new feature: the Recycle Bin

After finally dealing with Thanos, the superheroes fell into a moment of silence.

Stephen Strange broke the silence first: "I've seen beings more powerful and evil than him. Honestly, Thanos isn't purely evil; he's more like an obsessed fanatic, firmly believing in his theory of balancing the universe."

Thor sneered, "He's a cold-blooded maniac!"

Peter Quill shook his head, "I don't want to see another maniac like him again; that would be a catastrophe for the entire universe."

Bruce Wayne thought of Gotham City's Joker and said, "Sometimes, fanatical maniacs can be more dangerous than regular villains. But let me tell you some bad news: even among the multiverse, there's no complete peace. In any case, we should be more careful in the future."

As the victors of this final battle, they could afford to offer forgiveness and assessment of Thanos, especially since he was now gone.

With the war over, the heroes were set to return home and receive their rewards according to the rules.

However, Peter Quill was the first to request his reward for this battle. He had his eye on Thanos's flagship and wore a somewhat helpless expression. "My ship got destroyed, and this one looks decent enough, can I have it?"

Thor patted his shoulder, "We're not fools; Thanos's ship is worth a lot more than your ship."

Star-Lord, feeling unhappy, retorted, "You know nothing about my ship. Our ship is extraordinary! It has accompanied us on countless adventures in the universe. I guarantee that if my ship were intact, it would end up in a museum, revered by thousands!"

Thor shrugged, "My ship was also destroyed, and it was the last home of our Asgardians!"

Only then did everyone understand that even the mischievous Thor had his eyes on Thanos's ship. As they started arguing about it, Bruce Wayne intervened, "Let's deal with these matters after we return to Earth."

The spoils of defeating Thanos were more than just a ship. The most valuable items were the three Infinity Stones on the gauntlet!

Of course, the advanced technology contained within Thanos's warship also had significant value, and there would be negotiations when they returned.

Indeed, upon their triumphant return, they received an official invitation. The Secretary of State invited them to a White House banquet, where they would undoubtedly receive commendations and praise.

However, astute individuals understood that the government's involvement at this time wasn't merely about hosting a celebration. Without guessing, it was clear that they had their eyes on the spoils left by Thanos.

The players had no interest in getting involved in these worldly matters. After defeating Thanos, the quiz game marked the mission as completed, and they couldn't stay much longer.

In the remaining time, whether for a vacation or rest, it was better than dealing with government officials.

But trouble found them anyway. Nick Fury brought an official proposal. First, he expressed gratitude for their help in defending this timeline from an apocalypse, followed by some official talk.

There was one main point: they hoped the players could leave behind some technology and most importantly, teach them the technology to traverse parallel timelines.

Mere words without action weren't convincing, but the government's reasoning sounded grand, such as hoping for technological assistance to navigate through the upcoming crisis.

Among the players, only the straightforward Clark Kent took it seriously; the others scoffed at the proposal.

Before Thanos arrived, the government didn't trust them. During Thanos's presence, the government saw his immense power and wanted reconciliation, but they didn't actually help in the final battle.

Now that Thanos was defeated, they suddenly appeared, as if picking apples after a storm.

Tony Stark, with a wry smile, asked, "Did they consult us at all? I mean, about how to deal with Thanos's spoils."

Nick Fury shrugged, "Tony, you've had dealings with them. You should know what they're capable of. Yes, they've already assumed ownership of those spoils, and they don't care about us, including our opinions. But that's okay; we don't really have to take them seriously. If you want to take the Infinity Gauntlet... I hope you take the whole thing, including the warship. I'll help provide cover for you."

Fury was only here as a messenger for the government and didn't necessarily endorse the government's stance.

Tony Stark nodded, "Right, they're indeed capable of such things... Well, Nick, we won't deceive you. We do need Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet."

Leaving the Infinity Stones on Earth wasn't a good idea. It was better to let them take it. Besides, the more critical reason was that the players discovered a new feature quietly opened by the system after this mission: the Recycle Bin.

They could give some items obtained in missions to the Quiz game for recycling and receive generous rewards.

Of course, not everything could be recycled; it had to be valuable and approved by the Quiz game for recycling.

Among them, Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet was considered the most valuable task-critical item. If they recycled it, they would receive higher ratings and rewards from the game during mission settlement.

The rewards given by the Quiz game had never disappointed, so the players reached a consensus to recycle the Infinity Gauntlet.

Nick Fury had no objections, and even if he did, it wouldn't matter. The Infinity Gauntlet was now in the players' hands.

Otherwise, the government wouldn't have sent him to negotiate with the players.

With everything ready, the players' journey through time and space came to an end.