
This rollercoaster journey through space has left our Thunder God with no room for experience, only frustration.

He possesses immense power and wields terrifying thunder, but when facing threats from space, he seems utterly helpless, like a fish on the chopping board, at the mercy of others. This feeling is truly terrible.

But soon, Thor jumped up again, "Oh no, something must have happened to Loki over there!"

Loki used space stone to attract Thanos' attention, but they were still being pursued and blocked. Thor was worried that Loki might have been captured by Thanos!

Dr. Banner placed his hand on Thor's shoulder, "Thor, the situation may not be as bad as you think. Hasn't Superman already gone over there? With the help of that man, I don't think there should be any problem."

Although this was a harsh truth, it made Thor feel somewhat frustrated.

At the same time, his younger brother, Loki, was indeed in a precarious situation. The small escape pod he and the Valkyrie were riding in was no match for Thanos' warships.

Even though Valkyrie's piloting skills were excellent, they couldn't shake off Thanos' pursuit. It didn't take long before they were surrounded by Thanos' fleet, and under the menacing gun barrels, they had no way out.

Valkyrie looked at the warships surrounding them from all directions, as well as the massive warship guarded by Thanos in front of them. She said in a low voice, "There's no time, use the Tesseract. I know you can use it to escape!"

Loki took a deep breath, and the Tesseract in his hand continued to emit a brilliant blue light. He could use this artifact, although not very proficiently. But in this situation, he had no choice but to use it.

"I hope Thor and the others are far away," Loki thought, trying to buy some time for his not-so-bright brother, even though he wouldn't admit it aloud. In his heart, he cherished this brotherly bond.

Just as he was about to activate the Tesseract to open a portal, a meteorite from the vast expanse of space raced toward them.

Valkyrie's eyes lit up, "He's coming to help us!"

However, Loki frowned, "So fast? Has he already taken the refugee ship to a safe place?"

The 'meteor' trailing a dazzling light was, of course, Clark Kent, who arrived just in time and received a warm welcome as soon as he appeared.

The densely packed fleet of warships all turned their gun barrels toward him, including Thanos' flagship. They unleashed a torrent of gunfire in an attempt to overwhelm him.

But Clark Kent was no ordinary man.

With a slight smile on his lips, he faced the intense barrage without any signs of retreat. He simply charged straight ahead.

As a result, the deep space lit up with brilliant fireworks, dazzling and breathtaking. The shockwaves from the explosions were like a raging storm.

Some warships that were too close were destroyed by this shockwave. Following that, Superman accelerated and charged directly into the fleet of warships. He single-handedly demolished each one of them most brutally possible.

It was as if he was playing a game of dominoes with these densely packed warships!

However, it was clear that Clark Kent was no insignificant piece.

With a casual attitude, he charged through the intense gunfire and entered the midst of the warship fleet, taking them down one by one with his steel body.

Since this was the case, they might as well deal with the immediate threat in front of them. After all, obtaining the Tesseract was their top priority now!

Under the intense gunfire, Valkyrie desperately maneuvered the ship to evade, and Superman rushed over to share some of the firepowers.

Finally, taking the opportunity to enter the ship's interior, at this moment, Clark Kent had experienced countless barrages, but his body showed no visible signs of injury.

Before coming here, he had spent some time sunbathing...

"Hey buddy, you did a great job..."

Superman raised his hand to interrupt Loki's greeting, "Listen to me. After I count to three, you just activate the Tesseract's portal, and it will take us directly back to Earth!"

Loki raised an eyebrow, "No, I might not be able to do it. Well, I can use it, but without the relevant equipment, it's difficult for me to choose the destination myself!"

Perhaps in a more secure and comfortable environment, Loki could do it, but now, in the midst of a space battlefield, facing the danger of being covered by intense gunfire at any moment, the interference was too great.

Superman placed his hand on Loki's shoulder and said in a deep voice, "My comrade will help you. After three seconds, just activate the Tesseract. That's all you need to do, just do it!"

Loki's mouth moved, but Superman didn't give him a chance to speak and started counting down, "1, 2... Open the portal!"

At the same time, the Valkyrie, who was piloting the ship, couldn't help but curse, "Shit!"

It turned out that Thanos' flagship had already arrived above them and projected a blue beam that clamped down on the escape pod, rendering it immobile, slowly ascending towards Thanos' ship.

Fortunately, activating the Tesseract only took an instant. Although Loki found what this formidable guy said somewhat inexplicable, he decided to give it a try.

And when he opened the wormhole, he immediately sensed a precise coordinate through the Tesseract. Without a doubt, this coordinate pointed to Earth!

What's even more amazing is that he didn't need to do anything. The wormhole connecting to Earth formed on its own as if The Tesseract had gained intelligence and was running on autopilot!

"Oh no, we've been caught!"

Valkyrie shouted, and Superman yelled, "Quick, let's all go through the wormhole!"