Civil War between America?

On the second day after the players' return, at the new Avengers base.

Nick Fury was in a video conference with the Secretary of State, The virtual projection of the Secretary of State seemed very annoyed. He pointed his finger fiercely at Nick Fury.

"You actually let them take the Infinity Gauntlet? Nick, have you gone insane?"

This Secretary of State had a notoriously short temper. He used to be a military bigwig and had overseen the plan to capture the Hulk. Over the years, he had managed to get elected as the Secretary of State of America.

Coming from a background of a tough military leader, the current Secretary of State has always held a strong stance against superheroes.

After the Civil War within the Avengers, Captain America had been branded a fugitive, and this Secretary of State was not unrelated to that.

Before the threat of Thanos, the official response had been lackluster, but this Secretary of State had fervently advocated for mobilizing all military forces to wage war against the aliens. However, his proposal faced strong opposition.

What war were they going to fight?

Going to a distant country to fight was a profitable venture, but fighting in your own backyard was a losing game. The politicians of America were well aware of this.

Moreover, they had learned from certain channels that the technology and military power possessed by the aliens far surpassed their own, meaning that this war would likely end in defeat.

It was clearly a losing proposition, and they naturally wanted to avoid it at all costs.

To prevent this Secretary of State from doing something rash out of impulse, they had found an excuse to send him on an overseas visit. However, after the Avengers defeated Thanos, they promptly brought the Secretary of State back and used his tough style and attitude to pressure the Avengers into demanding the benefits and spoils of the Endgame.

Undoubtedly, these politicians had a nature of preying on the weak. In theory, if they could defeat the formidable Thanos, the superheroes would be even more powerful.

But superheroes were good guys. It was a well-known fact that you should aim your guns at good guys if you couldn't bully the evil villains. After all, superheroes won't kill you.

Previously, the signing of the Sokovia Accords had proven that these superheroes with immense power were not that difficult to deal with. All it took was a bit of moral blackmail, such as appeals to justice and freedom, to bring them to their knees.

So what if he was Captain America?

They can turn him into an idol and hero for all of America, but if he doesn't obey them, then they can just as easily brand him as a dangerous fugitive!

Driven by greed and self-interest, the authorities had naturally considered the spoils of war left behind by the Endgame as their own. Even those plump, high-ranking officials had started planning how to use these treasures for their personal gain.

However, they were shocked to learn that the Infinity Gauntlet had been taken by those folks from different timelines!

The Secretary of State was furious, and the conference room was not just occupied by him and Nick Fury. There were also projections of other senators and bigwigs.

After the Secretary of State's initial accusations, the others followed suit, cursing Nick Fury one after another and even accusing him of treason.

Facing this barrage of criticism, Fury remained expressionless and quite calm. He raised both hands after they had finished speaking.

"Everyone, I have to remind you of one fact. The Infinity Gauntlet has always been their spoils of war. While we can intervene in Earth's affairs, I'm sorry, but we can't control or manage affairs in multiple parallel universes."

He felt that these bigwigs had all been driven crazy by their greed and self-interest, or they were used to bullying others on Earth and thought it was okay to extend their influence to another parallel timeline.

Of course, these bigwigs didn't think so. One of the older, bearded gentlemen had a stern expression as he said, "Even if they come from a parallel timeline, aren't they citizens of America? Our eyes aren't blind, they include Tony Stark and Steve Rogers! They should be subject to official supervision!"

Hearing this, Fury almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He coughed twice while covering his mouth. "Sir, your request probably needs to be negotiated with your counterpart in the other parallel timeline and the officials there. I think they probably won't want to give us the Infinity Gauntlet either, right?"

After Nick Fury finished speaking, the conference room fell silent...


They hadn't thought about this issue before. The officials from the other parallel timeline in America weren't pushovers either. Could it be that this would evolve into a civil war in America?

Thinking about two different versions of America fighting each other was indeed an interesting scenario.

The Secretary of State broke the silence and said coldly, "So they just left like that, without leaving anything behind?"

"No, they did leave some very valuable things," Nick Fury replied, seeing their expectant gazes. "They left behind their experience in dealing with various troubles and crises, as well as speculations about the major crisis that may occur in the future. These are all important to us!"

The players didn't just leave without giving anything in return. The Defenders Alliance's mission was to support various parallel timelines and help them resist the encroachment of darkness.

So they shared some valuable experiences from the Quiz game and speculations about a potential multiverse war.

Of course, besides that, they also helped train the Avengers' abilities, especially Spider-Man.

Since they had already done this kind of thing on a previous time travel mission, doing it again was a walk in the park. The Avengers were naturally grateful for this, and they understood the value of these experiences.

However, for these bigwigs who only saw direct benefits and advantages, what the players left behind was not worth mentioning at all.

But no matter how dissatisfied and angry they were, it was of no use. The players had returned, and the Avengers didn't care about their opinions.



The Defenders Headquarters.

Batman and the other five players who had just experienced the time-travel mission had returned to their own world.

"Wow, the evaluation for this mission is unexpectedly high! Haha, I got a total of 600 points and over a dozen blind boxes!" Tony Stark laughed with a big grin.

The others were also very happy, especially Superman and Wonder Woman. They had joined the team temporarily, and after the success of this mission, they had earned over 400 points in rewards.

In the context of the Quiz game, this was definitely a huge sum!