The Last question

Stephen Strange also said: "The ancient one revealed to me that she will pass on the supreme sorcerer position to me in the future, and when Dormammu invaded the earth, I was the only one who stood up. Although it is not clear what happened in the middle. But ancient one definitely had an accident. And Thanos invaded the earth after Dormammu threatened our world, so it is even more impossible for the Ancient One to stand up against him. "

Peter Quill shrugged his shoulders: "Well, I didn't look carefully enough before and didn't pay attention to these details. But it's a bit strange, there are so many powerful characters protecting the earth, and they all lived for a long time. But just before Thanos's attack, accidents happened one after another, isn't it a bit too coincidental? "

T'Challa added: "Or it can be understood in this way. It is precisely because they are not here, and Thanos should have learned about these things from some channels, so he boldly started the plan to compete for infinite stones!"

Thor thought for a while and said, "Speaking of it this way, Quill, maybe your father will also die?"

Peter Quill glared at him: "Dude, if you can't speak well, can you just keep your mouth shut and watch the video quietly?"

Even if he still complains and rejects his father, but after all, he is still his father, so Peter Quill naturally wants to speak for his father.

Thor shrugged his shoulders, and everyone stopped discussing and continued watching the video.

The video in the light curtain is still going on. After Ego briefly introduced his background, he also revealed the reason why he left Peter Quill's mother in the first place.

Because his body is this planet, although he has transformed into a body that is almost identical to that of a human being, but it is not perfect, and there are still some limitations.

Ego couldn't leave his body, which is this planet, for too long, otherwise his changed human body would disappear.

But this statement could not convince Peter Quill, so asked him: "Then why didn't you come to Earth to pick me up, but let Yondu take me away?"

Even if Ego showed his extraordinary identity and ability, he couldn't let Peter Quill feel relieved.

Ego argued that he loved his mother too much. After learning that his mother passed away, he was so sad that he couldn't extricate himself, and he didn't want to go to the earth, where his mother died. It become a sad place for him.

Peter Quill couldn't help shouting: " I just watched her die!"

Ego was speechless now, he looked ashamed, and sighed: "I have existed for millions of years and made many mistakes, Peter, but you are definitely not one of them. Please give me a chance to be the kind of dad she wants me to be! "

Star-Lord watched him reveal his true feelings, and his expression gradually eased. At this time, Ego told him that there are many secrets about this planet and the light in the core of the planet, which he need to know.

Afterwards, ego taught him to sense the energy of the planet's core, release it, and shape it into a ball of light.

This kind of miraculous experience was something that Peter Quill had never experienced before. The light that had no entity turned into a ball in his hands, and he was extremely surprised.

Ego motioned for him to throw the light ball over, and then threw it to him again, and the father and son who hadn't seen each other for a long time played a small game like this, and the video gradually ended amidst their laughter.

"You finally reconciled." Thor shrugged: "Quill, you have to get used to it in the future, those who have lived for countless years, sometimes think differently from us young people, Steve, what you call that In the language of the earth, yes I remember, generation gap, right?"

Steve smiled and said, "You are right, but Thor, I have never seen a young man who has lived for thousands of years. If you count according to the time of our earth, you are also an old man!"

Stephen Strange joked: "Steve, you are not qualified to say that. Although you look young, you are actually over a hundred years old."

"Ahem" Steve coughed twice, "Let's talk about something else, Quill, from this video, you learned supernatural power from your father, but in the battle against Thanos, it seems you did not use it?"

T'Challa crossed his arms and murmured: "From the first half of the video, when ego drove the spaceship to save them, he should have used that kind of divine power to destroy thr dozens of warships in an instant. Quill, this part of the future happened before you fought Thanos. Logically speaking, you should have mastered divine power, why not use it when dealing with Thanos? "

Only then did Peter Quill come back to his senses, and frowned, "Please, these are all things that will happen in the future. If you ask me now, what answer can I give you? Who knows what will happen in the future? Moreover, he also said that his divine power comes from his body, that is, the planet. If he leaves the planet for too long, his divine power will dissipate, even if I finally forgive him, it is impossible to stay on that planet forever. Even though that planet is very beautiful, I still prefer the stars of the universe.

Maybe during my battle with Thanos, I haven't been back to the planet for too long, so I can't mobilize my powers, which makes sense, doesn't it? "

Steve Rogers nodded: "It did make sense."

At this time, the scoreboard was updated. Peter Quill was originally at the top of the list, but now is Doctor Strange. He just answered a question successfully, allowing him to successfully make a comeback from the loser group and become Top of the list.

The second is Peter Quill, Although he missed the first place, it is not impossible to catch up. What's more, this question exposed the identity of his father, which can be regarded as a great harvest.

The third is Steve Rogers, After the whole game, Steve Rogers still carry it out steadily to the end. Now he has 3 points.

The above three are in the winner group, and the loser group is Thor and T'Challa. They have the same points, both of which are two points. Fortunately, the gap between them and the winner group is not that big. They still have hope to make a comeback.

"I answered the last question correctly, but I only got one point. The next question must be answered quickly!" Thor said in a muffled voice.

T'Challa shook his head and said, "I feel like the game is almost over, and there's no chance of a comeback."

Although they are only one point away from Steve Rogers in the winner group, they can only get a high score if they answer the question correctly every time.

Answering also depends on luck. After all, it is a competition between five people, and it is also very risky. If you answer correctly, you will be able to reverse the game, and if you answer wrong, you will be completely finished.

At this time, a prompt was given on the light curtain: ["The last question of this round of quiz is about to begin, players please get ready!"]

The five people looked at each other, cheering up.

Thor complained to T'Challa: "Damn, you really hit the mark. This question must be answered quickly. Hey, guys, can you give me a chance to make a comeback?"

Steve fell silent, and Stephen Strange smiled and said, "That depends on your luck."