Gotham, Breeding Ground for the Criminals

"D: Gotham City, I guess," Bruce Wayne squinted and said.

Coincidentally, in the eternal space, another Bruce Wayne also made the same judgment, "I would choose D if it were up to me."

Among the four players, the fact that Arthur is the Joker was shocking only to the old player, Peter Parker; the other three didn't have much reaction.

So they quickly began discussing the answer to this question, and Arthur also participated in the discussion.

Even though he was a bit overwhelmed before, seeing this question, he acted as if nothing happened. Just a moment ago, he self-mockingly said, "I'm just a Joker, a Joker who can't make anyone laugh. Why are there only four options in this question? I hope to see my name on it. If there is, I would choose Arthur!"

Commissioner Gordon thought A and B were highly probable. One was Arthur's foster mother, and the other was recognized by Arthur as his father. Parents have the most significant influence on children.

Spider-Man asked Arthur about the origin of Murray, and Arthur explained briefly that Murray is a famous talk show host.

The Murray Show is popular in Gotham, and he is Arthur's idol. He didn't understand why Murray's name appeared in this question.

Peter Parker thought for a moment and said, "We need to learn from the lesson of the previous round. Options that seem least likely are often the correct ones. So, the suspicion on C is significant."

"By the way, Mr. Wayne, what do you think should be chosen for this question?"

Bruce Wayne also made his choice; he thought it was D: Gotham City.

Peter Parker raised an eyebrow, "Option D? The first three options are individuals and option D is just a city."

"What kind of flowers grows on the soil is important, whether it's a flower of goodness or evil, it needs suitable soil," Bruce Wayne said with deep meaning. "Arthur is the Joker, but Joker is not just Arthur."

Arthur just smiled slightly, "Is there a possibility that the sick person is not me or my mother, but the city itself?"

"Of course, not only is this possibility there, but it is also very high," Bruce Wayne nodded.

Peter Parker added, "Mr. Wayne, you are much smarter than me. I'll go with D just like you."

At the same time, the countdown to answer began, and they didn't have much time to think. They had to press the answer button under the countdown's urging.

In the end, Arthur got the right to answer and licked his lips with some joy, "Batman, are you curious about how Joker was born? For this question, I choose D!"

Bruce Wayne frowned and shook his head, "No, I just hope to completely eradicate the soil that breeds Joker."

He and Commissioner Gordon and Peter Parker all chose D. As a local in Gotham, Commissioner Gordon had a deep understanding of Bruce Wayne's statement about 'evil soil breeding evil flowers.'

Why is the criminal influence in Gotham so deeply rooted and hard to eradicate? Taking down one crime boss will just lead to another successor. Many viewers felt regret after seeing the future video, believing that without Joker's interference, Batman and Harvey Dent, along with Commissioner Gordon, could lead Gotham out of darkness into dawn!

But if one thinks rationally, this is just a possibility. Gotham's problems are not that simple. It's like a patient on the verge of death. Batman is a potent medicine, Harvey Dent is a mild medicine, and Commissioner Gordon is a tonic.

These three medicines complement each other and can indeed cure the disease. However, the 'patient' needs time to recover, and other complications may arise, worsening the condition.

In short, if the Batman trio cannot fundamentally eradicate the roots of darkness and chaos, then there will be no dawn in the darkness!

All players made their choices, the countdown ended, and the correct answer was announced.

[Congratulations to player Arthur for the correct answer, earning 4 points]

[Players Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker, and Player Jim Gordon answered correctly, earning 1 point each]

The correct answer was indeed D.

Commissioner Gordon, relieved, gave Bruce Wayne a subtle look, indicating that he should be cautious in the upcoming questions and not reveal the correct answers to Arthur.

Before it didn't matter much, as they were all competing, but with the revelation that Arthur is the Joker, they are no longer on the same side. Caution is now necessary.

Bruce Wayne remained expressionless, unaware or indifferent to Gordon's warning. However, Arthur noticed Gordon's subtle gesture and grinned, "Commissioner Gordon, if you have something to say, you can say it directly. I won't mind, I promise."

Gordon raised an eyebrow and sternly said, "I'll be watching you!"

"Suit yourself."

Peter Parker, witnessing this, moved his lips as if wanting to say something but ultimately stayed silent.

Surprisingly, Bruce Wayne, instead of being cautious, rounded off the situation, "In the end, this game relies mostly on luck. With a clear answer, whoever can successfully answer first has a higher chance of winning. No need to overthink it."

Turning to Arthur, he said, "You know you've grasped a chance for yourself, right? So, work hard on answering questions; maybe you can become the winner."

This unexpected encouragement from Bruce Wayne left both Gordon and Peter Parker somewhat surprised. Before, it was Peter Parker encouraging Arthur. Now that Arthur's identity as the Joker is confirmed, caution is warranted.

While Bruce Wayne seemed unresponsive, Arthur himself was a bit astonished or pleasantly surprised. Coming from someone as cold as Bruce Wayne, these words of encouragement were particularly heartwarming.

At that moment, the video revealing the correct answer began playing on the screen. Outside the screen, the previously arguing audience fell silent, anticipating the video.

Truth be told, they were both frightened and curious about Joker. A madman like him evoked fear, yet they were intrigued by the story behind this eccentric character.

Soon, the screen started playing the video with the correct answer. In the footage, Arthur was applying clown makeup to his face, which was part of his job.

Meanwhile, the radio was reporting news about a sanitation workers' strike causing mountains of garbage to accumulate in Gotham.