Heartbroken Peter

In the video, Mary Jane and Harry exchanged a deep gaze, unable to resist kissing each other passionately.

Meanwhile, Peter widened his eyes, unconsciously touching his head as if someone put something on his head. His other hand clenched into a fist.

Gordon shook his head sympathetically, advising, "Cough, don't think too much about this Peter. Perhaps she's just a bit impulsive, unable to control her emotions. You know, these things... are unavoidable."

But the impact on Peter was significant. Mary Jane, now his official girlfriend, interacting intimately with Harry didn't sit well with him.

Unable to hold back, many viewers started criticizing: "This woman is a slut! She has Spider-Man's love and still cheats with Harry Osborn. I feel sorry for Peter; he chose the wrong person!"

"I think Harry Osborn is also at fault. He knows that Mary Jane is his friend's girlfriend, yet he still kisses her. That's a betrayal!"

"Enough already, the relationships among these three are a mess. Spider-Man killed the Green Goblin, who was the father of the second Green Goblin. Mary Jane started as the girlfriend of the second Green Goblin and then an astronaut and then again became Spider-Man's girlfriend. It's all so confusing..."

Although opinions varied, some still cursed Mary Jane. Being the high-profile superhero's girlfriend, jealousy and envy were inevitable. Observing Mary Jane's actions, however, raised legitimate concerns.

In the video, Mary Jane didn't go too far. Despite the kiss, she rejected Harry's attempt to escalate things. She left, aware of her wrongdoing, feeling guilty towards her boyfriend.

This relieved Peter as he was genuinely worried about witnessing inappropriate scenes. Peter knew the future video would be broadcast, and the thought of people seeing his embarrassing moment troubled him.

In the video, Mary Jane hastily departed, leaving Harry sitting on the sofa in the living room. Suddenly, he heard a familiar sound and turned to see a portrait of his father, Norman Osborn.

In that moment, everything rushed back to Harry—his father's death, the vendetta with Spider-Man, Spider-Man's true identity, and his own inheritance of the Green Goblin's legacy. He remembered the fall that caused his amnesia.

Now, Harry recalled everything, especially how Peter deliberately concealed these truths from him, fueling a growing resentment. A sinister smile appeared on Harry's face as he harbored newfound hatred.

Watching this, Peter sighed. His once-close friend was spiraling down a dark path.

Gordon cryptically commented, "Hatred truly changes a person."

Peter, hearing this, glanced at him, understanding that Gordon wasn't just referring to the on-screen Harry but also the black-suited Spider-Man, consumed by vengeance.

In order to avenge Uncle Ben, Peter went a little too far, he was possessed by Venom and turned evil.

Acknowledging Gordon's words, Bruce stared at him, saying, "Hatred indeed changes a person."

In the video, after Harry regains his memory, he was determined to continue seeking revenge against Spider-Man. Having failed physically last time, this time, he planned to take a different approach.

When Mary Jane returned home and heard Peter's voicemail, Harry suddenly attacked. Now dressed as the Green Goblin, he grabbed Mary Jane by the throat, and pinned her against the wall, showing no mercy. He also used Peter as leverage, demanding her obedience.

The next day, during Peter's date with his girlfriend, he received a shocking blow—she broke up with him. Poor Peter, holding a bouquet, even planned to propose to Mary Jane, but she coldly revealed that she fell in love with someone else, leaving Peter devastated. And not far away, Harry watched this scene with a smile on his face. It's clear that Mary Jane dumping Peter was orchestrated by him, manipulating her through threats to mess with Peter's emotions.

In a coffee shop, heartbroken Peter confessed to his friend Harry about his romantic troubles. Unaware that his friend was behind his misfortunes, Peter shared his pain.

Harry, still pretending to have amnesia, patiently listened before revealing Mary Jane's unemployment. Peter shocked and unaware, asked why she told Harry instead of him, after all, he was her boyfriend and not Harry.

After watching the entire future video, viewers, including players, understand the misunderstandings involved. Mary Jane attempted to discuss the matter with Peter several times, but it was disrupted by various incidents.

As the saying goes, no matter what coincidence, this incident has become a weapon used by Harry to stimulate Peter, but the killer move is yet to come.

Harry pretended to accidentally reveal that he was the third person Mary Jane fell in love with. This revelation left Peter unable to handle the situation, and he left the coffee shop in disbelief, with Harry smirking at the success of his scheme.