Joker under the Bat Mask

When Arthur woke up from his dreams, he was greeted by the sight of flames soaring and thick smoke, choking him as he rolled out of bed with tears streaming down his face.

Shouting the names of his parents and little Bruce, he rushed to the adjacent room, only to be met with a heavy blow from the burnt door frame, causing him to faint on the spot.

Upon regaining consciousness in the hospital, wrapped in bandages, Arthur experienced sharp pains with every slight movement. Confused, he gazed at the pristine hospital room. It took him a while to grasp the situation until the loyal butler, dressed in a patient's gown, entered, leaning on a cane.

The butler's face reflected weariness and guilt. Arthur, speechless, anxiously inquired about the family's condition. The butler, maintaining silence for a while, eventually revealed the harsh truth. The fire had claimed the lives of Arthur's parents in their attempt to rescue their sons. Worse yet, young Bruce did not survive the rescue attempt, leaving Arthur as the sole survivor of the Wayne family.

Overwhelmed with self-blame, the butler tearfully explained the sacrifices made to save Arthur and Bruce. Arthur devastated, struggled to comprehend the reality. He had immersed himself in the role of the eldest son of the Wayne family and the joy of a harmonious home. These are the joys that the former madman Arthur could not experience at all. As a result, now, he has been given another blow.

Unable to cope, Arthur slipped into unconsciousness. Months of recovery followed, marked by top-notch treatments, and he finally left the hospital. The fire hadn't destroyed his body, thanks to Wayne's family's wealth, but it left a profound scar on his face.

Looking into the mirror, Arthur solemnly removed the bandages, revealing distorted skin on the lower half of his face. When emotions flared, the twisted features reddened, creating an eerie and ugly grin. Arthur reached towards the scars, but a sudden sharp pain made him retract. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath.

"No, from today onwards, I am Batman!"

He picked up the bat mask from the table and wore it. However, the mask covered only the upper part of his face, leaving his chin and the peculiar 'smile' exposed.

If spectators or players saw his Batman appearance, they would undoubtedly be shocked, exclaiming, "It's over, Joker has become Batman?"

Arthur had discovered that the fire at Wayne Manor was not just a heinous act by thugs; it concealed deeper conspiracies. Moreover, he found the Batcave in the ruins.

Unable to articulate the precise reasons, standing in the Batcave amidst countless bats, Arthur envisioned an unexpected path—I can become Batman!

Since changing Gotham's path with his father proved futile, he decided to try Batman's way. Fueled by revenge and other negative emotions, Arthur followed his inner calling, also seeking to compensate for the loss of his unfortunate brother. Gotham might not have the Joker, but how could it lack Batman?

Becoming Batman was no easy feat, but under the pressure of blood-soaked vengeance, Arthur could endure any amount of suffering. Thus, he embarked on his journey of self-improvement, disappearing from the public eye, seen only by his loyal butler.

Spending years wandering globally, learning various skills, Arthur was diligent. However, some things couldn't be achieved through hard work alone, especially profound knowledge and combat techniques requiring innate talent. Unfortunately, Arthur found his talents to be rather ordinary.

Even if he reluctantly studied and practiced day and night, the results were still mediocre. He felt a bit desperate; it seemed that his impersonation of 'Batman' was truly inadequate. At this rate, even if he dedicated his entire life, he might never become the real Batman.

Relying solely on his abilities and talents, what chance did he have to save Gotham?

But just when Arthur was in a dire situation, he found a solution. Amidst overwhelming despair and pain, he sensed something calling him from deep within. If he listened carefully to those incomprehensible murmurs, Arthur entered a peculiar state.

In this state, his talents and aptitude underwent a transformation. What used to be incomprehensible and difficult to learn, he now grasped with just a glance, quickly mastering and applying the knowledge.

However, this state came with a severe cost. Initially thrilled, Arthur soon realized that indulging in this condition led to mental confusion and inexplicable bursts of laughter...

During these outbreaks, he wore the Batman mask, laughing like a mad Joker.

Arthur immediately understood that deep within him lurked something incredibly dark and terrifying. If unleashed, he would become a madman, a monster!

Yet, without relying on this state, he knew he would never become Batman. In fact, he wouldn't even get close to touching the hem of Batman's cape.

So, Arthur had to simultaneously leverage this eccentric state for learning and find ways to suppress it. After experiencing the joys of a normal life, he was determined not to revert to his former self.

More importantly, he now had a firm belief: to avenge his parents and brother, inherit his father's legacy, and then change Gotham!