The Avengers' Grand Gathering

Loki's face was filled with disbelief, just like another Loki from a different timeline. Seeing his own death in the future, both found it absurd and unacceptable.

Is this how the God of Mischief with all his cunning ended up?

Player Steve Rogers next to him said, "This is the normal future. Without Clark and Carol's help, the refugee ship would be destroyed by Thanos, and half of the people on the ship would die at the hands of Thanos, including you!"

The Captain America of this timeline sat up straight, frowning. "Hulk and Thor were defeated by Thanos so easily?"

Before this, he had already learned some information about the future from the players, but he had never seen a video of the future. Now, he truly understood Thanos's strength.

Almost all the other Avengers felt the same way. They had been gathered with some information beforehand, but seeing this video of the future still shocked them.

Of course, the most shocked ones had to be Thor and Loki, the two brothers. They witnessed the disaster that Asgard faced in the future of the normal timeline!

Thor stared blankly at the refugee ship being completely destroyed in purple energy flames, while his future self wept over his brother's body...

The video didn't end there but continued to show scenes of Thanos acquiring other Infinity Stones - the Reality Stone, the Time Stone, the Mind Stone...

In the process, whether it was the Avengers or the Guardians of the Galaxy, they almost all failed miserably in the face of Thanos.

Finally, the mad alien assembled all six Infinity Stones and, when struck in the chest by Thor, initiated the fatal snap!

Half of all life in the universe turned to ashes, including some of the Avengers.

The Iron Man of this timeline widened his eyes. "This future... is even more terrifying than what you told me. Honestly, I'm concerned whether we can really stop this madman."

Player Tony Stark shrugged, encouraging himself. "Of course, you're Iron Man! Even without our help, you and the others can defeat Thanos in the end and change the course of events. With our assistance, we'll ensure a better outcome for this inevitable final battle!"

The video ended, and Bruce Wayne summarized, "Our goal remains unchanged: to prevent Thanos from collecting the Infinity Stones."

The players provided this video from the future not only to confirm their identity and the future they mentioned but also to help the Avengers understand the strength of this formidable enemy.

Following this, Batman outlined his plan, which involved two parts, both centred around the Time Stone.

There were three Stones on Earth: Time, Space, and Mind, which needed protection. Reality and Soul Stones were in space.

According to Batman's plan, they couldn't wait for Thanos to attack Earth. It would be better to take the fight to space or other planets against Thanos.

Thus, the next steps were crucial - contacting the Guardians of the Galaxy. They had experience with space battles, and Gamora was among them.

After seeing the future of the normal timeline, everyone knew that Gamora played a vital role in Thanos acquiring the Soul Stone. Contacting the Guardians would not only enhance their ability to oppose Thanos but also directly prevent him from collecting all the Infinity Stones.

This mission was essential, and Bruce Wayne proposed having Superman and Captain Marvel team up for it. They had already proven themselves in the rescue of the Asgardian refugee ship.

Of course, apart from these two powerful superhumans, Doctor Strange and Thor also planned to go along. Doctor Strange had the ability to create portals for a tactical retreat when needed, and Thor needed to forge his new weapon on Nidavellir.

"Strange, you're carrying the Time Stone. Be careful," Batman reminded at the end.

Doctor Strange shrugged. "My duty is to guard it. Don't worry; the future has completely changed. I can't use the Eye of Agamotto to see the future's outcome anymore, but I believe there's a high probability we can succeed!"

Player Tony Stark raised an eyebrow. "Is that so, Strange? In the normal timeline, you looked at over 14 million possibilities to find a way to defeat Thanos."

Doctor Strange glanced at him. "Regardless, as long as we win this war."

They didn't waste any more time and began executing the plan. Bruce Wayne speculated that Thanos had changed his strategy after failing to seize the Tesseract, not invading Earth as he did in the original timeline but searching for the Reality Stone instead.

Thus, he advised the space-bound team, the Fantastic Four, to avoid the Null Zone during their mission.

The Fantastic Four wasted no time and departed on their ship. Both Superman and Captain Marvel could fly, but Doctor Strange and Thor lacked that ability, so they all took the spacecraft.

While starting up the ship, Thor jokingly remarked, "Maybe letting you carry the ship will make it go faster."

Captain Marvel glanced at him. "We need to conserve our energy to face Thanos."

Superman smiled and added, "But if it's necessary, I'll do it."

Doctor Strange looked through the window at Earth receding into the distance and said, "I hope everything goes smoothly."

Back on Earth, the Avengers continued their research on Thanos, as this danger, even without the Infinity Stones, possessed formidable power. Players Tony Stark and Peter Parker took the opportunity to teach Spider-Man, not forgetting their primary mission.

Meanwhile, Player Steve Rogers and Falcon, along with Nick Fury and the Captain America of this timeline, went to find Hank Pym and Scott Lang. The Pym Particles were the trump card that allowed the future Avengers to turn the tide. Unfortunately, in the normal timeline, neither Ant-Man nor Pym knew about this crisis, so it was essential to bring them on board.

"Ant-Man? Is this sneaky guy really that important?" asked Falcon on the aircraft.

Player Steve Rogers smiled. "He's crucial. Without him, we probably couldn't have changed the outcome of our future."