Arthur is Joker!

In the lightscreen video, a new question was displayed: [Question:Among the following options, who is the mastermind behind Arthur becoming Joker? ]

[A: Penny Fleck

B: Thomas Wayne

C: Murray

D: Gotham. City]

Peter Parker, seeing this question, was suddenly stunned. He had just been defending Arthur, believing that Arthur could not be Joker. Unexpectedly, the contradiction came so quickly.

Commissioner Gordon also widened his eyes. He wasn't as convinced as Spider-Man that Arthur wasn't Joker, especially after Bruce Wayne confronted Arthur.

But now, after the Quiz game question, it was confirmed that Arthur is Joker, and Joker is Arthur!

Outside the light screen, other spectators were also in an uproar. They had just witnessed the chaotic and evil duel between Joker and Batman, and many were still shaken. They didn't expect Joker to appear in this round of the Quiz game!

Especially the old viewers of the Quiz game were extremely surprised:

"How is this possible? Joker, this madman, why would he be selected as a player in the Quiz game? Hasn't the Quiz game always chosen superheroes as players?"

"Oh my God, I dare not imagine, Joker, this madman, if he wins this game and gets those magical rewards, how much threat will he bring to the whole world!"

"Batman, Iron Man, and Captain America have all gained magical and powerful abilities from the Quiz game. It's what they deserve; justice should receive assistance. But why should the evil Joker also be able to participate in the Quiz game?"

"This is terrifying! I just sympathized with Arthur, and now he turns out to be that creepy Joker... God, I sympathized with a terrorist, I must be crazy!"

Old viewers and players knew that the Quiz game had brought great help to the righteous superheroes. Apart from the mysterious rewards, it had helped them and their worlds overcome many crises and challenges, avoiding many tragedies.

So in their minds, the Quiz game undoubtedly stood on the side of justice. That's why Spider-Man insisted that Arthur could not be Joker, and the old viewers were shocked and horrified.

Because this broke their consistent understanding of the Quiz game. But some rational viewers said, "The Quiz game has never stipulated that only good people, superheroes, are chosen as players. Joker is not an exception. Before him, didn't Loki also was also selected as a player?"

"Yeah, you're right. Our concerns are unnecessary. After becoming a player, Loki also received rewards from the Quiz game. He is a villain, but he didn't cause chaos anymore, right?"

"No, you're wrong. Loki and Joker are not the same. Loki has already turned over a new leaf. We have seen his future video, and he eventually defeated the Time Variance Authority! From that video, it's clear that Loki has started to become better!"

"I'm not just worried about Joker. Now that the Quiz game allows Joker to be a player and participate in answering questions along with superheroes, and have the chance to get mysterious rewards, what if other villains also come to answer questions in the future? Like Thanos."

After the revelation that Arthur is Joker in the Quiz game, the audience begins a heated discussion. But some were prepared, whether it was Batman from the Eternal Space answering questions or Batman from the Justice League, they had similar speculations.

"Bruce, this is bad. Joker can actually participate in the Quiz game. I'm worried that in the future, other villains will also step onto the stage of this game." Dr. Banner said with a worried expression.

Before Bruce Wayne could speak, he added, "Don't compare Loki and Joker. We all know that Loki and Joker are not the same kind of people. Loki at least has the conscience of a normal person. He feels guilty, self-blames, and has a sense of responsibility. He can repent. But Joker? This complete madman only brings chaos to the world. You're aware of this, right, Bruce."

Bruce Wayne remained silent. Of course, he understood Dr. Banner's meaning.

As players who had benefited from the Quiz game, they were naturally more aware that winning the Quiz game would bring great benefits.

Not to mention other things, the space-time portal they jointly possessed was a Multiverse strategic-level reward, allowing them to travel between different parallel timelines!

If Thanos or other powerful beings like Dormammu or Darkseid were to master this door, the harm they would cause to the multiverse would be even more terrifying than the behind-the-scenes controller of the Time Variance Authority, the Conqueror Kang!

Even without the time-traveling portal, the Quiz game's point store could directly purchase infinity stones. If one day Thanos became a player, he wouldn't have to struggle to collect the Stones anymore.

Dr. Banner's worry was not just about one Joker but the fear that opening this door might allow other villains like Thanos to step onto the stage of the Quiz game.

For these superheroes who uphold justice, this is definitely not a good thing.

"Maybe the situation is not so bad." Facing Dr. Banner's worried eyes, Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice, "The Quiz game is now mainly based on competition. Winning brings rich rewards, but losing the game also comes at a heavy cost. Moreover, Arthur's performance in the Quiz game doesn't seem as crazy as Joker's. And in his future video, there are differences in his behavior compared to Joker. I mean, at this point in time, Arthur may not have fallen into Joker yet."

After speaking, Bruce Wayne raised his chin, indicating Dr. Banner to look at the light screen in the air.

The question displayed on the light screen also verified his statement. At this point in time, Arthur had not become Joker; otherwise, there wouldn't be such a question.

"Joker is different from other criminals and villains, as he himself said, he is the spokesperson for chaos, symbolizing a chaotic and disorderly ideology. This ideology spreads like a virus, just like how Joker tempted Harvey Dent to fall. So what we need to do is not to eliminate Joker physically but to find this chaotic and disorderly virus and treat it specifically. I think the upcoming correct answer video is crucial. It will give us great inspiration, allowing us to understand how this terrible virus is generated and spreads."

Batman from the Justice League, who has fought Joker countless times, naturally understands this madman very well.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Banner's nervous emotions eased a bit. "So, this seems to be a good thing? Bruce, you are smart, always calm and composed. What do you think the correct answer to this question is?"