Rescue Operation Successful

Thanos' flagship had trapped the small escape pod. But at the same time, under the guidance of Doctor Strange, Loki opened a wormhole using the Cosmic Cube.

"Hurry, come with me!"

Clark exclaimed loudly and then walked into the wormhole without hesitation. Although Loki was full of questions, he didn't hesitate either and followed into the wormhole.

With no other choice, Valkyrie also entered the wormhole; otherwise, they would have been caught in Thanos' flagship.

All three of them entered the wormhole, but it didn't disappear immediately.

Soon, the heavily damaged escape pod was sent into Thanos' flagship. Thanos and the Black Order were fully armed, waiting to capture them.

"Annoying pests!"

Thanos sneered, raised his gloved left hand, clenched his fist, and slammed it down on the small escape pod. In that instant, the glove with the embedded purple Power Stone emitted a dazzling light.

He decided to blast the escape pod and the annoying pests inside it into smithereens!


Under the impact of the purple Power Stone, the already heavily damaged escape pod was completely destroyed, turning into scattered fragments.

But there was no sign of flesh or debris among the wreckage...

Thanos narrowed his eyes, realizing he had been deceived.

Ebony maw muttered and waved his hand, clearing away the wreckage of the ship. They couldn't find a single trace...

He cautiously said, "Master, they must have used the Cosmic Cube to escape, but I don't think they have the right tools. They might not have gone too far, and they might have even transported themselves to some desolate place."

Thanos remained expressionless, but it was clear to everyone that he was in a terrible mood, a very terrible one.

"I will find them!" Thanos clenched his fist suddenly and looked around. "But before that, we need to go to... the Void."

The failure of the plan to acquire the Space Stone forced Thanos to make some changes in his upcoming actions.

He had originally planned to acquire the Space Stone and use its teleportation for high mobility, splitting his forces. One group would go to Earth to collect the Mind Stone and Time Stone, while the other would collect the Reality Stone and Soul Stone.

If it weren't for the interference of Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel, Thanos' plan would have undoubtedly gone smoothly. But now, it was not possible. Between Earth and space, Thanos chose to conquer the latter first.

Naturally, the Black Order would not go against his wishes. They all kneeled immediately, pledging not to disappoint their master again.

On the other hand, Loki, Clark, and Valkyrie returned to Earth safely, arriving at the Avengers' base in New York.

Loki didn't have time to assess the surroundings; he was immediately drawn to the man in front of him, or rather, to what the man held in his hand.

It was a deep blue gem. At first sight, Loki recognized that this blue gem was from the same source as the Cosmic Cube in his hand!

"Why are there two Space Stones?" Loki looked astonished, scrutinizing the man holding the Space Stone. "Did you use this Space Stone to lock onto the coordinates of the wormhole? No, how can you directly manipulate the power of the stone?!"

The man in front of him was none other than Bruce Wayne, the Batman, who had devised a plan for Doctor Strange to open the Cosmic Cube and create a portal to Earth.

There seemed to be some hidden connection between different Infinity Stones, but the connection between the two Space Stones was even closer. This allowed Bruce Wayne to easily use his own stone to lock onto the coordinates of Loki and help them escape danger and return to Earth.

In response to Loki's question, Batman casually replied, "Because this is my infinity stone."

Then, he turned to Clark and said, "Well done, Clark!"

Loki was annoyed by Batman's attitude but was more concerned about something else at the moment. "We're back, but what about Thor? And I'm sure Thanos won't give up; he will come after us!"

Clark Kent patted Loki on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Bruce has it all planned out. I think you'll be reunited with your brother soon. your relationship as brothers is quite something."

Loki blushed and retorted, "No, I'm just worried he'll embarrass Asgard!"

Valkyrie laughed, "Everyone knows you're worried about Thor, Loki. There's no shame in admitting it."

Clark Kent repeated, "In any case, don't worry about them; they'll be on Earth soon."

While rescuing Loki, Clark maintained contact with Thor and the others, informing them that they didn't need to come to their rescue. They just needed to bring the spaceship to Earth.

Calculating the time, the Asgardian refugee ship should be arriving soon.

Sure enough, at that moment, Captain Marvel returned with the Asgardian refugee ship in tow. Seeing this up close, after having seen it from a distance in space, was even more astonishing.

The sizable ship seemed as if it had been made of paper and was effortlessly brought to a safe landing by Captain Marvel.

The hatch opened, and the relieved Asgardian refugees rushed out. They had been through a lot of fear and anxiety on their journey, and now, there was nothing more joyful for them than setting foot on solid ground.

The Avengers' base was well-prepared, with Nick Fury coordinating the reception of these extraterrestrial refugees.

Natasha followed Fury, raising an eyebrow. "This is no longer just an international incident. Are we really prepared to embrace the new era of space?"

Nick Fury crossed his arms and nodded towards Captain Marvel, then glanced at Black Widow. "We don't have a choice. Thanos is coming."

Black Widow sighed, "Indeed, what happened today is just... too incredible. You're right; we have no choice."

As Superman rescued Asgardians in space, Player Iron Man and Player Captain America, along with Batman, Wonder Woman, and others, were not idle. They had to contact other Avengers and also communicate with the authorities to prepare adequately before Thanos' impending attack.

Player Iron Man and Player Captain America worked together, reuniting scattered Avengers with the help of Doctor Strange.

Batman and Wonder Woman stayed in New York, liaising with Nick Fury and handling official matters while remotely commanding Doctor Strange's actions.