Green Hat?

Spiderman watched as Sandman was engulfed by rushing water, unable to even solidify into a human form. His outstretched hand for help was met with a cold response from Spiderman: 'Rest in peace.'

At this point, many viewers couldn't help but exclaim. They now realized the significant difference between Spider-Man after turning bad and his previous self.

"Oh my god, Spider-Man killed a person. If it were before, he wouldn't do this, even if the other was a criminal, he wouldn't take a life."

"Flint Marko is a criminal, remember, he's a criminal, not worthy of sympathy! Of course, Spider-Man has no right to judge and take his life, but, you know, this is the problem that superheroes bring to society."

"Well, I think this Spider-Man isn't that bad. At most, he chose not to save, but if you think about it, it's not much different from what Batman did to Ra's Al Ghul, right?"

"No, no, no. Batman is unique, and Spider-Man is unique too. But they are different! Batman is the Dark Knight; his style is like that. Spider-Man... at least the Spider-Man in the video was a genuinely kind kid before turning bad."

Green Goblin also died because of Spider-Man, but firstly, he died by his own weapon, and secondly, Spider-Man had no intention of killing him. However, this time with Flint Marko, it's different. Spiderman clearly wanted to kill him to avenge Uncle Ben!

As Bruce speculated in the Eternal Space, the symbiote venom residing in Peter amplified the dark side within him.

And Peter also felt strange; the video version of himself became unfamiliar. In the video, he realized that wearing the black Spider-Man suit changed his demeanor, and his temper became more intense.

Returning to the rented room, the landlord demanded rent. In the past, Peter would have pleaded and asked for more time, but now, Peter shouted at the landlord, "Don't bother me. If you want rent, fix this damn door first!"

The landlord was stunned, and looking at the mirror, Peter, with a dark and irritable temperament, was also stunned. Of course, many viewers felt that this Peter had become more manly...

Peter realized the seriousness of the black Spider-Man suit. Although the experience was peculiar and granted him more powerful abilities, he chose to restrain himself and lock the black suit in a box.

At this moment, the screen paused, and a new question emerged: [Question, did Spider-Man kill Flint Marko?]

[ A: Yes

B: No.]

Gordon raised his eyebrows, realizing something was wrong. "In the video just now, Sandman should be dead, right? He was washed away by water, and Peter even witnessed it."

"Still the same question, if it's that simple, what's the point of asking this?" Arthur shrugged and said in a sarcastic tone: "But Commissioner Gordon, you can continue to insist on your choice."

He was mocking Gordon for his consistent choices, which always failed.

Gordon ignored him, thinking and said, "I remember there were a few questions before that were very simple, and the answers were obvious."

Bruce glanced at him and didn't bother with any suggestive looks. He directly said, "I suggest choosing b - Peter can't kill Flint Marko"

Peter looked conflicted; his emotions were complicated. Considering principles and boundaries, he certainly didn't want blood on his hands. However, Flint Marko was the killer of Uncle Ben.

After taking a deep breath, he said, "I also hope the answer to this question is b. Regardless, Flint Marko should be handed over to the law for judgment, not me."

As the countdown to answer began, the four pressed the answer buttons. This time, it was Bruce who answered first and chose B. The others also chose B. When the countdown ended, the correct answer was revealed.

[ The correct answer is:B ]

[Congratulations to player Bruce Wayne for answering correctly, earning 4 points. Player Jim Gordon, Player Arthur Fleck, and Player Peter Parker answered correctly, earning 1 point.]

Flint Marko surprisingly didn't die. Thinking about it, sand is indeed afraid of water, but Sandman's origin was from a laboratory accident, and nobody knew the exact nature of his body. He might not be killed by water.

After answering the question, the video continued, showing Peter realizing that the black Spider-Man suit affected his emotions. Even after taking it off, the influence persisted. Otherwise, he wouldn't have eagerly shared the news of Spider-Man defeating Sandman with Aunt May.

Of course, part of the reason was his eagerness to avenge Uncle Ben.

Aunt May seemed to have sensed Spiderman's true identity. She earnestly told him that even if Sandman was the killer of Uncle Ben, he didn't have the right to take a life, and Uncle Ben wouldn't want them blinded by the desire for revenge.

Peter pondered. He took Aunt May's advice to heart and apologized to the landlord when he went back, admitting that he shouldn't have lost his temper. He also planned to talk to his girlfriend Mary Jane. That night, she came to comfort him, but he ended up pushing her out. Unfortunately, he couldn't reach her by phone.

"Was Mary Jane not at home?"

Mary Jane was indeed not at home because she went to Harry's house to hang out. She lost her job recently, coupled with the neglect from her boyfriend, and her mood worsened. Harry invited her to relax at his place, and she gladly accepted.

They had a great time, cooking together, reading scripts, chatting about plays, and eventually, they exchanged deep glances and kissed each other...

Seeing this, Peter outside the screen couldn't help but touch his head as if someone put something on his head.