Loki shocked

Hard work pays off.

With their efforts, Clark Kent and Captain Marvel ultimately teamed up successfully, rescuing both Thor and the refugees from Asgard!

Of course, the important significance behind this is not just the bolstering of the resistance against Thanos's alliance but also a clear change in the future of the tragedy!


Thor was the last to disembark, and he quickly found his brother and the Valkyrie, ensuring their safety. "I was worried you might have teleported yourself into the sun."

Loki smirked, "I'm not you; why would I do something so foolish?"

Valkyrie leaned in, asking in a low voice, "I feel like there's still a hidden story here, Thor. Earthlings seem to know more about Thanos than we do."

Thor shrugged, "No need to be too concerned; it's not a bad thing."

Nick Fury, after a brief greeting with Carol Danvers, approached and cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, I know you've just been through a tough battle, and you're tired, but we do have other missions to attend to."

Thor nodded solemnly, "I understand. If we don't do something, Thanos will quickly lead his massive space fleet here!"

There was still much for them to do. Fury led them to the conference room, where the Avengers and the players were gathered. Even retired Hawkeye was fully armed and ready for battle.

Natasha spoke softly, "I should apologize for disrupting your peaceful retirement."

Clint glanced at Captain America, who wasn't holding a shield, and said in a low voice, "Only through effort can we protect a peaceful and good life... we all know that, right, Natasha."

He had been invited by Captain America, the player version. After watching the future video that Steve showed him, Clint Barton had no hesitation.

Even in the future, he had ultimately protected his peaceful and happy family, but he had paid a painful price, losing his dear friend, Natasha Romanoff.

Now, there was a chance to rewrite that tragedy, and he wouldn't give up, no matter what.

"Wow, what do I see? Two Iron Men, two Captain Americas... Don't tell me there's another Thor here!"

Loki, upon entering the conference room, quickly noticed something amiss.

He had just seen two Iron Men and two Captain Americas, and to be honest, for a moment, he even suspected that one of these identical-looking Avengers might be an imposter.

Because he was quite skilled at and enjoyed such tricks.

Thor, equally surprised, looked at Clark by his side and asked, "Can someone explain this to us?"

Clark Kent smiled, "Don't worry, you'll soon understand the truth behind all this."

Director Fury clapped his hands, signalling everyone to take a seat. "I know you may still have some doubts, but we don't have much time. Perhaps in the next moment, Thanos and his fleet will appear in the sky!"

The Avengers and the player versions of the heroes had serious expressions, except for Loki, who seemed less serious. He sat between the two Captain Americas, occasionally glancing at the one on the left with a beard and then the one on the right with a smooth chin.

He chuckled softly, "It's incredible, but I genuinely believe that you are all Steve Rogers, and not imposters. Let me guess, one of you is from the future?"

The player version of Captain America chuckled softly, "You'll find out soon."

The bearded Captain America didn't answer Loki's question but instead looked at his other self and said seriously, "I still think we shouldn't let this guy stay here. He's caused us a lot of trouble before!"

"We've discussed this already... Loki, well, I can't guarantee that he is a good man now, but at least we have a common enemy!"

Player Steve Rogers shook his head and added, "Sometimes, making a change is a good thing."

Two Captain Americas from different timelines, with vastly different experiences and encounters. Of course, for the player version of Steve Rogers, this timeline's version had no secrets.

He had already seen everything that the other Steve had experienced through the quiz game.

But even so, he knew that he couldn't simply equate himself with this timeline's Steve; they had some differences, which was perfectly normal.

Like the matter of Loki - before this, the local Avengers and other heroes were not keen on letting Loki join their plans. They remembered him as the mastermind behind the crisis during the Battle of New York, the first major crisis they faced after the formation of the Avengers.

In any case, they didn't trust this cunning and deceitful god, but the players had a different perspective. After all, they were facing Thanos, and having an extra force for resistance was an added guarantee.

The bearded Captain America and his other self exchanged glances for a while, but in the end, he shook his head. "No, I still think this guy will bring us trouble. He may not firmly stand on our side. Don't forget, he used to work for Thanos."

Player Captain America shrugged, "His stance will firm up soon."

Seeing the two Captain Americas having a minor dispute because of him, Loki, as the person in question, was quite amused.

He was about to say something when he heard Fury's solemn voice, "As soon as you watch the next segment of this video, you should understand just how difficult our situation is!"

As Fury's words fell, the projection screen in the conference room began playing a video. Just a glimpse and Loki froze on the spot.

The video began with the destruction of the Asgardian refugee ship by Thanos, with Thor and Loki being subdued one after the other.

Loki attempted to feign surrender and launch a surprise attack but was effortlessly choked to death by Thanos, as if squeezing the life out of a chicken, was a very easy kill...

"Is this my future?" Loki was utterly stunned and then shook his head repeatedly. "No, how could I die so insignificantly?"