also wanted to find the meaning of life, so according to his imagination, he created a body, which was the ego they saw before their eyes.

In other words, his real body is the planet under their feet!

"Wow, that sounds cool, at least in Asgard, the gods are not formed from planets." Thor marvelled.

Steve Rogers paid more attention to the ego's ability, "The ability to adapt molecules as you like is indeed amazing!"

Stephen Strange said with emotion: "The universe is too big, there are too many things we don't know, there are evil beings like Thanos and Dormammu, and there are also kind gods like Ego and Odin. "

T'Challa looked at the silent Peter Quill, and said curiously: "What timeline do you think this future is from? Is it before or after Thanos attempted to destroy the universe? Since Quill was in big trouble, his father should have come forward to help, right?"

Steve Rogers continued: "I think this future should happen before Thanos got the Infinity Stones. Gamora is an important figure for Thanos to gather the Infinity Stones. Since she is still alive, then Thanos must have not Started the plan to compete for the infinite stones, or his plan is just at the initial stage."

T'Challa nodded and said: "That's the problem, since Quill will first meet his biological father in the future, and since his father is a God who can create a huge planet, in the follow-up battle against Thanos, why Didn't we see him come out?"

Steve Rogers pondered: "This is indeed a question worth thinking about. maybe he was too late, The power of the six infinity stones is too terrifying. As long as Thanos snaps his fingers, he can destroy half of the universe. maybe at that point, no one can stop him, not even the gods."

The previous videos about Thanos left a deep impression on them.

From the almost invincible sense of oppression when the Asgard refugee ship was first destroyed, to the confidence that everything was under his control when he snapped his fingers at the end, it made people feel desperate.

Even in this quiz game, it was revealed that Thor almost killed Thanos, but after thinking about it carefully, Thanos did not fully mobilize the power of the six infinite stones.

The time stone allows him to go back in time, even if he is on the verge of death, as long as he keeps breathing, he can still recover.

In addition, other stones also have a variety of magical and incredible abilities.

It can only be said that the six infinite stones are too strong, even if Thanos was weak, as long as he holds six infinite stones, he is basically invincible!

Hearing what they said, Peter Quill was a little unhappy, "Ego in the video has already said that he lives in a very remote place in the universe, and maybe he doesn't know anything about Thanos!

And if I remember correctly, Asgard also has a god, why doesn't he fight against Thanos? There is also the protection of the Supreme sorcerer on the earth. Why are they not there when Thanos invades the Earth? "

Thor immediately frowned and retorted: "Man, if you see the future exposed by the previous quiz games, you should know that Asgard has experienced the Ragnarork, and father has fallen. This is when Thanos invaded the earth!"