The Temptation of the Green Goblin

The Quiz game exposed the details of the Green Goblin, causing a sensation in New York and Osborn Industries. Before this, no one would have thought that the villainous boss, the Green Goblin's real identity, was actually a wealthy tycoon.

"Oh my God, this is terrifying! I even attended his funeral. At that time, I only heard that Norman Osborn was attacked by criminals and died. I never thought his true identity was the Green Goblin!"

"This is not the future of our world, Because Norman Osborn has been dead for a while."

"From the moment Peter Parker was chosen as the player, the future of our world has changed. Obviously, this video is from the original timeline."

"Does that mean if Peter Parker wasn't chosen as the player, our situation would be dangerous?"

"Isn't that obvious! What do you think is the value of the Quiz game? It allows us to avoid many tragedies and dangers!"

After the Quiz game exposed Peter Parker as Spider-Man, he received a system task, and the Green Goblin died as a result.

So the Green Goblin is not as 'famous' in this timeline. From another perspective, the Green Goblin hadn't had the chance to commit the crime before being dealt with by Spider-Man.

In the recent future video, the Green Goblin wiped out the board of directors of Osborn Industries with a pumpkin bomb, leaving them terrified. They feel fortunate to have escaped with their lives.

Outside the video, Among the directors, some with hot tempers immediately cursed, expressing the desire to dig up Norman Osborn's body and desecrate it. Of course, this was just talk, but someone was indeed angry enough to seek revenge on Norman Osborn's son, Harry Osborn.

Harry Osborn, at this moment, was watching the live broadcast of the Quiz game on the balcony of his mansion, originally holding a glass of red wine. Now, the wine glass and the precious red wine were scattered on the ground. His face was pale, and he looked incredulously at the holographic screen in the air.

"How is this possible... my father, how could he be such a monster?"

In Harry's impression and memories, his father was an extraordinary person, not only achieving success in science but also founding Osborn Industries.

Regardless, in Harry's eyes, his father, Norman Osborn, had an incredibly bright image. When he learned of his father's death, it felt like the sky had collapsed, and he still couldn't overcome the grief.

Unexpectedly, this Quiz game dealt him another heavy blow. His father is already dead, why does he have to be publicly vilified and humiliated?

While watching this future video, Harry's initial reaction was anger, unable to accept that his father could be a homicidal maniac. However, after watching the whole story, he had to accept this reality.

But he still believed that his father was also a victim. If it weren't for the military and the company's board of directors being so forceful, his father wouldn't have resorted to experimenting on himself, becoming a guinea pig!

Moreover, at this moment, he realized another point: "Since my father is the Green Goblin, there must be another hidden truth behind his death!"

Before this, Harry had always found his father's death suspicious, and he had tried to investigate, but he found nothing. Now, through this Quiz game, he believed he might finally uncover the true cause of his father's death!

At this moment in the video, Norman Osborn had completely fallen, and his two personalities reached a consensus. His ambition expanded to the point of wanting to rule New York and even the entire world. The only one who could stop him was Spider-Man, another extraordinary being.

Spider-Man acted as a vigilante in New York, swinging between skyscrapers with webs and wearing a mask, remaining mysterious. No one knew his true identity.

The Daily Bugle often released high-quality photos of Spider-Man, as if the reporters always arrived at the scene whenever Spider-Man appeared.

This was quite normal because the reporter providing Spider-Man's photos was Spider-Man himself...

In the future video, Norman Osborn, of course, didn't know this. However, he sensed that the relationship between the Daily Bugle and Spider-Man was unusual. So, he raided the newspaper office, directly using force to threaten J.Jonah Jameson and demand Spider-Man's whereabouts.

Coincidentally, Peter Parker was in the office. He quickly changed into his costume to rescue J. Jonah Jameson, but he didn't anticipate that the Green Goblin was well-prepared. Taking advantage of Spider-Man's inexperience, he knocked him unconscious and carried him away like a damsel in distress.

As a result, the J.Jonah Jameson didn't appreciate it. He turned around and accused Spider-Man and the Green Goblin of being accomplices. No one knew what was going on in this guy's mind. Seeing this segment, the audience couldn't help but criticize.

Meanwhile, the Green Goblin took Spider-Man to the rooftop using a glider. He believed that they, as extraordinary geniuses, should rule over the millions of ordinary people in New York.

He also lectured Spider-Man, telling him that his superhero career had no future. People may praise him now, but it's just a fleeting moment. What these ordinary people love to see the most is the downfall, death, and failure of heroes. They won't fully accept or trust you.

His words were not entirely baseless. The recent false accusation by the Daily Bugle against Spider-Man and the Green Goblin proved what the Green Goblin said.

Spider-Man was still under the influence of drugs, appearing drowsy. The Green Goblin wasn't in a hurry to make him make a choice. After some threats, he flew away on his glider.

The next day, the front page of the Daily Bugle directly claimed that Spider-Man and the Green Goblin were in cahoots. This was not an isolated case; even the police began to hunt down Spider-Man.

Spider-Man saw his wanted poster on the street and couldn't help but think of the Green Goblin's words of persuasion.

Outside the video, Arthur couldn't help but mock, "It seems it's not just Gotham where I reside that has problems. Peter, it turns out the city you're in is sick, and it's not a mild illness."

He glanced at Peter Parker and then asked Commissioner Gordon, "I don't quite understand. What are you policemen thinking? Why do you always focus on vigilantes or superheroes and always come late or turn a blind eye to the real criminals?"

Commissioner Gordon rubbed his nose, looking somewhat awkward. He wanted to refute Arthur; not all policemen were incompetent or corrupt.

But whether it was in Gotham, where Batman was, or now in New York, where Spider-Man was, the role of the police seemed to be hindering superheroes and vigilantes.